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Short Stories

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The Attorney's Assistant by Shelley J Alongi About a relationship between a U.S. attorney and an assistant. Emphasizes positive co... [7,617 words]
A Taste Of Death by Frank Dunsmore Dective Schmidt with Homicide of the Chicago PD is baffled by several arsenic poisonings. He a... [5,669 words]
The Animal Prison by L J Milakovic A zoo from an abused tiger's point of view. The abuse is too persistent for the tiger, and he... [823 words]
Resistance by Shelley J Alongi The actions and thoughts of a boy facing the bleak certainty of death in a Jewish ghetto in 1943. [1,414 words]
Hill Number 18 by Shelley J Alongi A major recalls taking his platoon out of a mine field in Vietnam. [1,225 words]
Timmya The Totter - And The Rise Of The Dead Part 2 by Rose Trimovski This next story has to deal with the next adventure that Ti... [6,731 words]
The Perfect Gift by T J Richards A woman goes to the middle east and finds the most unlikely of things while there. [1,681 words]
The Old Horse by Joan Bentley I wrote this one for my Dad and Arnold Palmer, believe it or not. Every year I would watch the U... [1,915 words]
The Magical Publishing Pen by Mila Strictzer Vegas and the devil. [4,596 words]
The Last Leaf by Abby Steed - [1,875 words]
The Gnome From Alaska by David Soriano A humorous short story involving... a gnome. [1,427 words]
The Cold Afterglow At The West End by David Soriano A short story involving mystery and some element of truth. [1,666 words]
The Band Played On by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [1,486 words]
Tangled Web by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Treat `em mean and keep `em keen. [596 words]
Taking A Chance by Leigh Berry A story about facing fears while traveling in the post September 11 world. [679 words]
Sweet Child Of Mine by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The old lady had been brutally mugged, her son was sucjh a good boy, but would his thoughts... [1,843 words]
Scorn, Thy Name Is Woman by Norman A Rubin This is a story of murder committed by a meek little man upon his nagging and complain... [2,360 words]
Room For One More by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The dream was haunting and wouldn't leave Mike alone. [1,728 words]
Return Of The Hellcat (Erotica May Be Offensive) by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Please do not read this one if easily offended. Or even not so... [3,390 words]
Pact Of Joy. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Don't we all just want to be happy? [2,497 words]
Out Of Print by Sue (Sooz) Simpson A man, a boy, a love of reading and echoes of the past. [2,007 words]
One-Man Race by Sue (Sooz) Simpson He had only his nerves to rely on. One slip and the race would be lost. [664 words]
Etagere by Karen L Snyder Étagère--Set in the 1920's during Prohibition, a lady's husband is killed in a saloon brawl. She is wit... [9,649 words]
Dreamscape by Mila Strictzer A story about dreams. [4,963 words]
Death At The Conservatory by Frank Dunsmore John Benson watched Charles Manning sip from his water bottle. Throwing a smug, disda... [3,239 words]
A Darker Night by Albert Davis I think that in this world people all have dual identities and what you see is seldom the truth ... [1,507 words]
A Brush With Death by Frank Dunsmore Homicide Detective Schmidt with the Chicago PD visits the Art Institute to take a break from... [5,169 words]
Would You Like To Swing On A Star by Lisa Petro A short story of less than 1000 words about what is and what might be. [568 words]
The Pirate Ship by Kurt Kitasaki A short satire on employment practices. [230 words]
The Origin Of Our Five Senses by Stephanie Siegfred A children's story of how we came about to have the sense of taste, touch, hear, ... [591 words]
The Night Dancers by Moya Green What do you do when your best friend gets himself captured by the fairies? [1,522 words]
The Fantastical Adventure Of William Solney by Daniel Birnbaum A story to relive that freedom of youth which touches your heart an... [9,401 words]
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Mourning Glory by Sue (Sooz) Simpson One of my favourite pieces. Please note *This is not a children's story* It's the tale of a litt... [1,786 words]
Mortar Doesn't Breathe. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The house was inanimate, dead ... because her child was gone. [1,114 words]
Making My Way Back To You. by Sue (Sooz) Simpson She'd told them a thousand times to keep the front door closed, now tragedy had stru... [1,926 words]
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Knockers by Sue (Sooz) Simpson It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. [2,210 words]
Just The Ticket by Sue (Sooz) Simpson You pays your money and you takes your chances. [5,177 words]
I've Always Wanted To Write... But! by Sue (Sooz) Simpson There's always an excuse if you want to find one. [510 words]
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Noone To Nowhere
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Noone To Nowhere
Short story about a woman on a Greyhound bus to El Paso.
[1,294 words]
Alina Marquez
Female teenager in the Southwest.
[June 2002]
Noone To Nowhere
Alina Marquez

I was on the bus. The bus, that time span of concentrated people and possibility. Anything can happen on a bus. And it does. And it did.

