AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (30) 10:15 (Short Stories) A short story about fate and speed and the things that bring people together. [713 words] [Action] And... (Short Stories) For Andrew, whether you like it or not, it's yours. written in Los Angeles, where writers go to become rich, lose every drop of their talent then die horribly in the gutter like Poe... thanks for show... [129 words] [Mystical] Angel Turns Pro (Short Stories) A Paranormal Parable. [472 words] [Humor] Baby Secrets... (Short Stories) Something you always want but should never have. [762 words] Bog (Short Stories) A tip of the hat to the cousin's back o the hand. [387 words] [Humor] Brooklyn Cowboy (Short Stories) - [2,364 words] Fever Dreams And Memories (Non-Fiction) My first ghost story. [649 words] [Mystical] For B. (Songs) A song for my sister Betty-Ann on her 38th Birthday. [202 words] Fortress (Songs) - [116 words] Ghosts... (Short Stories) - [572 words] God's Hiding Place (Short Stories) - [230 words] [Spiritual] Gorilla (Poetry) - [169 words] If But For A Moment... (Poetry) - [126 words] Jacks, Or Better To Open (Short Stories) - [2,139 words] Love X 2 (Poetry) - [101 words] Once (Short Stories) For you. Always. [317 words] Once Again, With Feeling (Poetry) - [134 words] Papa (Short Stories) For one of the greatest there was. [473 words] [] Promise (Short Stories) For Monica. [355 words] [Humor] Syberg (Short Stories) Part one of a science fiction story... [956 words] [Science Fiction] The Day I Killed Ryan Watts... (Short Stories) Just a joke inspired by a fellow poet. [157 words] The Dragon And The Tiger-Bob Gets His W.I.S.H. (Short Stories) Humorous wildlife adventure [1,614 words] [Fable] The Last Song Of C S H (A Reprise) (Short Stories) If you need to know... [578 words] The Last Song Of Cold Steel Heart (Short Stories) - [3,382 words] The Stone: Man Or Myth? (Short Stories) Continuing story of a legendary childhood friend, which will be updated as time and the man honors. [1,956 words] [Adventure] Time Enough For You (Poetry) - [103 words] Waiting... (Short Stories) - [249 words] [Humor] Waiting For The Rain (Poetry) - [118 words] 'fly (Short Stories) Freedom [426 words] 'ticement 18 W. I. S. H. (When I See Her) (Poetry) - [91 words]
Eyes Lawrence Peters
I somehow knew there was trouble trouble trouble when I got to the building she lived in. Her phone message was vague and scattered and I knew her, knew that wasn't her, so I came.
The sound of a window opening made me look up and I saw the arc of something black flow from above. I ducked into the doorway and black smashed on the hard concrete. It was a camera. Trouble all right. I raced up the stairs.
The door to her place was open and I knocked and entered. A warzone; a disaster. All her work on the walls smashed, ripped pictures and broken glass where there was once the order of her life. Then I saw her.
She wordlessly handed me a cup of coffee and the daily news and I took both. I needed the caffeine and the distraction to keep me from looking at her face.
Finally she spoke.
"What do I do? Who am I? What am I? I leave no mark, nothing tangible, no art no record of my passing. I just waste my time and life looking for nothing."
What do you say to something like that. You be strong and wait for the storm to blow over. If it ever does. I looked to the paper; another child killed by their parent's neglect. Infinitely the saddest thing.
But it was her picture that the paper used, one she'd taken in front of this building. I looked into her face again and felt the shock written there.
But I saw also the radiant smile on that child in the pictures face, saw his cocky proud pose, and knew that at least part of what she'd said she was wrong.
For a moment in time she'd meant something to someone, brought a smile to a child's face, captured the hope and dream, that with a click of her shutter she'd made his short life something special. I found a broom and started to clean up.
She'd done the same for me and I owed her many times over.
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