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The Doormasters by Willie Travis Jr An ordinary man accidentally,stumbles upon an interdimensional being,and learns about the "Tota... [1,813 words]
Killjoy by Juan Garcia 2 Back to back short films about being young and having fun, and then immediate Horror. [1,076 words]
Star Saga by Michael Harris The year is 2120 and colonization of space is well underway. Thanks to the unlocking of the human ge... [11,766 words]
Two Percent Freak by Richard Evans the other ninety eight's a gentlman- [1,521 words]
Eradication by Sf This is the story of a girl (Katie) and her friends that go to a cabin for the weekend. What was su... [15,968 words]
The Lady Or The Tiger Screenplay by James O'donnell - [784 words]
The Highwayman by Durfee's Student Short screenplay of the classic poem The Highwayman. [813 words]
The Highway Man by P L L Loomis About two lover that can never be toghter. [802 words]
Pornographical Bodies by Jeremiah Semien This is a story of Kevin Johnson, who is trying to solve, a case, until he runs into, the... [5,360 words]
The Chronicles Of Samson: Act Two by Willie Travis Jr The following adventures,of Samson. [2,718 words]
The Chronicles Of Samson:The Jewel Of Life by Willie Travis Jr When the Nightqueen's Soldiers:The Red Horde, descend upon the peace... [3,280 words]
J. J Rhymes by Jeremiah Semien Semien J. J. RHYMES This is a drama story of one man journey of getting his dreams off of the ground. Eve... [5,451 words]
Sindy's Eyebrows by Amarjit Bhambra When this happened, it was very hillious and funny. I hope you enjoy it too. [213 words]
Hide And Seek by Alyssa B I started writing this in August of 2000 and I am only half way through...I am going my mini chap... [123 words]
Entire Dynasty 3 - Chapter One by Enzo This is Chapter One of the screenplay I started about a war in a fantasy land. t... [3,726 words]
Bloodhunt by Willie Travis Jr From the creator,of the :ODYSSEY OF THE GUARDIANS and the:DOORMASTERS..COMES BLOODHUNT.A short tale o... [2,781 words]
Mcdaniel's by Nathan Weaver "McDaniel's" is a sitcom I've been working on for a while. It revolves around characters working in... [1,776 words]
Untitled Noir Tv Pilot (Drafting)
The Santa Claus Conspiracy by Sarah Buck F Buck When two young boys who don't believe in Santa Claus try to catch the mall imposter ... [890 words]
Temple U by William Wright Adam and Eve and Steve, oh my! Sex, religion, politics, Michael Jackson – is anything off limits? Not ... [11,107 words]
Family Secret by Nathan Weaver This is a short film in the fasion of "The Twilight Zone." [1,056 words]
Cubie by Nathan Weaver This is a revised version of a scene I had written for my sitcom "McDaniel's" (a sitcom about the fast fo... [346 words]
Truepoint by Emmett O Saunders Iii Two Miami couples are kidnapped and forced through the Bermuda Triangle into dangerous adventure. [12,202 words]
The Ice Chronicles (Section 3 Of Entire Dynasty) by Enzo (First off, don't try to read this all it'll be hard to unders... [4,439 words]
The Bell Wishers by Emmett O Saunders Iii Two children find dangerous adventure on a mysterious island after discovering a magic bell on... [35,464 words]
Shillelagh by Emmett O Saunders Iii A magical Irish walking stick grants each recipient one wish according to God's plan for the person. [14,615 words]
Naive Nancy’S Sleazy First Date by Ether Tom and Naive Nancy are on their first date. In the evening Tom brings her back... [582 words]
Collection Plate by Ether Mormon and Jehovah’s Witnesses, religious rival syndicates collide when they find themselves p... [711 words]
Teens by Ryuichi Minamino Its only a preview. [208 words]
Tell Me What's The Deal. by Alia Harold This be dat good junk right chere. [272 words]
Political Gain by Joe Dan Campbell - [2,601 words]
The Cat Who Could Read Backwards by Sean Fowler A screenplay based on the book by Lilian Jackson Braun. I want to know if its ... [2,636 words]
Hostage by Shane A Ward Screenplay about a woman who gets kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend and a lone soldier has to go and rescue... [2,008 words]
This Spirt In Me by Yessayana Hartfield Theme is Two woman act. A young lady name Kim desperately trying to find her purpose in this w... [775 words]
Tabbie's Paradise by Jeaette Harris This takes place at store called Tabbie's paradise. [574 words]
Prisoners Of Protocol by Joseph Shapiro Futuristic thriller. A story of corruption, deception and duty on a mining colony on Mars... [2,434 words]
Duty Calls by Olurotimi Adeola Kola and Bisi started like any other (man meet woman) relationship. And it’s obvious they are fond o... [11,181 words]
Zappy by Gazza King A young adult fantasy comedy. [64 words]
The Delivery by Rosario Perez - [19,425 words]
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Top Of The First Inning by A Panos If you like baseball, you'll think this story is amusing. If you don't like baseball th... [2,447 words]
The Secret Sun (Director's Draft) by Deron Turner Thought Storymania readers might enjoy seeing the process of a successful scr... [9 words]
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The Last Mission by Shaun Goldsmith Expert marksman William Mitchell, branded a coward and outcast when his men are massacred and ... [25,220 words]
Everthing In Its Wrong! by Roberto J Moreno - [1,615 words]
Attacked! by Tom River Can you not be attacked? I'd like to see you try! Now, do something, like read the script! If you don... [802 words]
Ask No Secrets by LarsonPR Low budget romantic comedy about a not-so-secret agent who discovers his beautiful fiancée was n... [200 words]
A Life, Before The Curve by Deron Turner 135 page script. [6 words]
Doing Man's Work by Mike Rembis Candy is pregnant and her husband Thomas, 18 years her senior, can't seem to hold a job. She k... [19,155 words]

