AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (28) A Bunny's Tale (Poetry) The Bunny rabbit's view of what happened in AS wolf's tale. [443 words] A Freind To The End (Poetry) A poem for my best friend. [61 words] A New Baby Born (Poetry) A poem for a friend's baby boy. [83 words] A Perfect Night (Poetry) A very sweet love poem. [118 words] A Prayer For Lovers (Poetry) As the title suggest's. [30 words] A Wolf's Tale (Poetry) Ever wonderd what its like to be a wolf hunting his prey? NO! Well I have so I hope you enjoy it hehe. [465 words] An Ode To My Love (Poetry) - [72 words] Are We Nearly There Yet? (Poetry) A really funny poem that I am sure all parents who have ever gone on day trips can relate to. [129 words] Dont Let The Bastards Get You Down (Poetry) A funny poem about the stresses of life. [114 words] Earths Plight (Poetry) A poem about what we are doing to the planet. [111 words] Everything Will Be Fine (Poetry) Short prose. [52 words] Holding On To Life (Poetry) One mans fight with suicide. [109 words] Holly Marie (Poetry) A poem done for a friend of mine who has recently had a baby. [58 words] Let The Madness Cease (Poetry) - [49 words] Lets Get High!! (Poetry) My new year's resolution and The title speaks for itself LOL. [88 words] Love Hurts (Poetry) Poem about a man who loves to much. [92 words] Missing You (Poetry) - [21 words] Soon (Poetry) A love poem. [61 words] Tender (Poetry) How far one woman goes for the man she loves. [63 words] The Internal Storm (Poetry) A poem about what its like when I get a panic attack and the hope that I feel, that things will get better. [96 words] The Plan (Poetry) One plan to wipe out humanity. [74 words] The Traveller (Poetry) - [88 words] There Must Be More To Life Than Customer Service! (Poetry) A morbid but shit funny short poem of what its like to work in customer service. [50 words] Waiting (Poetry) Poetry about a man who wants to commit suicide. But why? [184 words] What A Morning (Poetry) - [302 words] What Do You Do (Poetry) short childrens poem .br>[183 words] [183 words] What Makes Me Wait? (Poetry) - [85 words] Who Is My Mom? (Poetry) A soppy poem I wrote for my mom on her birthday. [65 words]
"This story is rivoting. I was truly on the edge of my seat." -- Unknown.
"I thought this story was great!! The author portrayed the characters in a way that made them seem so real. I can't wait to read more :)" -- Karen, USA.
"I liked the story. It kept me in suspense. Great work." -- Sara.
"This is a good story ... my only suggestion is this, edit edit edit !!! Tighten it up and lose some of the unnecessary wording. A short story is so much more affective when told in fewer words. ie: "Geoffrey, who was waiting outside, saw the glow exit through the window of the house, he was standing outside of, and shoot towards the sphere, that he held in his hand. " Instead, maybe try something like this; "Outside the house, Geoffrey watched as the glow shot through the window toward the sphere in his hand." It was a hard lesson for me to learn and I am still struggling with that aspect!!! Good luck and keep writing!!!" -- Judith Goff, USA.
"Hey thanx for the review judith I am however making it into a novel and have allready compleated 4 chapters thanx for the advise tho :-)" -- Author.
"You're welcome & good luck with the novel ... of course, editing is still very important, even with longer works ... I was lucky enough to have an editor friend help me with that aspect of my novels. That is where a thick skin comes in handy. Don't take my advice personally, (:o) just trying to help out. At first I was angry with her, but after I took a long hard look at my story and implemented some of her advice it was much more readable !! Again, good luck! Your story IS good !!" -- Judith.
"Please post the next chapters. I cant wait to find out what happens :)" -- Karen.
"Man this is better than the poems. Is this going to made into a novel? I would really like to get my hands on it once its done. POST IT!" -- John C.
"Yes I am working on turning it into a novel I am on the 3rd chapter now but am just in the process of editing at the moment so watch this space :-)" -- The Author.
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