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Short Stories

The Death House by Paul James Moore Based on a Tragic and true story of a man and a house in a street of terraced houses facing the... [820 words]
I Get Arrested by Sunny The title says it all. [812 words]
War by Albert Davis A short story. [4,483 words]
December 25th At Pam's Restaurant (Where Else ?) by Howard Freedman A story about a father and son who go to Pam's Restaurant ever... [1,329 words]
A Bird In The Hand by Elio P Evangelista Just on of those stories I felt like writing. [1,557 words]
Life In A Small Town by Elio P Evangelista A day in the life of a small town resident. [700 words]
Woodside! by Elio P Evangelista The true story of one of the most grueling experiences of my entire life. It's also pretty funny when... [1,797 words]
Those Summer Nights by Elio P Evangelista A very short stream of conciousness story that's meant to evoke the emotions of the summers... [480 words]
Cashen's Curse by Elio P Evangelista A short story about a jinxed baseball player that is in the process of developing into a much la... [2,584 words]
Only In America by Edith Talmason An accounting of the life and times of a young immigrant girl to this country during the early ... [4,963 words]
Frutti Di Mare by Hamish J Keith Frutti Di Mare is an exotic dish set on the island of Samui in Thailand. A failing Italian stumb... [3,621 words]
A Non Special Day by Sunny Just a saturday morning. [515 words]
Tainted But Trying by Sunny On level five and slipping lower into Dante's Inferno... [811 words]
Whacker Than Whack by Sunny This kinda amuses me... but, I don't know if it's the stupidity or genius of it. [778 words]
Think by Sunny Philosophically I hit it on the nail... but the last paragraph still displeases me. [1,427 words]
I Love Phoebe Gloeckner by Sunny Imagine emailing your favorite artist/celeb. and getting a reply back... Phoebe Gloeckn... [873 words]
An Easter Story by Clifton L. Martin A young girl struggles with life and an abusive father during a special time of year when her p... [6,228 words]
Left Alone by Lisa James A young alcoholic mother leaves her infant son alone to buy a bottle of wine. [2,882 words]
The End (2) by Maria Antonia Gonzalez It is a very short story that briefly describes an old lady's end. [104 words]
Kidnapped by Alejandro Dubois Arrese It's a short story about a girl that got kidnapped and dissapeared without a trace [476 words]
An Unfair Destiny by Enrique Copete [1,131 words]
The Guy, His Horse And His Dog by Marcela Garcia A short story. [561 words]
My Wonderland by Patricia Garcia It is about a girl who leaves her father, because her parents are divorced. It talks about all t... [446 words]
A Mysterious Dream by Laura Méndez This is the story of a girl who once had a dream that made her doubt about her life, because... [828 words]
A Day Without School by Carolina Arango A short story. [868 words]
Reckless Nights by Laura Méndez This is a story about Lisa, a 18 years old girl, who had a terrible accident with her friend af... [922 words]
Capture Suicide by Iveth Jaramillo The story of a teenager who came upon suicide. [523 words]
My Life by Ana Torres A short story. [737 words]
Devil Me, Angel One Day On by Ana Lucia Mora A short story. [883 words]
Death Experience by Santiago Molina A short story. [680 words]
The Plane Of The Sleeping Beauty by Sebastian Ramirez IS ABOUT A GUY THAT MEETS A BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN A AIRPORT. IT SAYS HIS FEELINGS... [311 words]
A Time To Die by Michelle Haya Haya - [617 words]
The Girl That Never Went To Heaven by Enrique Copete A short story. [2,240 words]
Forever Love by Sebastian Ayalde - [1,622 words]
The Way I Died by Juanita Grillo Diez This is a first person story about a girl with a drug problem. [1,536 words]
I Closed My Eyes by Eduardo Lastra It is about a lawyer that has a lot of bad luck, he crashes his car, loses a case etc... [561 words]
You Never Know by Juanita Caicedo - [637 words]
A Horrible Dream by Juanita Grillo Diez It's a dream were I die about drugs. [1,536 words]
My Horrible Trip To The U.S.A by Andres Lastra This is a story about a 7 year old kid who lives through a horrible trip in a pla... [642 words]
The Meaning Of Friendship by Maria Mercedes Restrepo This is a story that will teach the real meaning of friendship. It tells about a prin... [819 words]
Anorexia by Maria Mercedes Restrepo This is a story of a girl who with out knowing gets the terrible, and mortal sickness of Anorexia, she... [912 words]
