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Short Stories

A Streetlight Story by A Panos A very depressing story. Don't judge it by that though. The ending is up for interpretation... [2,216 words]
The Small Black Object by Michael G Barbieri A soldier in a battle fatally wounds an enemy, only to realize the family his opponent l... [1,256 words]
Wine And Owls by Zdravka Evtimova A woman is left by the person she loves. her reaction to that. [2,804 words]
We Attack At Dawn! by Gregory J Christiano Toward the end of WWII, an army platoon encouters German resistance. [1,391 words]
The Wars Of Belfast Part 1. by Sasu A story about a city searching for hope through war, based in the late eighties. Co... [1,221 words]
The Final Statement. by Bradley Grimes A man about to be executed makes his final statement. [1,221 words]
The Braided Belt by Michael Lowell A man learns about love and its loss one summer. [501 words]
Stranger Underneath by Keivn Luk Have you ever heard the sound of heavy breathing? Imagine it, the noise of someone or somet... [1,123 words]
Shadow Walker by Albert Davis This is a short story for the warrior in you or anyone, the mentality needed to be a destroyer an... [837 words]
Scenes From A Memory by Michael Armstrong Stefan Kaufmann reflects on his past. [1,064 words]
Nunnada'utsun't'yi - The Trail Place Where They Cried by Desi Williams It is about a white girl and her father during the 1800s ... [1,675 words]
Nothing But Touch by Rae Haven't had inspiration lately, so I picked ten random words and wrote around them. [239 words]
Melanchony by Vodka Ryuki Mint The title says it all. [620 words]
Lottery Ticket by Kid Mercury A man goes on a quest in search of the unthinkable: a hot date. [2,658 words]
Life Is Full Of Virtues by Brodie J Hughes Read the title again. [226 words]
His Wings by Vodka Ryuki Mint I've always dreamed of this scene, don't know why, somehow it gives me an indescribable feeling. not ... [553 words]
Here Today, Gone Fishing Pt.1 by Sullivan Of The Sea A little after-drug-deal excitement. [1,105 words]
Fixing A Broken Heart. by Keivn Luk What you seek is hidden in the shadows. [234 words]
First Meeting by Charity B Baez Erotic tale of a man and woman who met online, and are meeting face to face for the first time. [2,501 words]
Fading Away With The Rain by Desi Williams I wrote it based on the cover of "Fallen" by Evanescence. [137 words]
Fade Away by Vodka Ryuki Mint About a father and a son. [650 words]
Drop Dead Gorgeous by James C Bernthal A very light-hearted horror short. [875 words]
Discovering Truth by Kelley Rose This is a story about a girl who tries to find the truth about her sister's death. [5,089 words]
Anthropomorphia by Jeff Hunt A short story about people and animals. [1,754 words]
And You Thought Today Was Going To Be A Good Day by Michael Spiegel A day in the life of a very strange indvidual, written in 1st ... [4,840 words]
... And She Would Tell Her Story by Animesh Kar A fairy tale with a twist! [1,915 words]
Alexander Khri'pher by Draco Streaver As a young child, a Bengal tegal looses his father/mentor in a battle to save their village... [26,332 words]
A Soul Sold For Ten Seconds Of Heaven by Lithium - [479 words]
A One Night Stand by Animesh Kar A young single working lady and a piece of her mind. [4,101 words]
