I am an 18 year old uni student. I have a few great friends who I would not trade for the world, I have had a few great times with them. I have no regrets. I have learnt to laugh when things are gloomy and one day hope to find that special someone... her. [July 2002]
The Mind's Work Trevor Sammon
He found the key and put it in the door. He was tired and weary. As the door creaked open, Jakob sighed at his lonely dwelling, a place of heartache and sorrow. His eyes drifted but his mind was ready. Slowly, he made his way into his bedroom and slumped into his bed. His limbs drifted to rest. It was his mind’s turn to work.
In an instant, the dull grey of his room came alive in a brilliant flash of colour. He heard the noises of people in his house. He rose from his cradle and made his was to the den. The noise grew as the door exploded open. To his surprise, his dearest friends were there. The well built David and the timid Jose; the hasty Samuel and the wise James. They were all there and they were all there for him.
He entered the room and everyone stopped. Jakob stared at them. They stared back. They were so alive, so bright and colourful that the old man did not know what to do. He stared at each of their eyes. His mind was working incredibly hard to make these images appear before him. He loved each of them with a passion. He had lived with them all for a time, worked with them and, one after another they had left him alone in the world. A tear appeared in his eye. A tear of joy. They had not deserted him, they were here now.
A young girl broke the stillness. Jakob stared at her and smiled. She came over and wiped the tear from his face. She was his current work partner, his current love. He didn’t know her name yet, but they shared a bond that Jakob had shared with everyone present. They said nothing. He touched her cheek and she covered his eyes. His mind worked hard to bring this to life.
Jakob moved his careful hands over the girl’s face. Her soft skin, her beautiful eyes, the little dimples she got when she smiled. He could see her perfectly. His mind worked at making him feel it perfectly.
The young girl removed her hand. After a brilliant flash of colour, Jakob saw all of his old loves come to life once again. One by one, he greeted them. He loved them. He touched their faces. It was a wonderful treat that his mind had worked up for him.
After the pleasure of seeing his friends again, the room exploded into a brilliant flash of colour. Everyone had gone. Jakob smiled. He loved them all. As he turned to return to his bed, he again saw the little girl. He went over and began to speak to her.
"Hello," Jakob said.
"Hello," the cool voice returned.
Jakob was stuck for words. He was a man of action, not of words.
"I know," the young girl said to him.
"Know what?"
"Because you love me and help to mould me, to make me who I am."
"I also know the answer to your question."
"You do?"
"What question?"
"In the morning, you will know."
There was no more talking that night. Instead, the little girl took Jakob by the hand and led him to his bed. As he lay down, the little girl covered his eyes.
When Jakob opened them, there was no colour, there never would be. The colour blind man left his bed and left his house for work. Upon arrival, he opened the door. All of his loved ones were there. He walked past all of them, smiling and touching their faces as he went. He made his way past all of them until, in the corner of the room, he saw the little girl.
"In the morning, you will know." He did. Jakob picked up his chisel and mallet and carved the name "Noni" on the base of his creation. The night before, his mind had worked. For now, there was nothing more to do. Jakob just sat down next to his sculpture and smiled.
"Thank you Noni, for everything."
"Good stuff Trevor, the most wonderful and heart wrenching five minutes of my life happened to me while reading your story." -- Chris C, sdg, sdg, sg.
"This is beautiful. I'm not sure that I entirely 'got it' but I got the gist of it. I'm a bit thick sometimes. The story was peaceful and had a clam, biblical feel to it. I'd look out for word repetitions you have eight 'his' in the first para. And things like "He turned to return to his bed" (EAM) either he turned to his bed, or her returned to his bed would sound better. Again with "Stuck for words, he was a man of action not words" (EAM) two 'words' too close together. These are only minor nits but they alter the flow of anotherwise pretty piece. " -- Sooz, Dalton, England, Cumbria.
"I think one of us is missing something here, The Author. Sorry to state the obvious but that isn't a review it's a story. I admit a complete load of drivel of a story but a story none-the-less. For my reviews I sugest you check *other* people's work Duh! Will I ever do anyrthing right? Will anyone ever think quietly to themselves, damn that Sooz seems like a nice woman? Will I ever eat pizza and not put on half a stone overnight? No probably not." -- Sooz, Dalton, England, Cumbria.
"DUDE! it all makes sense now that its explained! that is a masterpiece (pun intended), when's the movie comin out? BUt seriously, that is a really insightful story that forces you to look beyond the words. Good stuff mate" -- Sam Reeves, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
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