Be Sure Of Your Acts by Catalina Chavarro A short and descriptive story. [939 words]
Summer Of My German Soldier (Chapter 22) by Kristen Antia I read a book called "Summer of my German Soldier" and for a project I... [1,270 words]
Temping In TV Land by Howard Freedman This is a story about a fellow who takes a temp (temporary) job in a company that is involve... [2,015 words]
Greatkiskadee@Hotmail.Com, Kenny And Me by Howard Freedman This is a story about a fellow I met at a public library. We developed ... [1,475 words]
The Male Qualities Of New York Love by Tyurina E Allen This is an experiment. [1,090 words]
Learning To Be Normal by David Valencia [642 words]
Life In A Nightmare by Santiago Molina - [855 words]
The End by Ana Torres - [1,106 words]
I Am Lost by Ana Torres - [777 words]
My Mom by Ana Torres - [651 words]
My Last Days by Ana Torres I have only eight more months to live. [554 words]
Outside The Principal's Office by The Workshop All of us have experienced that feeling of utter doom while sitting on the bench... [685 words]
Good Or Evil by Alejandra Herrera I wrote this story because pregnancy of young girls is very common and I really don't agree with t... [1,668 words]
Forcing Relations by Alejandra Herrera This is a story about a girl who is in love with a senior and wants him to noticed her. This ... [1,755 words]
One Step Can Change Your Life by Melody This short story is about a teenage girl, 16 years old, who sadly gets pregnant. ... [2,495 words]
December 31 by Carolina Arango - [1,140 words]
My First Kiss by Nugget - [718 words]
Lake Wakatipu by Juliana Carrillo It is a myth about New Zealand. It is not real, I invented it! [715 words]
Comfort For None by Adagio This story is inspired by the sadness of abuse in the family and the effect on those concerned... [326 words]
Our Creation by Catalina Chavarro It's a short story about human creation. It has magic realism and at the same time is very detaile... [801 words]
Quiznos by Nugget - [239 words]
Flight Of Angels by Paul V. Fornatar Maybe it's something about airports, maybe it's flying and maybe it's something else. Check it... [1,038 words]
Addio, Mama Mia by Paul V. Fornatar A Priest visits his aged Mother. [1,495 words]
A Dish Of Yogurt by Paul V. Fornatar Sometimes we assume too much, and sometimes we don't assume enough. [1,158 words]
A Family That Stays Together by Paul V. Fornatar The old bromide about the family that prays together stays together is carried to ... [895 words]
Anita Hill At The Roller Derby by Richard Grayson A shy former law professor becomes the rollicking queen of the roller derby. [1,530 words]
Riding The Line by Steven R. Kravsow Rosie McClusky loved to ride the bus, losing herself in the tapestry of the city. She loved the... [918 words]
An Interruption by Carly Heath The tale of Marie Maxine Clarke, an orange-haired girl, Randy, and Mr. Bay as they encounter li... [2,672 words]
"Se Meis Kylla Ossa" by Pauli Tikkanen "A green hand on the helm is often with the best course." [679 words]
Murder Seen by Jody Collier One of a series of stories/adventures of a Latino-American forensic scientist narrated by his long ... [2,178 words]
Lullaby by R. D. Partee A scifi story in several acts. [2,815 words]
Love For An Hour by Adagio This is a very short, sad story of modern love and how easy it is to "love without loving" [146 words]
The Left Arm Of The Law by Steven R. Kravsow Charlie Underwood was a good cop. But sometimes even the best laid plans and a lifetime... [5,317 words]
What Can I Say? by Sunny Hmmm... did I make this up or lift this shit? you decide. [676 words]
An American Tale by Shaun Hurley Poverty is everywhere and it affects people differently. This tale goes through the lives of f... [4,131 words]
Homeboy by R W Morris A young man seizes an opportunity to escape the violence and poverty of the 'hood. [4,277 words]
Stunned To Silence by Silents This is written for a beautiful young lady that has captured my heart. When she entered my l... [105 words]
Madelaine by Richard Koss An eerie tale set in the modern day Pacific Northwest about a family's nightmarish encounter with a c... [8,451 words]
The Fringe Effect
Friday Evening by Sunny Is the hero a scumbag? An ordinary friday night turns into a sexual orgy. [1,947 words]
The Hauberk Trilogy by J A Melody A collation of human sentiments derived from the inevitable despondency of conflict - It H... [902 words]
