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Short Stories

A Fortuitous Meeting by Shelley J Alongi Aviation Series story 1. An emergency landing brings a pilot and a teacher together in a m... [16,996 words]
The Attorney's Assistant by Shelley J Alongi About a relationship between a U.S. attorney and an assistant. Emphasizes positive co... [7,617 words]
A Taste Of Death by Frank Dunsmore Dective Schmidt with Homicide of the Chicago PD is baffled by several arsenic poisonings. He a... [5,669 words]
The Animal Prison by L J Milakovic A zoo from an abused tiger's point of view. The abuse is too persistent for the tiger, and he... [823 words]
Resistance by Shelley J Alongi The actions and thoughts of a boy facing the bleak certainty of death in a Jewish ghetto in 1943. [1,414 words]
Hill Number 18 by Shelley J Alongi A major recalls taking his platoon out of a mine field in Vietnam. [1,225 words]
Timmya The Totter - And The Rise Of The Dead Part 2 by Rose Trimovski This next story has to deal with the next adventure that Ti... [6,731 words]
The Perfect Gift by T J Richards A woman goes to the middle east and finds the most unlikely of things while there. [1,681 words]
The Old Horse by Joan Bentley I wrote this one for my Dad and Arnold Palmer, believe it or not. Every year I would watch the U... [1,915 words]
The Magical Publishing Pen by Mila Strictzer Vegas and the devil. [4,596 words]
The Last Leaf by Abby Steed - [1,875 words]
The Gnome From Alaska by David Soriano A humorous short story involving... a gnome. [1,427 words]
The Cold Afterglow At The West End
The Band Played On by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [1,486 words]
Tangled Web by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Treat `em mean and keep `em keen. [596 words]
Taking A Chance by Leigh Berry A story about facing fears while traveling in the post September 11 world. [679 words]
Sweet Child Of Mine by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The old lady had been brutally mugged, her son was sucjh a good boy, but would his thoughts... [1,843 words]
Scorn, Thy Name Is Woman by Norman A Rubin This is a story of murder committed by a meek little man upon his nagging and complain... [2,360 words]
Room For One More by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The dream was haunting and wouldn't leave Mike alone. [1,728 words]
Return Of The Hellcat (Erotica May Be Offensive) by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Please do not read this one if easily offended. Or even not so... [3,390 words]
Pact Of Joy. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Don't we all just want to be happy? [2,497 words]
Out Of Print by Sue (Sooz) Simpson A man, a boy, a love of reading and echoes of the past. [2,007 words]
One-Man Race by Sue (Sooz) Simpson He had only his nerves to rely on. One slip and the race would be lost. [664 words]
Etagere by Karen L Snyder Étagère--Set in the 1920's during Prohibition, a lady's husband is killed in a saloon brawl. She is wit... [9,649 words]
Dreamscape by Mila Strictzer A story about dreams. [4,963 words]
Death At The Conservatory by Frank Dunsmore John Benson watched Charles Manning sip from his water bottle. Throwing a smug, disda... [3,239 words]
A Darker Night by Albert Davis I think that in this world people all have dual identities and what you see is seldom the truth ... [1,507 words]
A Brush With Death by Frank Dunsmore Homicide Detective Schmidt with the Chicago PD visits the Art Institute to take a break from... [5,169 words]
Would You Like To Swing On A Star by Lisa Petro A short story of less than 1000 words about what is and what might be. [568 words]
The Pirate Ship by Kurt Kitasaki A short satire on employment practices. [230 words]
The Origin Of Our Five Senses by Stephanie Siegfred A children's story of how we came about to have the sense of taste, touch, hear, ... [591 words]
The Night Dancers by Moya Green What do you do when your best friend gets himself captured by the fairies? [1,522 words]
The Fantastical Adventure Of William Solney by Daniel Birnbaum A story to relive that freedom of youth which touches your heart an... [9,401 words]
The Elves And The Preacher by Norman A Rubin A modern version of the fairy story which tells of a goodly cleric and how he copes ... [1,603 words]
