Sequel to my sci fi script "Star Saga." The Bulgata have been beaten back on the alien planet of Unisee, and the Earth Empire watches over the people. However, a new conflict soon surfaces on the colony of Dorridion with the Bulgata extending its military might across the stars. Meanwhile, Iris Grisham, a cadet of the Omega Squadron Academy and companion of Langdon Hughes, returns after having presumably being killed during the attack on Earth and a love triangle develops between Langdon, Monafia Dalaysis (the princess of Unisee), and Iris. Inspiration comes from the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Final Fantasy. Not as humorous as my first script, this one takes on a more serious tone. About as good as I can make it at this stage of my development as an aspiring screenwriter (and just writer in general), but still I'd like to think of it as a "Triple A" quality piece of work. Let me know if I'm wrong or right.
African American male. Accepted Christ as savior as I have been born again since August 1st of 2002. I have been writing on and off for about 10 years though I'm pretty determined to keep at it this time. [August 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (24) Alone With My Sin (A Collection) (Poetry) This is a collection of poems wherein I express the stinging loneliness that sin has caused in my life as a Christian and the fallout of those transgressions. There is also a long poem expressing what... [2,477 words] [Spiritual] Attack From The Beyond (Short Stories) A guardian race recruits human beings in the defense of the Earth in the face of the Aelkighted. The fourth tale in what I'm calling "The Adrian and Lucalan Saga." The first story is called "The Riv... [11,647 words] [Science Fiction] Chronicles Of Zefaria: The Plight Of The Free Peoples (Novels) These are dark times for the people of Zefaria. Lord Osmadaan's provinces are causing havoc throughout the land. Tonomoli Foster embarks on a quest to attract help from some of the bigger countries ... [33,846 words] [Fantasy] Chronicles Of Zefaria: The Realm Of The Ancients (Novels) Here follows the first four chapters of the continuation of my Chronicles of Zefaria series with a bit of chapter five thrown in for good measure. This installment of the series follows the exploits ... [8,455 words] [Fantasy] Evil's Fingers (Short Stories) After a young boy by the name of Timmy Hutchinson falls into a pit and is rescued, circumstances arise in Blackberry Village that none are prepared for. Read and you will not be disappointed. [7,440 words] [Fantasy] Here And Thereafter (Novels) A young, dirt poor African American couple struggle to make ends meet. The husband places all of his beliefs in his unfinished fantasy novel, while the wife struggles with the everyday realities of t... [12,076 words] [Drama] Journey To The Planet Merridion (Short Stories) This is my third tale in what I'm calling "The Adrian and Lucalan Saga," unless someone can come up with something better. It follows the short stories "The Rivals" and its sequel, "The Arrivals." ... [8,445 words] [Science Fiction] Octavia's Obsession (Short Stories) This story is about... Octavia's obsession... [2,237 words] [Drama] Star Saga (Screenplays) The year is 2120 and colonization of space is well underway. Thanks to the unlocking of the human genome during the 21st Century, humanity is experiencing a time like no other. No intelligent life h... [11,766 words] [Science Fiction] Star Saga: A Clash Of Empires (Screenplays) Sequel to my sci fi scipt "Star Saga: Swarm of the Bulgata," which came after the script "Star Saga." Two months have passed since the conflict on the colony of Dorridion ended, and now the Earth Emp... [22,716 words] [Science Fiction] Tales Of The Horror Inducing Kind (Short Stories) Three short stories documented by a horror enthusiast whose attempting to collect supposedly true stories, and told from the perspective of those who saw them. "The Centipedes" - A story about a man'... [12,838 words] [Horror] The Arrivals (Short Stories) **********WARNING*********** Do not read further without first reading my short story, The Rivals, unless you want to be spoiled**************Adrian Belfast is suffering through events that took place... [10,381 words] [Science Fiction] The Caged Introvert (Short Stories) A shy, unattached man's journey for love... [3,644 words] [Drama] The Deluded Youth (Short Stories) A boy and his dreams... [3,699 words] [Drama] The Exploits Of Tal'on Kepp (Short Stories) This is a short story set in my Chronicles of Zefaria series. I hope that all enjoy. [2,542 words] [Fantasy] The House That Bernard