AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (5) I Am Lost (Short Stories) - [777 words] My Last Days (Short Stories) I have only eight more months to live. [554 words] My Life (Short Stories) A short story. [737 words] My Mom (Short Stories) - [651 words] Rocky (Essays) - [436 words]
The End Ana Torres
The time was coming. What humans have feared since the beginning of time was going to happen. This will be the end of al living things on the earth. Who would have known? All those scientists always studying space, and they only found out that there is an asteroid coming last week. Right now I am watching the news. The scientists say that supposedly the asteroid is going to land next week. Oh God, now that boring president is going to talk. He says the government is going to choose randomly five thousand people from all over the world to survive in a secret underground place. I hope they choose me. What am I saying? I have a chance out of more than one million people! I'll never get chosen. Besides, what good have I done in life? Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. My whole life has been a total waste. I quit school, and now I have this small unimportant job at a store and I can only maintain this little apartment with the little money I get. I don't really care if the world explodes tomorrow, but i dot care about those who have struggled their whole life to make this world better, and now it is about to end. Just like that. Until God decides to create another living thing. I just really hope it is not a human being. Want to know why? Because humans will destroy the world. Just like they are doing it now. What am I thinking? We are all going to die and I am worrying about the next world. I'm going crazy. Maybe it was that sausage I ate this morning. Hey, maybe I should call my mom! I should call her and tell her I am fine. Yeah, that is what I am gong to do. I am going to call her right now. What was her phone number? Oh yeah, I have it written somewhere. There it is. Ok, let me see 5546871. "Hello?" a woman's voice said. "Yes, hello, umm is Monica there?" "Excuse me but you have a wrong number." " Isn't this place Main Street 148?" "Yes, but nobody bye the name Monica lives here. Wait is her last name Smith?" "Yes, that's right! Do you know were to find her? "I am really sorry, but, well you see, we moved to this house because the owner passed away a year ago." "What? Oh my God, oh ok, I'm sorry I bothered you." "No, it's ok. I hung up the phone and sat silently in my couch. My mother died a year ago? Why didn't I stay in school? I should have listened to my poor (gulp) dead mother. I know! I am going to make her proud, even though she is dead, I know she can see me. Wait, what am I saying, we are all going to die next week. I can't do anything in just one week. Darn! Just when I decide to do something with my life, I am going to die. This is amazing! At least my mom died before this, then she wouldn't have to see the world get destroyed. Well I guess I am going to have to enjoy life while I still have it. I'll order a pizza. "Hello?" said a man. "I would like to order a large pepperoni pizza please." "What? You think I am going to start making pizza when the world is going to explode!" the man shouted and then hung up. Ok, so no dinner for tonight, everything is closed. Man, how are people supposed to enjoy the last week of our lives? Now the phone is ringing, who could it be? I have no friends and my mother is dead. "Hello?" "You have been chosen to be one of the survivors for the next millenium," a happy, computer voice said. Wow! Cool I get to live! Wait, if the government was going to inform people bye the phone, then it would probably would be very complicated, because some phones change, and some people have moved. No, this has to be a joke, probably some 16-year-old kid with nothing else to do. " Very funny!" That kid deserved more than just a hung up. God! There is only one week left and people are making jokes. Well I guess I should go to bed now. Finally the big day came, six days have passed, but it is wierd. Everything seems normal, but time passed so fast, it seems only yesterday I found out about the asteroid. Outside some officers were picking up the people who were going to survive. What? The bell ringing? But who could it possibly be? Two officers? What do they want? "Ready to go?" one of them asked. "Huh?" "Yeah, they called last week to inform you that you have been selected. " "Well, you see, I thought…" "Look we have to get going", on of the officers said interrupting me. "So are you ready?" "Yeah, sure, I guess." But I don't deserve to live. They shouldn't give the opportunity to me. Let me see who does really deserve to go? I know, that poor pregnant woman. Well actually she is not poor, she is in college and got pregnant, but she is a really nice lady who would have accomplished a lot in life. "You know what? Take Susan Lopez instead of me." "Can we do that?" asked one officer to the other. "Yeah, I guess." The officers said. "But are you sure you want to give your life for hers?" "Yes." So they left without saying a word. So I guess I did do something in life, I helped than woman and her baby survive. Just two hours left say the scientists. I know I am going to die. It is such a horrible feeling to know your life is going to end. I am finally oing to find out what happens after death. Do we go to heaven or to hell? Do we reincarnate? Or do we fall into a deep sleep and dream forever or do we just simply disappear? I guess I'll soon find out. I decided I am going to go to the beach where I can see the asteroid crash, but I better take my gun, that way, if someone or something is going to kill me, it better be me. Ok only a few more seconds, I am in the beach now. Oh, God there it is! It's huge! I can feel it crash in the water. Look, now all the water is rising, and just before it touches me I am going to pull the trigger, ok now.
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