AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (39) A Tribute (Poetry) This poem is a tribute to my father who deceased recently. [105 words] Am I A Stranger To You? (Poetry) This relates to pain of loneliness when somebody you love snubs you. [138 words] Andaman (Poetry) Its experience cum despcription about Andaman. [225 words] Anniversary (Poetry) Its about celebrating the first wedding anniversary. [62 words] Assorted Emotions (Poetry) Its about various human emotions. [67 words] Cluttered Mind (Poetry) Its about confused mind filled with various thoughts and ideas. [148 words] Deep Anguish (Poetry) Its about what you desire from your loved one. [146 words] Diminishing Soul (Poetry) Its about being dejected in love. [70 words] Diwali Surprise (Short Stories) Its about how a middle class family who could not afford much had a surprise diwali celebration. [1,165 words] Drama Called “Life” (Poetry) Explains different phases of Life - Past, Present, Future. [105 words] Enchanting Journey (Poetry) Its about life and its perplexity. [71 words] Engagement (Poetry) This is about the engagement ceremony of one of my friend. [63 words] Eternal Love (Poetry) It is about barriers set on love especially in country like India where inter caste marriages are still not accepted. [116 words] Haiku (Poetry) It is a collection of Haikus. [46 words] Her Majesty (Poetry) It is about goddess and her wonders. [98 words] Independence (Poetry) It is a Sonnet dedicated to Independence Day celebrated on 15th aug in India. [76 words] Life Within (Poetry) Its about the expectant mother-to-be. [98 words] Marriage Blues (Poetry) This relates to the initial stages of married life. [151 words] [Relationships] Memoirs (Poetry) Instances of life. [99 words] Men In White (Poetry) It is for the Traffic Police. [123 words] Obscurity (Poetry) Its about loneliness and self-pity. [73 words] Oh Love! (Poetry) Its about love. [66 words] Path Of Love (Poetry) It is about Love. [70 words] [Romance] Queen Of Hills (Poetry) It describes about a beautiful hill station by name Ooty situated in South India. [76 words] Resplendent Nature (Poetry) It is about beauty of the nature and how man is in the process of destroying the same. [96 words] Reunion (Short Stories) - [2,989 words] Seclusion (Poetry) Its about loneliness. [239 words] Shadow (Poetry) Creepy shadow. [92 words] Shattered Dreams (Poetry) The name itself suggests... [60 words] Silver Enclose (Poetry) It describes the beauty of Full moon and moonlit night. [108 words] [Nature] Sofa's Day Out (Poetry) Its a humorous account of purchase of sofa and its unsuccessful journey from one place to another. [229 words] Struggle With Fate (Poetry) It speaks about the plight of a young servent boy. [113 words] The Net (Poetry) Its about the internet. [77 words] Transition In Relation (Poetry) This is about the change in relationship between parents and children when children grow up..mainly, how children dump their old parents [110 words] Trust (Poetry) It is about trusting in god. [154 words] Void (Poetry) Emptiness experienced within oneself. [86 words] Vulnerable To Love (Essays) It is an article about women being sensitive and emotional. It's a personal opinion and not intended to offend anyone. [595 words] Wedding Bells (Short Stories) It is a interesting story about the hunt for a suitable groom. [2,176 words] Whims Of The Restless (Poetry) It is about mind and its powers. [88 words]
Nightmare Inchara
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