Wellingsworth Built (Short Stories) Eli Wellingsworth travels from upstate New York to Manchester, England, to take control of the estate of his deceased and demented uncle, but he could hardly be expected to be prepared for what he is ... [5,645 words] [Horror] The Man Who Walked Unseen (Short Stories) An account in the exploits of the life of the unseen... [1,457 words] [Horror] The Menace Of That Most Demented Order (Short Stories) Eli Wellingsworth finally comes face to face with the horror perpetrated by his demented Uncle Bernard. The third tale in a series that I am calling "The Perils of Eli Wellingsworth." The first one ... [12,529 words] [Horror] The Path That Eli Wellingsworth Took (Short Stories) Sequel to my short story, "The House That Bernard Wellingsworth Built." Eli Wellingsworth travels from Manchester, England, to New York after resigning defeat in garnering the attention of anyone who... [9,402 words] [Horror] The Rivals (Short Stories) Adrian Belfast, a young and aspiring author, chances upon the works of one Lucas Slaughter, a person whom he considers his rival. Sequel forthcoming. [5,415 words] [Humor] The Struggle Within: Sestina Number One (Poetry) A sestina is a poem where you interchange six words at the end of each line in six stanzas. This is my first. [258 words] [Horror] The Suffering Christian (A Collection) (Poetry) These are my very first Blank Verse poems, Heroic Couplets, and a Stanza in Heterometric form. The Blank Verse poem possesses some rhyme, and is about being Christian and a selfish sufferer (wanting C... [528 words] [Spiritual] War Of The Writers (Short Stories) This is my first fantasy themed short story. I welcome any and all comments. Thanks in advance! [1,955 words] [Fantasy] We Storymaniacs Should Be The Best (Essays) An essay dealing with why I believe many of us Internet writers will one day be a cut above the rest, and what it will take to get there. [1,101 words] [Motivational]
"Hey,i just got started,reading your sequel,to Star saga.So far, what i read sounds,pretty good.I am not through reading,it yet though.This one is pretty long(even longer than the first,it seems).But although it's long,i admire the way,it's formatted. The Content transition,moves pretty fluidly.The Characters Fedora and fedos,are pretty interesting.Oh yeah,the setup,and the payoff was pretty tight,on the first story also.To be specific,where Langdon,shows his prowess,in using martial arts,against Jesse Faundoo,and before the ending,his skill comes into use,against Ilzar.Good Setup.And,the Character Langdon itself,brings to mind,Langston Hughes. A African American,writer of the lost generation.But anywho.. good work. Hopefully sometime week,after next,i'll be posting, The Oydssey of the Guardians III:Armageddon,on storymania.Feel free to check it out.Well,later! Take it easy!" -- willie travis jr, baton rouge, la, u.s.a.
"Hey, man! Thanks for your initial impressions, I'm glad you're liking it so far. Yeah, this script is a bit longer than the first. The reason being is that a lot of people who give hints on how to make scripts would say that it should be 90 pages long, each page equalling a minute, so yeah, this story would translate into an hour and thirty minutes on screen. And thanks for the props concerning the first story, and I'll be looking forward to when you put up your Odyssey sequel." -- Michael Harris, Detroit, MI.
"Thanks Mr.Harris!!Yea,I finally got around to finishing it up, and posting it on storymania.I'm glad you liked it.Thanks again!And yes,i do intend to revisit,their universe again. I have already,did a backstory,on the pirate Jacksillus (jack for short)Arixxus.It takes place,about a two years, before the events,of the Oyddsey of the Guardians.I have to transfer it,to my laptop still.But not,to worry! I'll get it done soon.and as for,the other story: Jack Logan and the Doomsday orbs..i'm still working on it.Halfway finished though. With this story,i am endeavoring,to create a space opera.This story shall take place in,the forty first century. This is about,a team of Archaeologists,who are forced,to go after the superweapons,left behind by,a race of Aliens,that once,ruled the entire galaxy.Long before man,and the younger races,reached the stars.(Don't want to give,to much away yet.. heh heh)I should be finished,with it soon. Hopefully,by the middle of the month. Oh yeah,i still have to finish reading, star saga 2.I have been so,busy lately.But one day,i shall finish it. Thanks again,for taking interest,in my work. I hope many others,enjoy these tales,i've created also. Thanks again!" -- willie, baton rouge, u.s.a, louisiana.
