53-year-old former Belfast schoolteacher, satellite TV techie, Utopian dreamer, traveler, armchair anarchist, keen amateur diver, now working in the field of mental health. Living with partner and adopted 19-year-old daughter in London, UK. One published sci fi novel "SIRAT". Many short stories, different styles & subjects. [April 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) Collateral Damage (Short Stories) Some explosions keep on echoing. [4,127 words] [Horror] Favorious (Short Stories) In the late Middle Ages, an obscure village seems to have witnessed a miracle. The ageing monk Favorious must judge if it is genuine or not. The power-hungry clerics at the Vatican must judge both Fav... [4,769 words] [Science Fiction] Immaculata (Short Stories) Behold the handmaid of the Lord... [5,268 words] The Battlefield Philosopher (Short Stories) We all had that poster of Che Guevara on our walls. We all wanted to fight for the oppressed. One or two of us actually tried to turn the dream into reality. This story is for the people who are sorry... [3,702 words] The Go-Between (Short Stories) Everybody in the big city is looking for something. The trick is to find out what. [1,638 words] [Relationships] The Lies Of Sleeping Dogs (Short Stories) History is the attempt that each generation makes to come to terms with its past. Personal history is no different, and no less painful. [4,992 words] The Monkey-Trap (Short Stories) An ageing ex-Nazi receives a visit he has been waiting for since the end of the Second World War. [4,815 words]
"You are an excellent writer, David Gardiner, certainly you are looking for more than the hassle you can get here. RoseDog.comThe largest manuscript showcase available to writers, agents, and publishers.Enter RoseDog BooksBecome a published author at a fraction of the cost of traditional self-publishing.Enter RoseDog is working to get writers noticed. We now have 110 publishers and 59 agents registered with us! There are over 6,870 manuscripts in the showcase! · Writers: Are you looking for a publisher or agent? Learn about the benefits of RoseDog membership here. · Showcase excerpts from your unpublished work quickly and easily. Use your RoseDog email to communicate with other writers. Request a free banner to draw attention to your manuscript. · Read our Writers FAQs here. · Agents and Publishers: Find out why RoseDog makes good business sense for you. No fees, no commissions, no hassles. " -- RoseDog Afficianado.
"Pure Class 9/10. From the first sentence I was hooked on this. wonderful writing and great charaterisation. I have two problems with it though, one minor and one a bit bigger. The first is the lisp thing, did he have a lisp? or did he have problems with the letter 'R'? or did he have both? If it isn't both I'd change the word 'lisp' to speech imprediment. See how I'm having to nit pick to find fault? The other problem is one that I'll be interested to find out what other readers think. there's one part that doesn't work for me. After the second fight, how they all carry on living together in the flat. I know it's a whole part of the weird inter-mingled threesome .. BUT. I don't think it's realistic. Aubs has a temper okay he's a bully who won't stand up to big male people but he's still temperamental. I don't think he'd just meekly melt into the backgroud and put up with the new situation. for me it would work better if they moved out immediately, and Aubrey found 'excuses' to come round and torment her. As I said earlier I hope other people comment on this because I'd like to see if they think that part is believeable. For me that lost you one point, other than that fantastic. Your writing commands attention. I know once before you said I shouldn't fawn and be in awe of you, but I do think you are a very 'domineering' writer. you take no prisoners and command attention. I love your stories. " -- Sooz, Dalton, England, Cumbria.
"I found this story to be absolutely believable, but perhaps that's only because it so closely mirrors an experience I had. Yes, Sooz, situations like that really do occur, it adds to the imperfection of real life. No act of kindness ever goes unpunished; nice guys finish last; choose your own cliche. Fortunately I'm still enough of a die-hard romantic to see the beauty in those few shared moments. In my dreams, the Aubreys don't always get the girl; but then, that's what dreams are for. I'm almost on a rant, so I shall shut-up now. Anyway Dave, another well written piece. I'm quite certain the next story I read will be great too." -- AJ Magy, Sfld, MI, US.
"This was another well written story but I'd have to agree with Sooz.I feel it would've been a better story if there were more interaction between David and Aubrey.How about a fist fight? Then again, perhaps you don't like to interject violence into your stories.But all in all this story was a good read and you are very talented. " -- David Daniels.
"Many thanks for your kind remarks David. It's literally years since I have visited Storyshed, and this story has in the meantime been incorporated in my first published collection "The Rainbow Man and Other Stories". The truth is, this story is almost entirely autobiographical, and although like Sooz I didn't really expect Aubery to take it the way he did it was what actually happened. To be honest I don't think the fist fight would add to the story, it's really a psychological study, but I agree that more interaction between the two male characters might have improved it. I wrote it in a slightly longer form originally but then cut it down to use it as a competition entry. I prefer the shorter version myself. It's still one of my own favourites of my own efforts. Many thanks again for reading and commenting." -- David Gardiner, London, England.
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