AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) Be Sure Of Your Acts (Short Stories) A short and descriptive story. [939 words]
Our Creation Catalina Chavarro
Many years ago when the earth was all green, and it only excised grasshoppers and unicorns; it was wonderful. God live without any worries; but he thought everything was beautiful and perfect; he kept thinking how wonderful and easy his job was. One afternoon while he was eating, God decided that it will be better to have humans, so he got a piece of paper and a pencil and started to create another living organism. After drawing and drawing, he finally created a man. He said it could be with long legs, short arms, with a brain, their own language, and their own species; this man was called Eghio. He, Eghio live a luxuriant life. He had everything, all kinds of food, etc. But he wanted something else; he didn’t knew what. After thinking for a while he thought that having a friend just like him would be an excellent idea, so he decided to talk with God. “ Oh my Lord” “ Yes son, tell me what you want? Why are you here?” “My Lord, after thinking and thinking for weeks, just today I thought I need a friend. I’m feeling very lonely and every moment that passes seems like months”. Eghio, I think this is a great idea, but instead of being a man just like you, why don’t we create a human but your opposite sex. “What do you mean? My Lord” “ Eghio let me work on this, and in a few weeks everything will be planed.” “ Oh, thank you my Lord” While God planed his new creation, Eghio was happy and exited to have God’s creation with him. Finally, this creation arrived “She” was skinny with long hair and smaller than Eghio. Everything was fantastic. Eghio was happy, but God thought that life could not be so easy so he called Eghio and Eghia. “Oh my sons you have live in a fantastic world and all your dreams have become reality, and I think is time to work in order to have a good future; if you want to live longer, wok hard. Sons here I will give you a list of what you have to do in 8 days, in order to show me you are capable to work. If you don’t do this, one of you two would have to go to a cruel world; where you have to work in order to survive.”
LIST OF THINGS TO DO: 1. Create one way of how to invent your specie in an easier way than mine. 2. Create another living organism of different species. 3. Try to make this world a difficult one, where people need to work in order to survive. 4. Get and collect all the fruits from the trees. 5. Make two groups of people one bad and the other one good. 6. Teach bad people to be good.
“ Here is the list my sons and remember if you don’t follow step by step you would have to suffer the consequences. “ Eghio and Eghia started to read the list and he said. “ Let’s start now in order to finish in 8 days. “ “ No, lets start tomorrow; this is easy”. Eghia said. “ I have an idea, let’s separate our jobs you do 3 and I do the other 3”. “OK” Eghia said. “ But I choose number 4,5 and 6. The easiest” “ That’s ok for me” Eghio said. “Good Luck” Days started to pass and Eghia kept saying that she would not do her work, but Eghio had finished his work the third day. The eight-day arrived and Eghio and Eghia had to go to God. “ Good afternoon my Lord, how do you fill today?” “Oh, good son thank you. I’m also proud because I know both of you did your work as you were supposed to. ““ Ok lets star; Eghio show me all your work, very good is all completed. Eghia is your turn, show me your work.” “ Sir, I have a problem, I finished all my work but while walking to your house I fell and all my work got wet.” “ Oh, but show me at least the papers with all your work” ” Sir, I throw them away.” “Eghia I’m sorry but you are going to the world were everybody woks in order to survive. And Eghio will go to the world where people succeed, they are responsible and they do whatever to be the best. “Oh no lord please” Both scream. “ I’m sorry but I need to do it” God said. “ So I will go with Eghia” Eghio said. That’s why now everybody needs to work really hard to be someone and succeed. And because Eghio no one is alone in the world and you will always have someone to count on.
"Save for some crappy grammar and cheesy Disney-ness, I read this the way I suspect it was supposed to be read...cynical bashing of the Bible! :-)! Kind of funny at parts and kind of cheesy at others, though it'd be better with revision and word choice." -- Tyrant.
"Hello My name is Edilson Chavarro. I want to know the origin of my last name. I want to know person with my last name. Thank you Edilson Chavarro ó " -- Edilson Chavarro, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
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