"I just finished reading,Star Saga 2,Swarm of the Bulgata,and i must say,i enjoyed it a great deal!I could picture,the imagery,the Environments,and the people,very well.And the space battles,are epic in proportion.And the romance,between Monafia,Langdon,and Iris,is played out with excellence.But, what i infer,it seems,that the Bulgata menace,are far from over.You seem to have,left room,for a much larger battle,to come,in the near future.Which shall have,to be more darker, chaotic,and grimmer,than this battle.Overall,i give it four stars.Although,i must ask,(don't get me wrong,it's good)but everyone seems,to be of European descent.Where are the other, ethnic groups? But overall,the story is great. Oh,feel free to check out,my new prequel,to the Odyssey of the Guardians Trilogy.It called,The Chronicles of Jack Arixxus.Let me know what you think. Until next time!Keep up the good work!" -- willie travis, baton rouge, u.s.a, louisiana.
"Hey, thanks for your comments! Yeah the next installment in the series will be a lot more chaotic, lots of battles spread out in the script. It will be subtitled A Clash of Empires. Amazing how you picked up on that. In terms of the lack of any other ethnic groups, I'm glad you raised this concern. I'm actually of African American descent myself (not mixed) but I guess it's just something that I didn't really think about. In a rewrite of the entire trilogy I'll go back and add some different races, black, asian, etc, and I'll also do it in the sequel. I'll check out your script as soon as I can, I kinda lost access to the Internet (typing this at a library). Until next time then." -- Michael Harris, Detroit, MI.
"thanks! Im glad you enjoyed, the Chronicles of Jack Arixxus. Yes, i did, leave it open, for another possible installment. But, that may not, get written, for quite a while.Im nearly, finished, with my Space Opera. But, i have to work, on a few things,involving the ending.You know,like Dialogue,action, and stuff like that.But i'll get around to,it one day.. hopefully soon.I also,look forward to reading,the latest installment,of your space epic:A Clash of Empires. Title sounds great!Oh yeah, i just got back, from watching,Indy 4,for the second time(huge fan)and i must say, it is pretty good.Just had to throw, that in. Well, until next time. Have a wonderful evening,and thanks, for the good review." -- willie travis jr, baton rouge, u.s.a, louisiana.
"Thanks Michael.I'm glad you enjoyed my new story.IT took me, a while to finish it.Sometimes it felt, like the neverending story.Forgive the formatting errors,due to typing it on word perfect 12.It kind of messed of the format in certain areas. but as i see people, can still read it, i guess,i'll leave this current story up.I spent hours last night, trying to get into the edit screen, with no success.Sent countless Emails to storymania, about my problem,with it,too. But as i see it is still readable,i'll email them,and tell them to leave it up. Look forward to reading, your sequel as well. For now, i may take a little break, for a while.That is until i have another idea, for a script. Thanks again." -- willie travis jr, Baton Rouge, La.
"Hey,Michael. It appears that Storymania,did not read all my Emails the other nigt.So,they read the first Email it seems, and they acted: they took down Jack Logan and the Doomsday Orbs.So,i have justed posted the improved Script,online.Feel free to check it, at your leisure.Same story,just not so many skips in paragraphs,Due to typing in Wordperfect 12.(which i shall never use again.)Look forward to your sequel.Until next time." -- Willie Travis Jr, Baton Rouge, u.s.a, La.
"Thanks again for the great reveiw,Mr.Harris.Say,if you would like to further,your knowledge,of interwoving Action,with Dialogue,there is this great little,book i use a lot.It's called:How not to write a screenplay.By Denny Martin Flinn. It helps out a great deal,with creating "Whammies"(Action Sequences)and setups.For example:Meet Protagonists.Meet Antagonists-first whammy!Think Terminator2.Terminator meets T 1000.They fight!That was a whammy.The second whammy was when,they fought again,in the mental ward,while rescuing Sarah Connor.And that whammy,was better,than the first whammy. so,thats just an example,of what this book teaches.I believe that this book,is a must have for any serious screenwriter. Just trying to share,a little wisdom,with a fellow scribe. keep up the good work. " -- Willie Travis Jr, Baton Rouge, La.
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