More specifically, I was in the back of a Greyhound, sleeping awake on the window with the glass as a pillow my backpack as a blanket. It was around three in the morning, in August, and the Big Dipper was just spooning into the Texas horizon to my right. A toddler at the front whimpered with each jostle, and a mother sang to her child a Mexican lullaby just behind me. Two teenage Oriental boys, cigarettes waiting for the next bus stop hanging from their shirt pockets, sat across the aisle, both appearing much too alert for the hour. A bit ahead, a young beautiful black woman slept next to an old frail grandpa from Chicago, wearing worn brown leather shoes and a similar jacket. The quiet yet punctuated murmur of this strange humanity filled the room; that isolated room, bumbling subtly along in the vast Texas night, severed from existence until the 5:30 stop.

Buses are magic. They do not qualify as real life. They create a situation inimitable in real life. They attract people of all origins, motives, and destinations. You are as likely to come across the destitute immigrant bringing illegal prescription drugs to his grandmother in Tucson, as the diamond-clad grandmother on her way to fulfill her life’s dream of experiencing the New York opera. The person you are sleeping next to could pull a knife on you, or fall in love with you, or walk away in the Amarillo station without ever realizing your presence.

The baby cried out, predicting by a few seconds the gas station we were pulling into. The murmur faltered as eyes opened and limbs stretched. Suddenly, the door squealed open and we were again merged with the real world. Tires rumbled on the highway, a boom box crooned scratchy Elvis tunes from the back of the station, and the comforting engine noises ceased, thrusting me back to the here and now.

I walked with the crowd outside, needing to stretch and breath fresh air. Or as fresh as a gas station south of San Angelo permits. The two teenage Orientals, with the same idea, lit their cigarettes.

“Hey gorgeous, where you headed?” The voice startled me from behind.

“I’m, umm, ending in El Paso.”

“That right? I lived there a bit. Not heading back though.”

“Oh,” I said. I didn’t mean to end a friendly conversation; I was strangely unsure of what to say in the unexpected exchange. Instead, I headed back for the bus, trying to appear tired, trying to avoid conversation, but not knowing why.

I sat the last four minutes of the stop in my seat by the back window, rearranging the books in my bag in the vain effort of creating a more adequate blanket out of them. As the familiar growl of the engine restarted, the last people got on and resettled.

“Mind if I sit here?” The voice again startled me, but this time from my left.

“Oh, sure, the spot’s empty,” I said, putting my backpack on the floor to make room. I wondered why that spot had been his choosing, and also why I had not seen him on the bus earlier, and whether he had even been there. Hitchhiker, I figured. Greyhound doesn’t check tickets at fuel stops.

He had on black jeans and a faded blue T-shirt from Buddy’s Texas Barbecue. Odd, I thought, as I noticed he carried nothing with him. His empty hands were dark, like the rest of his skin, browned by work under southern summer sun. His body testified to this effort, with sharp definition in his skin of the underlying muscles and veins. His dark brown, almost black, hair fell loose and natural over his forehead. The color matched his eyes exactly.

“If not El Paso,” I said, feeling a sudden need to break the silence, “where are you going?”

“No where. Dallas, Phoenix, Reno, Kansas City. Could be anywhere.”

I didn’t ask for explanation.

The Big Dipper by now had a good piece of the horizon in its grasp. I tried to see it dipping, dipping, dipping… Its timelessness escaped my vision. Only the blink of extended sleep can notice the change. I settled for that alternative.

“Your hands are beautiful.” Again, his voice startled me, coming from behind my just closing eyelids. I didn’t answer.

The young black woman ahead of me blinked, stood up, and walked past. The baby was finally peaceful, but still the Mexican lullaby continued, droning on in a beautiful white noise behind me.

His hand moved towards mine. I watched the tendons and bones and muscles, so alive in his dark skin, move so articulately as he traced my knuckles and wrist with his fingertips and eyes. Simultaneously I found myself tracing the perimeter of his eyes, with mine, and ending up in a stare right through the center, through the gaping hole to his mind and soul.

