This is a story about a white, Turkish Angora/Ragdoll mix cat. If he could talk this story is about what he would like to say. [1,123 words]
Author is Sheryl Hanna a female of middle age. Writes for a hobby short stories preferably Horror. [October 2003]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) The Character (Short Stories) This is a story about a woman who is an author who has previously written a story about a vampire. While she's trying to write another story the vampire from the previous story appears to her in her l... [1,673 words] [Horror]
Snowball's Tale Sheryl Hanna
By: Sheryl Hanna
Hello, this is a story about me. My name is Snowball. I am a male, white, longhair, and Turkish Angora/Rag doll mixed cat. I am five years old. Cats are not supposed to think about what they want to say. They are not supposed to think at all. Well, that is not true. If I could talk, I would tell you about many things that I have seen. In other words, there is a lot I want to write. You probably think I am crazy! Well, what is crazy about getting things off your chest?
First, I am an unusual cat. I think a lot about everything. I analyze everything. I was five months old when a teenaged girl found me in West Los Angeles. She saved my life. I was starving and left for dead on the streets. Susan found me and took me home. I was so tired from not sleeping; I fell immediately to sleep after eating a can of cat food. When I awoke, there was still plenty of food for me. It was a regular all-you-can-eat cat smorgasbord. There was dry food and wet food. The choice was mine.
I ate both until I was completely full. I had found a new home. My new home was big and best of all it all belonged to me! I was king of the castle and I still am. At the time, I am living with four people in the house. The parents are Sheryl and Foobie Hanna.
Sheryl is the mother. Foobie, is the father. The two girls are Susan and Sandy. Foobie is not the father’s real name. I just cannot remember how to write or pronounce Foobie’s name. At first, Foobie did not want me. Sheryl convinced him to let me stay. There were rules that I had to go by. I had to use the litter box in the bathroom; there was no going outside of the house. I was not allowed outside at anytime unless Sheryl or Foobie accompanied me. I could not stay long outside either. I had only five minutes to roll and smell the trees in front of the house. It was for my own safety. There are coyotes where I live. Coyotes have eaten most of the stray dogs and cats.
Everything was just fine, until Coco came along. Coco is the other cat that lives with me. Coco is a female Calico that came to the back door one November day after a heavy rain. She was only four months old and she was hungry. Sheryl let her in fed her and kept her. If you know anything about cats, they do not like another animal coming into their territory. She had to learn who the boss was, me! We fought constantly until we made a truce.
Coco got the back of the house past the kitchen and I got everything in the front of the house. Since there are two litter boxes and bathrooms, Coco uses the litter box in the far bathroom in the front of the house. At dinnertime, I let Coco know that I eat first then she can eat. There is plenty of food left over so Coco always has food to eat. There was one more thing I had to teach Coco and that was I am the boss. Coco did not accept the fact that I am the boss. No, she took it badly. She thinks that we should be equals and share everything. Most females think like that. I do not agree.
Right after I came to live in the Hanna household, I was neutered. After that there was not much for me to do except eat, sleep and go to the litter box. I had no desire for the opposite sex. I do not know why people have to make their cats and dogs eunuchs. The vet says it prolongs the animal’s life. That may be true. I do not know. A cat whether male or female is just another cat to me it does not matter. Coco was spade. Now there are two cats with no desire for anything except to sleep, eat and use the litter box. What a life! It is boring. Cats should have some kind of rights. Unfortunately, they cannot make decisions. Therefore, a cat’s owner is the one who decides a cat’s fate.
Sometimes just to break the boredom, I will run through the house at 60 miles per hour. Sometimes I hear the Hanna’s saying that they think I have lost my mind. It is just something I do for fun. You know to break the monotony.
Coco is now one of my family members and I love her as I do the rest of the family. She is like a sister to me.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a cat that loves to welcome people into my home. I welcome anyone who comes over. I will show them that they are welcome by rubbing up against them. Coco on the other hand, hides whenever someone comes over. She is anti-social. Coco is only friendly with the family members. I just love people. I prefer the male species. Their scent attracts me. The only thing I like about females is that they can feed me when I get hungry. Foobie is one of the Hanna’s that I love the most. He is a lot of fun and often offers to give me midnight snacks. Foobie also allows me sleep next to him at night. He is a great guy.
If there is, one thing I hate it is depression. When Sandy was married and moved out. Coco went into a deep depression. She would cry in the closet for hours. I felt horrible. Finally, I decided to help Coco get over her depression. I had to bring her back to reality. Coco received pep talks, jokes, love and lots of inspiration from me. After two months, Coco was back to her old self. I had actually helped another cat. Maybe, I should be a psychiatrist.
My prayer is to lie on a patio directly in the sunlight for hours and to be able to roll and roll for an eternity. I also daydream about running through the grass, rolling, watching the birds and running after other cats. Ah, that would be paradise to me.
Now you know everything there is to know about me. Next time you look at your cat. You will look at him/her in a completely different light. We are not just animals. We also have personalities, desires and dreams. Just like people. I hope you like my story.
"I thought this was a cute story about a cat. I liked it very much." -- Arthur Williams, Eureka, CA, USA.
"This is such a nice story about a cat. I really enjoyed reading it." -- Alexandra Moltk, Boise, ID, USA.
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