Nothing Is Just Black And White by Mitzy Spilman This short story tries to capture some facets of the social, political, and eco... [1,206 words]
The Unbinding Of Loki by Erik This is a story based loosely upon Norse mythology, in which I have a deep interest. It ... [1,258 words]
Quiet Seduction by Adagio A short tale of nocturnal seduction [137 words]
A Place To Stay by Steven R. Kravsow Arnie Westin was a con man-- a nickle and dimer always looking for the quick score. Arnie had a... [5,217 words]
Rhia by Francis Homestead A short story. [3,611 words]
A Place Of God In Modern, Feministic Views, Or Quotations From A Goddess To A God by Tyurina E Allen This is a story about a young... [1,536 words]
Hair - The Combing Out by Lillian Noura A mother remembers the first time she took her adopted Black daughter to the beauty parl... [2,890 words]
Granpa's Walk by Lisa Diaz-Meyer A disastrous Christmas Eve when a new widow is forced to deal with the possiblity of her elderly ... [1,362 words]
The Governor by Arlene Mason This is the last of the series of Keith Richardson stories, that include Crystal Blue, and Spring ... [4,704 words]
The Beginning Of A Hero by Michael Hunter Well, it's in the fantasy genre. Hum. It's pretty much self-explanatory, it's the pro... [894 words]
Halloween In Vietnam by Gary Donnelly Non-fiction/fiction. [1,649 words]

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The Fringe Effect
Symbolic commentary on personal introspection.
[1,401 words]
K. F.
[March 2000]
The Fringe Effect
K. F.

Henrik was going home. The New Hampshire college where he was doing his graduate studies had dismissed him for “repeated failure to adhere to academic standards”. He would have disputed the charges if it had not been for his good friend who told him he had no hope of success. He tried not to think about it as he stood on the train. He pressed his forehead to the cold, mildly vibrating window. The winter was ending, but to Henrik, the weather never really changed.
He didn’t even lock his door. Living in one of the more reputable parts of town, he felt to anxiety about it. He had few possessions, none of which he prized in particular. He had always seen this flat from a utilitarian standpoint. It was where he worked, where he thought. It was the incubator in which his ideas gestated, to be born later into studies, papers and experiments at the college. The apartment was static, except for the bedroom. The bedroom was a sanctuary to humanity, for the rare times when he needed one and for a wink of sleep now and then, usually between three and six A.M. His bedroom was preserved with items from his life: childhood mementos, photographs of his brothers, crumpled letters from a once-known fiancé named Julia. It was the only room of Henrik’s not lacking in decorative touches: a flower pattern on the soft armchair, an elaborate lighting fixture in the center of the ceiling.
For what little sleep he allowed himself, Henrik always performed the process in his bedroom, But not tonight. Henrik sat in his small “study”, on the floor, analyzing the current dynamic of his life. He exercised his own unique form of self-analysis, an attempt to understand the reasons for his situation. He had a nasty tendency for the introspective, which made him somewhat of a social outcast, but bolstered his ego in times of distress. Henrik found sympathy in the grace of a mathematical proof, and felt logic his principal philosophy. But today, he was upset. Henrik was upset about his consciousness. He disliked the fickle nature of memory, especially at times like these. He didn’t remember undershooting “academic standards”, simply didn’t remember.
He meditated. He was determined to understand why everything was falling apart, why it was different. Recently, Henrik had sensed a certain falseness in his daily life, but it was inexplicable: almost unreal. His good friend had laughed when Henrik mentioned it, said he was likely in denial of some suppressed abuse, perhaps performed by aliens, who had removed his kidneys (the kidneys being the true centers of intelligence in the human body, not the brain). Henrik had not been amused. He was quite serious: something wasn’t right. But tonight he would figure it all out. In meditation, he tried to see himself objectively, to examine his perceptions and fix the errors, like properly focusing a camera lens.
However, the focusing, the whole effort, was futile. He ceased his meditation and fell asleep on the couch.
