AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) Four Friends (Screenplays) A story about 4 friends! [1,589 words] The Midget (Short Stories) A story about a midget! [604 words] The Odd Group! (Screenplays) An odd group of people! [1,589 words]
Peter Nathaniel Perhay
Well hello, my name is Peter and I am going to tell you about my week cause well last week was one of the craziest weeks I have had in along time well so I guess I will start telling you a little about my self so I can prepare you for the weirdness you are about to encounter with my story. Well to star out my name is Peter Margi, I am 18 and a boy from a small town in Washington named Promise Ville. Well I am about out of high school and I am a prodigy in a sport called Kendo. So I know how to fight. Well I think that’s enough about me so lets get to my story.
It all started Monday morning when I got up to go school I am normally not a clumsy fellow but to day was weird cause the moment I got up I hit my head on my wall don’t ask me how I did it cause I really don’t know. But it was painful at that. So after I was done trying to figure out how I hit my head, well I just gave up. So I stepped out of my bed as usual and I tripped over my shinai (bamboo sword) and rammed my face into my men (head gear), I hit my men so hard that I got bruises from the metal rods on it so I had bruises across my face. So I was like “what’s up with that” cause I am never am this clumsy I am usually smooth and I flow great but today well started off very very odd. So once I was done tripping every where I went to go get dressed but I remembered that I had washed my clothes the night befor so they were in the dryer so I went down to get them. On my way don’t the stairs I tripped over my sister’s dolls and fell almost all the way down them. So yah that hurt to.
“God today ahs started off painfully” as I got up from the ground. Sop I slowly made my way into the laundry room and the only dry clothes where my whites so I got down and opened up the dryer and all my clothes were pink. I was like
“What the hell I am going to kill her” to my knowing she had put one of her red panties in my wash and I was on the war path now cause well I have never had that much conflict in the morning before and it was pissin me off a lot. So I tried to blow it off and by know I was getting really really hungry so I thought to myself that if I eat something I will be ok. So after I figured out what I could wear and not look gay I went to go get some breakfast. So I trudged my way downstairs to get some cereal. So I got everything already and then I realized that I was really hungry cause I didn’t eat anything after kendo practice last night so I was in the mood I would eat anything. So I poured everything and started eating when I started to realize that the cereal kinded tasted funny and s kind of squishy in some places but I didn’t care I was hungry so I ate all of it and I was stuffed. Then my mom walked and asked
“What are you doing?”
I said, “well today my day started out really shity and it hasn’t gotten any better”
“Would you like to elaborate on it Peter?” mom said
“Sure why not well first of all I hit my head on my wall this morning when I got up. Second I tripped over my shinai and hit my face on my men which left these bruises on my face like so and Mindy put so panties in the laundry and turned my whites pink. And to top it off my cereal tastes funny!” as I said
“So that’s what’s on your face. And I will talk to Mindy about that. And well the milk I was meaning to throw that out but I plum forgot.” mom said
“what’ cha you talking about mom” I said
“Well the milk had gone bad when Mindy left it out for the whole day and you know how hot it gets here it well went bad” mom said with a soothing voice.
“ahh that’s disgusting ohhhhhh I don’t feel good now oh god I think it mite be comin up again out of my way.” As I yelled running to the bathroom.
After about 30 min in the bathroom and when I was down puking and dry heaving up my stomach I think I was ok. So I though I am going to yell at Mindy cause of how my day was some how. Yah I figured she was making my day into a day in hell so I thought if I could stop it before it get out of hand I will be safe. So I went on my hunt to find her around my house. So I started in her room, which was a vile pit to start off, and the most logical place. So I slowly opened the door to it and got the worst smell in the world waft over me it was like smelling a room full of old women that wear to much perfume and one had messed there pants. It was horrible. So I ventured further into the hellhole. There where weird and scary thing on the wall, weird affirmations of the devil and little sanctuary’s to the lord of darkness him self well I think they were. So I looked around and decided she wasn’t in there. So I got out of there as quick as possible. Well she wasn’t in there so I tried the TV room cause she liked to watch her sadistic TV shows with that red dinosaur and her damn bananas in pajamas, I keep saying bananas aren’t supposed to wear pajamas. So I went in to the TV room low and behold she wasn’t there. So I was wondering where she was, and by then I felt the milk come in back up so I had to race off to my bathroom to throw up. When I opened the door to my surprise there she was sitting on her throne as the devil reincarnate reading my adult magazines and that when I heard.
"This is an interesting story but I advise you to check your spelling and punctuation as it all seems to run into each other a bit..otherwise keep it up. " -- C G L Davies.
"I didn't read all of it, but it just sounded like a 12 year old wrote it for school. So maybe you could work on that, but i really don't know shit so i don't know." -- Moses M. Constable.
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