10:34 by Danielle You describe it. [276 words]
The Teen Girl Suicide Story by Riot This is satire. Keep that in mind. [575 words]
The Sob Story by Riot Alchohol does not equate responsibility. [1,116 words]
Walking The Road by Keivn Luk Two strangers, with no recollection on how they got there meet each other in a strange place w... [2,166 words]
Unexplained by Trax A man and his dog go on a walk they will never forget.... [430 words]
Undefined by Josh Anderson What do you tell yourself when you don't know the answer? [408 words]
The Way Life Is... by Vanessa Moya - [285 words]
The Radical. by Amit Shankar Saha - [589 words]
The Lady And The Train by Michelle Lynn Clements A tragic short story about a woman running away from her husband and troublesome daughte... [1,980 words]
The Closing Of The Eyes by Steve Deutsch A man has to overcome his fear and destroy a part of his life. My first real descriptiv... [1,175 words]
The Assassin by Susan Brassfield Cogan What lurks in the chill of the night? [440 words]
Sue Aside by Andy Kim May not be suitable for children. [255 words]
Step Three by Steve Deutsch A boy sets up his camera and wants to tell his story. This is the beggining. [657 words]
Slipping Away From Me by Josh Anderson The 7th part of Serra's swamp, suspense filled, and back on track… I hope. Theres another... [1,145 words]
Self Defense by Naya Renee A'Janae is a young mother caught in a relationship she can't seem to get herself out of. Determine... [5,202 words]
Q by Don F Vaccarino A story about the man who created James Bonds "toys" when he was in high school. [18,783 words]
Project Chyooryooku Akiraka by Josh Anderson Sci-Fi, about how the world has a Chi and how the people who inhabbit it are linked... [1,157 words]
On Her Way Home by Bancy Mwihaki A partly romance and partly drama short story about a young lady and her oddyssey in conjugal l... [2,785 words]
Of Bikes And Boys by Ali Rizvi A tragic memoire of a young character that reveals a story of loss of innocence. [1,965 words]
Nothing Here by Ally K - [2 words]
Not Without My Future by Steve Deutsch A group of boys pertake on their weekly tradition of figuring out what to do next in thei... [926 words]
Much To Do About Nothing by Armand Waksberg A short story. [1,496 words]
Mexican Soul by Steve Deutsch Elementary students enjoy their favorite part of the day--lunchtime. However, today is extra speci... [1,074 words]
John Nikolaus by Tim Gorichanaz The story of John Nikolaus's journey from Croatia to America in the early 1900's. [1,589 words]
Jessie's Friend by Mike McWade A strange visitor warns Jessie of impending danger. [2,370 words]
Hunter by Hayden Woods Story about a female werewolf... [1,833 words]
Homeland Ssecurity by Firsttime Story When the moment comes that people realize that government can only give its citizens what it... [19,563 words]
Fine Weather For Ducks by Josh Anderson Love Short Story in poetry form. Inspired by the meeting of a friend of mine, I had a re... [1,683 words]
Empire Park by Aaron Er Lozier Carl finds himself lost in "Empire Park" late one night, chased by a glinty-eyed monster, and assau... [588 words]
Effects by Kevin Costello EFFECTS is an existential story which delves into the psyche of a college professor who just lost his w... [4,079 words]
Behind These Eyes by Vanessa Moya - [884 words]