The black woman walked back to her seat, and the old man from Chicago adjusted his faded brown leather jacket out of her way. The taller oriental boy said something in a mysterious dialect to his companion, and was answered with a nod. The baby whimpered, then sighed, as the rumble and tremble of the room continued as welcome, yet unappreciated, as breath.

I saw in his mind lost purpose, and in his soul, calm. His fingertips, one or two or three in soft but sharp contact with my skin, moved slowly around my hand. Then I realized mine did the same to his. The realization startled me. Something caught at him in the same second, and our eyes jumped together, and locked. I saw him see the same things through my eyes, staring so expressionless, yet simultaneously screaming the secrets of my soul.

We were closer than I realized. Closer than would be comfortable in real life. But on the bus, in the back seat of an isolated moving world, we were too far apart. His hand reached up as we silently acknowledged this, and moved the stray strands of hair from my face. It still stayed there, though, in the curve of my neck, and his face fell through the final distance and touched mine. I felt his mouth brush my forehead, and then my lips. I felt the life burning in his arms, and sensed his soul leaking through his skin into mine.

I don’t completely know how two strangers can so meld. On a bus, though, they are not strangers.

I don’t completely know how long I shared that existence. Existence without purpose, momentarily passionate.

The baby cried out, predicting by a few seconds the station we were pulling into. The door squealed open, and the roar of early morning silence replaced the seemingly immortal pulse of the bus as we were thrust unwillingly back into real life, like walking into bright, loud sunlight after the peace of a dark empty room.

He stood up with the crowd, and joined the murmur of bodies leaving the room. I stayed. The Big Dipper had almost a full spoonful of the surrounding land.

The stop passed instantaneously. Immediately the lullabies continued and the cigarettes were put out and the baby was hushed whimpering back to sleep. The engine restarted, and we pulled back onto the highway to El Paso.

Through the window, a lost soul still stood in the station, looking into the handle of the Dipper, headed for Dallas, Phoenix, Reno, or Kansas City. Then he simply turned and walked, nameless, in the inevitable direction of nowhere.



"This was a great story. The graphic imagery brought the scenes of the Greyhound sharply into focus. I think the authoress has a great and profitable career ahead of her." -- Hannah, Stillwater, OK.
"I really think that this story has hit the spot. When it comes to a passing romance, this is the ultimate " if only " romance. It made me long to hop on the nearest Greyhound myself!" -- Debby, Manhatten, NY.
"Dude! What a cool story! This story is the bomb! " -- Kevin, Perry, OK.
"I really enjoyed this story, ja? Ich musse tell all of mein Fruende. Great story for an American!" -- Caroline, Munich, Bayern.
"I really thought this here story was jist too cool. I done told all of my cousins that they should start saving there money fer a Greyhound trip!" -- Bonnie, Clyde , Arkansas.
"I thought that this story was so romantic! It almost made me cry the first two times I read it! I'm so inspired by it. It gives me hope that someday I too will have a grand romance." -- Cynthia, Beverly Hills, CA.
"You know, no matter how many times I read this story, it doesn't change. I've read it three times now, and it always brings up the same mental images. The what ifs, the reality, the trueness of the story remain the same. No matter how many times I read it, it will always be real." -- Hannah, Stw, OK.
"This enchanting tale of two strangers and their brief moment in time together is a fine example of literature. The descriptions, while a little much at times, are very detailed and realistic. This young author clearly knows what she's doing! I certainly hope that she writes more wonderful stories!" -- Dana, Miami, FL.
"Great! Wonderful! Amazing! Extraordinary! Two thumbs up! (Is that appropriate for a story? If it isn't I don't care...this story deserves it!) That was simply a well-written, fantastic story! Good job! :)" -- The Bibliophile, The Middle of, Nowhere.
"I found this story to be overly cliche and melodramatic. Whoever wrote this was on some good stuff at the time - hormones?" -- Austin, OKC, OK, USA.
" I wonder if "Austin" thinks of any piece of literature without chemical help. Is it now neccessary to be "on" something to write anything well? Apparently, Austin the Aristarch thinks it is. Other than that unpleasent interlude, it is an enjoyable story. I congratulate the authoress on her descriptive talents." -- Liz, Hershey, PA.


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© 2002 Alina Marquez
June 2002

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