a nice man. 9197407436# [June 2005]
Harmless Fouls Travis M Shreve
It all started when I started college. A community college named Nash community college snatched me up and let me learn. I will never forget my best friend Mike was in my class when we would study and trip out on the teachers way of teaching. We were high as hell man, then next thing we knew we were laughing like two kids that were trying not to laugh but could not hold it back. And the teacher is trying to teach us something where we sat and giggled. Man, this stuff is just off the hook! Hardy -har-har -har! Then I heard the teacher say to us in a sorry-assed way to tell him about what he was teaching. I was like what. Then we start scrambling around our book bags trying to make a scene. Damn it! the guy Just Will Not leave us alone, man. The fucker wanted us to spill out our guts of what we thought about the situation. Then I put my foot down and remembered what my father told me to do when something like this happened. Stop and listen to the fucker speak. Then try not to worry about what happened because we all here to learn. The back of my throat was closed because I was trying to stop from laughing and it made me squirm in my seat. Like wise, the teacher was eyeing us down. But, we already knew we were making a scene that was causing others not to learn. That is what I thought had been cut up and put back in the teachers' face. Us doing things to others to distract them. We Knew that the teacher was going to put us on their wish list. The one that makes you, or should I say lets you squirm through the system of getting a college education. I am here for the girls, people come on, now!
I started to speak to this beautiful young girl. She was about my age and my type. I had on those gay assed white jeans on. She knew that I wanted her to just do it with me. I asked her out when I got the balls. She knew that I would fall in love to her. But, she knew her plans way before my time in(her pussy that is). It is a trap. She was so smooth that I could slide a rough edge of something up her arm and it would melt into a warmth that you could remember forever. I will never forget Jessica.
I invited her to my house so I could change my shirt in front of her. Then I got the balls up to ask her if she wanted to be with me. She knew how to make it happen without strings attached. I didn't think she was stupid so I went for her. She told me that she would be with me. One thing led to another, and we were doing it all night, every knight we were together. She was so sweet. I could not stop thinking about how good she was.
That is why I labelled myself as a whipped little boy. She had everything a man could want. That is why she had so many guy friends that I got so paranoid about. I should not have asked her those questions. She was just a fuck through her eyes. I was thinking she was a goddess. She was, but she wanted more. More than I could handle. We slowly deminished into nothing when she started hanging out with her friends who happen to be of the male gender.
So, I just let it be and moved on. What should I do to keep my pride? I joined the coast guard. Fresh out of college, right after 911, I had my truck I had to pay off, anyway. Yeah. That aught to keep you busy for a while. So I am sick of life as it is and I am paranoid that no one loves me.
Then I meet ANDREA. She is the love of my life. I met her in San Diego California. She was riding in a car with her sisters Michelle and Nancy. She was so pretty. I could not resist her loving sensation when I met her. She may have been doing her own things at the time, but I still was attracted to her. She gave me her Phone number when I asked for it. So I was feeling good after that.
So, I ended up calling her. She thought I was someone else. I just played along with what she was saying. I ended up making a date with her. So, I picked her up and she was suprised when I picked her up. She was excited though.
We went to the movies and went to the beach. We got to know each other better. I loved her accent when she talked. She was so sexy. I wanted to be with her all the time. I thought she looked like Cristina Aguilara and I also wanted to get into them panties. I was persistant. She gave in.
Now I have to learn how to be a good husband. It is right. We all have something to learn when it comes to not knowing anything about something. We “never stop learning.” I love these computers. I have to make sure that nothing happens bad. I just like having her around. She is so special to me. I wish sometimes that I could be the right thing for her. I am in a bind right now. I have no skills when it comes to getting money. I piggyback off of my father. I feel so low. I owe so much to him and my mother that I can’t pay them back. I feel worthless. I want them to be comfortable, too. I started a business. And I do not even know what to call it yet. I have been thinking about advertising, but I do not want to get that big. I wonder if there is a way to have a steady flow of cash to redistribute within my community. I would love to just have some fucking cash in my pockets. Change jingling around in with my fingers and have someone look up to me with respect and like what they see. I feel Andrea beside me. She knows how to treat a man. I can’t even fucking believe that she is still here with me. She makes me feel like a man. I love her to death. I cannot picture myself without her. I sometimes have these fantasies though. I have wondered for so long if I could get two women in bed with me. I would love that. I know some people who have. I have a good woman now and that is what I am proud of. I would never leave her in the dust like I almost did. I was just scared. I will never be the same. I know that much.
So I am sitting here typing this stuff down so she will know how I feel about her. I will never leave her. She will have to leave me if something happens. I do not want her to do that. She knows that I do not want her to leave me alone. It feels so good to sit and listen to her talk. She has so much in common with me it is funny. I do not want to treat her bad, but I like to raise my voice sometimes. She will smack me If I really meant to do anything stupid to her.
I have this watch. My sister sold it to me. It is a gold watch that has the echo drive in it. It is nice. I hope that it is going to last me a lifetime. It supposedly is running off of solar energy. It is neat. The only time it won’t work is when it sits in a dark place for five days or more. I doubt that will ever happen. Anything can happen though. Maybe this will be the start of a traditional hand-me-down. Watches are cool.
Many things can happen WHEN YOU ARE IN AMERICA.
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