The following day, Henrik woke up much later than usual, with considerable effort. His eyelids did not want to open and allow entrance of another day’s infinite stream of images to a brain that was already so confused. He wished to remain static. The objectivity of yesterday’s perspective remained with him, as if he were still in his trance, still watching a sad film, shot with poor equipment. He hated these days, when nothing changed from the day before. They came very frequently now, nearly every day. Static. Film stuck in a loop, on a single frame. It wouldn’t be so bad, he thought, if the frame it were stuck on was not quite so meaningless. But in life, as in film, the insignificant moments far outnumber the profound.
He wanted to go outside, to walk and seek potential distractions. He went into his bedroom to pick up a coat, and was shocked to see the familiar room appearing somewhat narrower then before. He judged that he remembered it being at least two more feet in width. As he contemplated this impression, he sat for a few moments in the delicate armchair, which now seemed distinctly closer to the north wall. Henrik was troubled, bin in his continuing daze of self-analysis, could not justify the change. He closed his eyes for several minutes, convincing himself that when he opened them, all would be as it should. The bedroom would be as he thought it to be, and he would go for his walk outside, where the colors would be as bright and intense as they also ought.
When he reopened his eyes, he surged with immediate frustration. The room seemed to have shrunk even more, another foot at least. He left hurriedly, glancing back once to see his armchair, whose patter already seemed duller, and no indentation from his sitting in it.
Henrik walked several blocks though the town, stopping to drink coffee alone at a café. He became so upset that he finally forced himself to stop thinking about his situation, about his bedroom, and gazed into his coffee cup, trying to breathe calmly. Several minutes passed, and Henrik regained some ability for rational thought. He absorbed a few local sounds and identified their sources in his mind: the clutter of silverware in the café, the brakes hissing on a city bus, his own lungs savoring a long breath. He smelled his hot coffee, glad for a moment of calm, but it produced no sensation. He smelled again, a superior whiff, but still nothing. It had no scent. He could not experience it. He quickly tossed the remains of his drink in a garbage can and rounded the corner, his eyes aching red from tears.
In a frenzy, he nearly sprinted back to his apartment. He did not fully realize he was no longer dreaming. It felt the same. Crossing the freeway, a sign read itself to him, an ad for a telephone company: “Got a bad connection?”
At his apartment, he ran into the bedroom and threw open the door, cracking it. The room was scarcely wider than the width of his small bed. The chair had been pushed on top of it by the contractions. Henrik burst into hot tears and began feverishly throwing himself against the wall. Frantically, he removed all of the furniture from the room, creating cluttered stacks in the hall. Automatically, he pulled himself back outside.
The day allowed itself to pass, and Henrik ended up sitting in the darkness, his mental picture shaking, uncertain of itself.
He smoked a cigarette. It was late, and he wanted something comforting to hold on to, to bring into him. Somehow, he knew what was about to happen.
The first wave of the attack came slowly, and he was able to prepare himself for it. His brain gushed with brilliant white noise. Overflow. This wave was the slowest, overwhelming him in a fluid rush of unreality. As the waves increased in frequency, they decreased in duration, causing his knees to fail beneath him and he collapsed sideways on the dead pavement. Once he started to give up resistance, the pain died away and he allowed himself to pass in and out of consciousness. A flux of existence. The waves came more quickly, so fast the sensation was rather like flickering, with great intensity, like a fluorescent bulb which, knowing it’s on its way out, panics to sustain its previous luminosity.
His brain, knowing that Henrik’s perceived reality was only one option open to it, was giving up on existence.
Henrik ran inside with his eyes shut. He opened them only as he entered his bedroom. He had to turn sideways to enter, as the room was not too narrow to allow the full breadth of his torso. He squeezed in, holding his breath to fit. He opened his eyes once more, only for a second to see what little of the brilliant sunrise penetrated from the small remaining window. Six inches of the world. He could feel the pressure building on his chest, and embraced it.
Henrik allowed himself to be crushed.
Officials from the police department arrived several days later, in reaction to the neighbors complaints of a stench radiating from Henrik’s apartment. They found his body, in the childishly decorated bedroom, hanging from the decorative light fixture, dried blood about his mouth.



"Hey there. You have potential with this one, but you need to check your grammer. Also try varying sentence structure-- you tend to begin sentences with "He" or other nouns. Try adding more action or something concrete, because it really lags. You tend to repeat yourself and it can get cumbersome." -- Carly.
"oh dear, there are some typos in there. apologies." -- K. F. .


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© 2000 K. F.
March 2000

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