AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) Four Friends (Screenplays) A story about 4 friends! [1,589 words] Peter (Short Stories) A boy and his day! [1,100 words] The Odd Group! (Screenplays) An odd group of people! [1,589 words]
The Midget Nathaniel Perhay
It all began one morning when our star of our story, Ben was basking outside in the summer sun warming rays. When all of sudden a 3ft midget or how they liked to be called “vertically challenged person” walked by and started looking at Ben. Ben finally noticed the midget staring at him. So he started staring at the midget to try to figure out why he was staring at him.
“Hey you midget what the hell are you lookin at?” Ben said.
“Wha wha wha why the hell are you talking to me in the first place!” The midget said.
“What did you just say to me you little bastard”? Ben yelled!
“Yah got a problem you big goofy looking freak!” Screamed the midget, while he started to clench his fist and walk closer to Ben.
“What the hell are you doing? Why are you comin closer you want to fight you little crap monkey?” Ben said angrily. As he got up ready to fight the vertically challenged person.
“Oh my god you’re not stepping up to me are you?” the midget said.
“Oh hell no I cant step up to somebody who is smaller then me!” Ben said. Now you could see that Ben was getting pissed off at this persistent midget.
So Ben stood up and walked over to the midget got down on his knees and said, “You got a problem little man!” As Ben shoved the little man to the ground.
As the midget waddle to get up he was pissed now as Ben could see now. So the midget got up and dusted himself off and slowly walked over to were Ben where kneeling. He grabbed Bens collar and got up into his face saying “What the hell do you think your are doing you big punk, I am goin to kick your ass so bad that you will be crying for your mom when I am done!” When he was done saying that, he pushed Ben and he fell back about 5 feet and fell on his ass.
As Ben got up he was very astonished about how hard the midget had pushed him. He got to his feet and started to run and then lunged at the midget yelling “why you little piece of crap I am going to kick your ass!” As he lunged at him he tackled the midget to the ground. He plowed him over so hard that he knocked the air out of the both of them. But Ben recovered first and got on top of him and took a hold of the midgets collar and started to ban his head against the ground yelling “Why the hell were you staring at me like that why tell me why tell me!”
As the midget was being beat up he tried to spit out his answer “I I I have a staring problem please let me go I didn’t mean to get in your face I just sometimes do that I I I am sorry please let me go and I will leave you alone!”
So Ben realizing the wrongness of his ways he let the midget go and he picked him up, stood him right and helped him dust his self off and said “I am so sorry about this here you go and I am sorry.” So Ben let him go. As the midget walked away he said “Bye jackass!” and ran away never to be seen again.
So Ben went back to lying in the sun and he finally dozed off and he was back to his self again and he fell asleep.
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