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This is a true story of a dog my family once owned.
[1,444 words]
Gary R Hoffman
[March 2005]
Mr Pearls (Non-Fiction) This is the story of too many people in our world. [952 words] [Relationships]
Gary R Hoffman


The day we got Hi as a puppy, I really can’t remember. I was too young. The day my father shipped him off to the army, I can’t remember either. Hi was sent to the army because World War II was in full swing, and the army was calling for anyone who had a young German Shepards to let the army have them. The dogs were needed to help win the war against the Germans in Europe.
The day Hi was discharged, I do remember, vividly. I was six years old at the time. My family received a telegram from the war department stating that Hi had been discharged since the war was over. He would be shipped back to our family by train. We were to go to the Kirkwood train station on a certain day and time to pick him up. The army said we were to bring the telegram with us as proof that the dog was ours.
We got to the Kirkwood station in the middle of the afternoon. The train was to arrive at three o’clock. When the train got there, two large wooden crates were unloaded containing German Shepards. One held Hi and the other another German Shepard who belonged to a family in Webster Groves. Both crates had a packet of papers wired to the front of them. Across the front of each packet were the words--Read First!! My Mom removed the packet before we loaded Hi.
Since my Dad used a pickup truck in his construction business, we, with the help of a couple of railroad guys, loaded Hi and his crate in the back of the pickup for the ride to Brentwood. On our trip home, Hi sat calmly in his cage. He was looking around as if this was just another phase in his life. Mom was going through the packet of papers. It was mainly do’s and don’ts for dealing with this very highly trained animal.
When we got Hi to the house, my grandpa and grandma came over to met us. Grandpa was also going to help us unload the crate. My father had rigged up a couple of large boards that we were going to use to slide the crate down to the ground. As they were getting the crate to the ground, Mom and grandma were finishing looking through the papers.
“Ok,” Mom said, “it says here that the crate he was shipped in was used as his dog house during his debriefing period. He now knows it’s his house. It is recommended that we keep it that way, at least for a time.”
“His what period?“ Dad asked.
“Debriefing period. It says here that they debrief them to make them into a pet dog again rather than a killer dog.”
“Oh, that’s comforting,” grandma said. “What if it didn’t take?”
“Well, then we wouldn’t have gotten him back,” Dad said. I think he was trying to assure himself as well as the rest of us.
The crate was now on the ground and sitting in our fenced back yard. “Now what?” Dad asked.
“Just says to open the crate, let him out and welcome him home,” Mom answered.
Dad slowly opened the door on the front of the crate. Hi stood up, shook himself, and walked out into his new world, wagging his tail and panting. Dad gave him a pat on the head. Hi responded with a lick to his hand. Hi then made his rounds to all of us. We all petted him, told him what a good dog his was, and welcomed him home.
He then started to make his rounds of the yard. He got about three feet down the fence before he lifted his leg and started marking his territory. As we watched him get acquainted with his new yard, Mom was telling us some more of the stuff that came in the packet. His discharge papers were there, along with a Purple Heart, a Medal of Honor for Valor, and more instructions on how to handle him. This was the first time we knew about his getting wounded in action and helping to save a soldier’s life by directing a medic to the wounded man.
Hi was now back by us wanting more pats. Of course, we were all eager to give them. As I was petting him, my grandmother reached over to look at the shipping label that also been attached to the front of the crate. Hi took her hand his mouth, very softly, but firmly, and moved it away from his home. Apparently it was “his” house, and right now, we weren’t supposed to be messing with it.
During the next few days, we discovered that the fence around our yard was virtually useless if Hi decided he wanted to leave the yard. He could easily jump it. Dad saw him do it, told him he was “bad,” and that was the last we had of that problem. I also discovered that the do’s and don’ts sent with Hi were there for a reason. I did a major “No No.” I walked up our driveway from where I had been playing in the street with some of my friends. We had been playing with cap guns. Hi was sitting by the fence, with his back towards me, as I came into the back yard. I shot off the cap gun at him. He turned, lunged, and put one of his fangs through the end of my nose. I guess he quickly realized who I was because he backed off immediately.
That little episode brought me to the doctor and a discussion between my Mom and Dad as to whether they should keep the dog. Of course, me being six years old, promised never to do anything stupid like that again. I cried and begged them not to get rid of my dog and what had now become a neighborhood hero. They agreed to give me a chance.
The next month was great. We had a small grocery store just a block from our house. Mom would let me go there for something she may have forgotten or ran out of. I got to take Hi with me. When he was told to heel, he would walk with me, right at my side. I never had to put a leash on him. While at the store, he sat outside and waited for me on the “stay” command. It didn’t matter who or what walked by him--he stayed! I was really the envy of all the kids on the block because I had such a great dog.
Unfortunately, all the kids on the block and I did not always get along. One day, I had done battle with one of them, and we ended up throwing rocks at each other or something. It was such a vital thing that I can’t even remember why now. I ran up the alley and into my back yard through a gate there. Billy followed me, but stayed in the alley. He heaved another rock at me. I ran toward the house. Hi was standing there. “Sic em!” I yelled. Hi took off across the back yard. Billy literally froze in his tracks. Hi had reverted at that command and was on a mission to kill!
Fortunately, my mother was looking out a back window. Fortunately, also, it was summer and the window was open. She yelled, “Halt!” I can still remember the skidding halt the dog came to. “Stay!” Mom yelled. Her next command was to me. “You get your butt in this house, now!”
That was the end of me having the coolest dog in the neighborhood. Now, of course, I can understand why. At the time, of course, I begged and cried again, but to no avail.
My Dad had done some remodeling work for Christian Brother’s College a few miles from our house. It was called a college, but was actually a private, prep high school. They had been having some problems with break-ins at the school. Hi was sent off to them to act as a night watchman. That was a Friday.
The following Monday, a man was caught hiding on top of a huge industrial water heater in the basement. Hi was lying on the floor in front of him, paws crossed, just daring him to come down. The man was extremely grateful to be arrested for burglary because he said he had been there since Saturday night.
Hi lived out his years there, having a very full and productive life.


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© 2005 Gary R Hoffman
March 2005

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