Roch by Sunny Cybersex. [289 words]
Mourning Glory by Sue (Sooz) Simpson One of my favourite pieces. Please note *This is not a children's story* It's the tale of a litt... [1,786 words]
Mortar Doesn't Breathe. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The house was inanimate, dead ... because her child was gone. [1,114 words]
Making My Way Back To You. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson She'd told them a thousand times to keep the front door closed, now tragedy had stru... [1,926 words]
Madness Becomes You by Sue (Sooz) Simpson She used to be someone, now she's several people, or maybe she's nobody at all, it makes no... [394 words]
Little Bird by Sue (Sooz) Simpson He liked fragile things [1,406 words]
Knockers by Sue (Sooz) Simpson It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. [2,210 words]
Just The Ticket by Sue (Sooz) Simpson You pays your money and you takes your chances. [5,177 words]
I've Always Wanted To Write... But! by Sue (Sooz) Simpson There's always an excuse if you want to find one. [510 words]
Is The Toilet Roll Half Full Or Half Empty by Sue (Sooz) Simpson It's hard when you're at bursting point. [423 words]
Airport Interrogation by Bryan Caron Susan thinks all men are jerks and doesn't feel she will ever find the right man until on... [2,579 words]
A Story With No Beginning by Bryan Caron A young writer wants to tell a fantastical tale but canot come up with a good beginni... [2,120 words]
A Date With Destiny by Stephanie Siegfred A suicide victim reflects upon her life and her fatal decision to end it when she is given ... [1,996 words]
The Wishfish by Moya Green Doris stared down at the kipper. The kipper stared back. "Don't eat me," it said. [1,861 words]
The Waiting Man by Dave Furniss - [577 words]
The Troubled Sky by Caitlin Gallacher-Turner A girl by the name of Cira, recently turned thirteen, discovers that she has the ability for s... [3,565 words]
The Midget by Nathaniel Perhay A story about a midget! [604 words]
The Heart Of The Storm by C G L Davies A bad storm makes me think. [586 words]
The Ghost Story Of Yotsu-Ya by Norman A Rubin The reader is brought to Japan during the era of the emperors - The story, based on... [1,961 words]
The Day I Killed Ryan Watts... by Lawrence Peters Just a joke inspired by a fellow poet. [157 words]
Story Of My Life by Ryan Watts A very short story with a meaning so shallow you'll puke. But read it anyway! [246 words]
Sixteen by Eloise H Anson Story about finding love, and the confusion, pain and angst that walks hand in hand with it. [3,411 words]
P.S.-I Love You by Pauline A White Frankie was just a good old country boy.He felt honored when Della became his woman. She was sm... [6,861 words]
Peter by Nathaniel Perhay A boy and his day! [1,100 words]
One More Fallen' by Jordan S Wilson a shrt overview of the tragic shooting of Tupac Shakure threw the eyes of his bodyguard. [1,944 words]
Noone To Nowhere by Alina Marquez Short story about a woman on a Greyhound bus to El Paso. [1,294 words]
Jacks, Or Better To Open by Lawrence Peters - [2,139 words]
Ghosts... by Lawrence Peters - [572 words]
From The Backbay Chronicles - Revival Week by Pauline A White Sundays in August were special times in the South. You had Revivals... [1,551 words]
From Backbay Chronicles - Mama And The Po-Lice by Pauline A White This is a story for pre and teenagers. It is part of a series o... [2,981 words]
From Backbay Chronicles - Visiting Day by Pauline A White Sometimes the Spirit can hit you really hard... [1,337 words]
Eyes by Lawrence Peters For Parker. [339 words]
Dogsbody by Moya Green It was during the great thunderstorm that George decided to become a dog [940 words]
Blood And Honour by Bradley Postma A tale of skinhead life and death... with a killer twist. Critiques are welcome. [10,135 words]
Backbay Chronicles - Randy And Sandy by Pauline A White 'A boy and his dog' is an old theme. Love is even older, and more rewardi... [2,696 words]
Baby Secrets... by Lawrence Peters Something you always want but should never have. [762 words]

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The Cold Afterglow At The West End
A short story involving mystery and some element of truth.
[1,666 words]
David Soriano
A chemistry professor who enjoys reading and writing poetry.
