This piece was written for my Reading and Literature in Elementary schools class that I am taking. My story is about the experiences and memories that I have as a Girl Scout. [729 words]
I am a student at St Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. [November 2002]
Girl Scout Adventures Sarah
"Watch out for that tree!" I screamed as our raft was pounded and tossed through the water on our Girl Scout rafting trip. Girl Scouts has always been an important part of my life. Not only because of the skills and values that it taught me but it also helped me make friendships with girls in the troop and within my community that will last throughout my whole life. Numerous camping adventures, and canoeing and rafting trips consisted of most of the memorable experiences in Girl Scouts.
Camping was one of the peaks of being in our Girl Scout troop. We have camped in logs cabins, platform tents and have pitched our own tents. Cooking our own food is also an event that will always been remembered. I remember one time we were making a wonderful dinner of tacos. Most of the Girl Scout troop was slicing and dicing the tomatoes, lettuce, cheese etc. for our tacos, while our other friend Megan was helping one of our troop leaders cook the ground beef. Unfortunately when she was carrying the uncovered taco meat to the propane stove she dropped it on the ground. It was like in slow motion watching the ground beef do flips and turns in the air when it finally fell on the ground uncovered side down into the dirt. Everyone looked on as if watching a suspenseful horror movie anxious as to what will happen to our dinner. As each person watched it happen from the corner of their eye, Mrs. Vitello, the leader, whispered quietly in secret, "Oh just dust it off a bit. It’ll be fine." Then everyone screamed, "Ahhhh gross!! There’s gonna be bugs in our tacos!! Ewww!! Gross!! Megan meat!!" All made grimaces of disgust after overhearing Mrs. Vitello. We would never be able to eat tacos again without picturing dirt and bugs sandwiched inside it. It would be like a reoccurring nightmare! Even though we went out and bought new ground beef, ever since then, every time we had tacos, we were convinced that there was "Megan Meat" in it.
Learning all different kinds of water activities was also a highpoint of Girl Scouting. We first learned how to canoe and kayak, then we went water tubing and white water rafting. One time when we went whitewater rafting my friends and I were all packed like sardines in one raft ready to conquer the Delaware-except for the fact that Mrs. Webner, our leader was also in our raft acting as the big, bad regulator. We were longing to paddle astray on our own path, as did Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic. Suddenly our raft became beached on a rock. Everyone and everything was passing us so quickly it was like fast-forwarding a movie. Mrs. Webner got out of the raft and pushed as hard as she could like a warrior until we were completely off the rock. Unfortunately she pushed so hard that our raft went darting down the river with no time for her to get back in. We had escaped our master! She was stuck on the rock in the middle of the Delaware River screaming, "Come back!! Come back!!" But all we could do was laugh because we had finally threw our captain overboard!! Celebration ensued as we floated around a corner and Mrs. Webner was no longer in sight, but within a matter of minutes we see the rafting instructor in her kayak behind us. Our high spirits had dropped to our stomachs. She had blown a whistle to tell us to slow down, signifying the end of our game, the end of our freedom from our leader. Laying on her back on top of that kayak returning to our raft was of course none other than Mrs. Webner. Even though we did not escape the controlling hand of our leader, that experience made one of the most exciting rafting trips I have ever been on.
Up until now, I have been a Girl Scout and I also work at a Girl Scout day camp in the summer. All of these positive experiences made me want to continue my life in girl scouting and I hope to start a troop of my own someday. Without being a Girl Scout I definitely think I would not have as many exciting stories to share and wonderful memories.
"My son has recently joined the scouts and loves it, despite being teased by the other schoolkids who'd rather be out shoplifting and causing trouble in the evenings. I watched him in his first parade this Sunday it was a proud moment especially as he got to lay the wreath, his mother on the other hand got kicked out of guides on her second day there because she didn't want to be there. Lovely piece, nicely told. " -- Sooz, Dalton-in-Furness, England, Cumbria.
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