[July 2002]
A Monument To Time And Stonehenge (Poetry) A collection of verse. [1501 words] [Mystery]
Altered State (Poetry) A poem about being in a coma. [37 words] [Mystical]
American Revolution (Poetry) A poem about the 1960s era. [100 words] [History]
Bogs, Swamps, Lagoons And Marshes (Poetry) A poem about..wetlands. [75 words] [Nature]
Boomerang (Poetry) A poem about the boomerang sport. [60 words] [Motivational]
Calamus Revival (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on reflection. [79 words] [Mind]
Chronicles Of Irish Tradition (Poetry) A poem saluting the excellence of Irish literary tradition. [69 words] [History]
Civil War News (Poetry) A poem based on American Civil War trading cards from ca. 1961. [56 words] [History]
Competition (Poetry) Only the strong survive. [82 words] [Action]
Dreams Of Transmutation (Poetry) A poem about alchemy. [144 words] [Psychology]
Face Down In The Street (Poetry) A poem about sensitivity toward our fellow man. [90 words] [Spiritual]
Find Eternal Rest (Poetry) Restless spirits. [148 words] [Mystery]
Halloween (Poetry) A tale written for a Halloween night. [76 words] [Horror]
H.G. Wells (Poetry) A poem about writer H.G. Wells and his life. [120 words] [Science Fiction]
His Winged Sphinx (Poetry) An intepretation of the set and setting for H.G Wells when he wrote the "Time Machine". [165 words] [History]
In Retrospect (Poetry) A poem describing appreciation. [122 words] [Romance]
Intellectual Kelvinism (Poetry) A poem focusing on academic snobbery. [111 words] [Psychology]
Inward And Outward (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on fellow man and life elsewhere in the universe. [66 words] [Relationships]
Lady Liberty Looks On (Poetry) A collection of poems. [1501 words] [Motivational]
Linguistic Tongues (Poetry) A poem about weirdness based on a true story. [90 words] [Horror]
Love Of Winter (Poetry) Winter-my time of year. [57 words] [Nature]
Megalithic Ruins (Poetry) A poem about Stonehenge. [55 words] [Mystical]
Meloncholy Madness (Poetry) A poem about alchemy. [81 words] [Fantasy]
Mixed Emotions (Poetry) A humourous poem about a... piggy bank. [104 words] [Humor]
Morlock Clones (Poetry) A poem based on the author's interpretation of the "Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. [67 words] [Science Fiction]
Neanderthal Expressions (Poetry) A thoughtful poem on creativity and needs of self-expression. [60 words] [Relationships]
Odor- Eaters Needed (Poetry) A poem about shoes. [52 words] [Humor]
Panspermia (Poetry) A poem about origins of life. [52 words] [Scientific]
Pasteur (Poetry) A poem in honor of Louis Pasteur. [52 words] [Biography]
Placidness (Poetry) A poem about thoughtfulness. [78 words] [Relationships]
Rapture (Poetry) A mysterious poem .... [110 words] [Mystery]
Receptor Sites (Poetry) A poem about consciousness elevation. [60 words] [Psychology]
Restless Departed (Poetry) A soul not wishing to leave very expensive property. [70 words] [Fantasy]
Science And Religion (Poetry) A poem about... science and religion. [73 words] [Scientific]
Security Blanket (Poetry) A poem about the Shroud. [58 words] [Spiritual]
Sense Of Self-Worth (Poetry) A poem about one's self. [67 words] [Self-Help]
Slugfest And Sureshot (Poetry) A poem about a pinball machine. [82 words] [Fantasy]
Spiritual Hunger (Poetry) A poem about spiritual differences. [97 words] [Spiritual]
Study Guides And Solution Manuals (Poetry) A poem about academia and psychology. [33 words] [Psychology]
Surf's Up (Poetry) Unusual poem about surfing. [81 words] [Nature]
Teleportation (Poetry) A poem about ghosts. [49 words] [Suspense]
The Eye Of Evil (Poetry) A brief poem about the evil eye. [45 words] [Horror]
The Gnome From Alaska (Short Stories) A humorous short story involving... a gnome. [1,427 words] [Humor]
The Immigrant Story (Essays) Elaboration on the Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant Song". [979 words] [History]
The Irish Healer (Poetry) A poem based on an Irish legend about a healer. [73 words] [History]
The Land Of Green (Poetry) A humourous poem about an Irish Farmer's day in the field. [130 words] [Humor]
The Second Effort (Poetry) The 1970 Kansas City Chiefs- up and over! [56 words]
The Tired And Poor (Poetry) Cheap Labor. [108 words] [History]
Things I'd Like To Say (Poetry) A poem for a man of few words. [47 words] [Relationships]
Three Dimensional Vision (Poetry) A poem on thoughtfulness. [53 words]
What Is Life? (Poetry) What is....life? [126 words] [Mystical]
Who You Gonna Call? (Poetry) A poem about seances. [104 words] [Fantasy]
Witch's Broom (Poetry) A nature poem dealing with outer space and galaxies. [53 words] [Scientific]

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© 2002 David Soriano
July 2002

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