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Untitled Noir Tv Pilot (Drafting)
Basically, Mercedes Masterson is a private detective and this the first pilot. The character comes from a film noir trilogy I'm working on. We've filmed the first, half-way through filming the second (on hiatus) and the third one is being written (she makes a breif appearance in the trailer for the first film in a trench coat and as a silhouette http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=619971047340566276&q=onyx+dragon+productions, the second film is in Hi-Def). I love the character so much, I started writing a pilot episode for the gal so I could keep telling her story.
[998 words]
Nathan Weaver
Oops; somehow I erased this. Bum wrap. I'll update it later. Right now, I'm peeved.
[December 2006]
A True Story About A Very Young And Naive Nathan Weaver (Short Stories) The title says it all. A short, true story about myself from childhood. Ah, Innocence, where have you gone? [346 words] [Comedy]
Cubie (Screenplays) This is a revised version of a scene I had written for my sitcom "McDaniel's" (a sitcom about the fast food industry). I wrote this version for possible use in a student project I had agreed to help ... [346 words] [Comedy]
Family Secret (Screenplays) This is a short film in the fasion of "The Twilight Zone." [1,056 words]
Inbox (Short Stories) The first in a series of short horror stories. I can't say much without spoiling anything. Just check it out. [688 words] [Horror]
Inbox 2 (Short Stories) The second in the series. The roommate. [1,081 words] [Horror]
Mcdaniel's (Screenplays) "McDaniel's" is a sitcom I've been working on for a while. It revolves around characters working in a restaurant called McDaniel's. The two main characters (thus far) are Natalie and Brandy. This i... [1,776 words] [Comedy]
Noir - Sadistic (1) (Short Stories) Noir styled first-person narrative. A man beaten, recalls how he came to where he is and describes it all in a word... Sadistic. More to come. [690 words] [Crime]
Rose's Thorn: Rise And Fall Of A Hero (Novels) UPDATED 11-06-06. ADDED CHAPTERS 8-10. This is a story that is very personal to me in a lot of ways, despite it's obvious fiction. A young girl expresses herself and tells her story, as she tries t... [6,097 words] [Fantasy]
The Legend Of The Commodore: And Hell Followed With Him (Short Stories) A young boy with a talent turns fantasy to reality and becomes legend. [1,133 words] [Fantasy]
Untitled Noir Tv Pilot (Drafting)
Nathan Weaver


EXT. A CARNIVAL. A few establishing shots are used, pans and cuts, etc. Finally the camera comes to a small, modest tent on the edge of the action. It is darkened by the shade of near trees. We slowly make our way to the tent, we transform inside of it.

INT. SMALL TENT. It is a gypsy’s tent. We hear now the sounds of someone gasping to breathe, but we see no one. Just the table and crystal ball, a few odds and ends here and there. The gasping stops. The camera pans in towards the table, moving just above the crystal ball it gets a look down towards the ground behind the table. A MAN is on the floor with his back to the camera. He rises just past the camera, when he does the body of the FORTUNE TELLER is revealed. She slumps a little to her right as MAN removes pressure. CUT.

EXT. A CARNIVAL. MERCEDES MASTERSON exits a vehicle and takes off running through the carnival. She plows through people, pushing them aside, eventually she finds herself on the other side of the carnival and she stops as she sees the small tent. She removes her pistol and slowly moves in on the tent. She enters the tent.

Detective Masterson! Hello?

She slowly moves towards the table. Just as she reaches it, it becomes tipped over towards her from underneath. The table hits her and knocks her back to the ground. MAN emerges from below and darts out the tent. MERCEDES leaps up as fast as she can and chases.


She exits the tent and sees MAN running full speed off into the dark of the park, away from the carnival. She pursues. They enter the parking lot, MAN a good distance from MERCEDES, still running. She stops and aims her gun.

Stop or I’ll shoot!

MAN keeps running, she hesitates for just a moment, then shoots. MAN goes down, grabbing his leg. She starts to run to him, just then a pair of headlights turn on in the parking lot. She stops and shields her eyes.

Who is it?! (aims gun)
MAN 2 gets out of car and helps MAN into car.

Freeze! You are aiding a fugitive.

MERCEDES aims her gun, just then the car accelerates towards her. She leaps out of the way. The car stops and turns around and starts at her again. She gets up and takes off running towards the park. The car is catching up; once again she turns and jumps out of the way at the last second. She immediately leaps to her feet and runs at the car as it turns around. She raises her gun and shoots at the car. The car gets turned around, but doesn’t have time to start before she reaches the hood. She leaps up onto the hood, puts her gun to the windshield about where the driver would be and pulls the trigger. She is out of ammo. The car takes off, picking up speed and heading towards the carnival. MERCEDES holds on as they begin driving through the carnival. Just as they are passing a large tent, she stands herself up and jumps off the car into the tent pulling it down with her. The car continues driving off into the night. CARNIVAL GOERS come running up and begin rummaging through the tent to find MERCEDES. When they do find her, she shoves a pistol in their face. THEY jump back.

Are they gone?!

I hope you have a permit for that.

MERCEDES sighs and passes out.

It all started on a Monday.


I shouldn’t even work on Mondays, nothing good ever comes of it.


INT. MERCEDES OFFICE, MORNING. CLOSE-UP of frosted window on door with black letters that read, “PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: MERCEDES MASTERSON.” MERCEDES steps in front of camera and opens door. Camera follows her into the office she turns and takes her coat off and hangs it on a coat rack, then turns and shuts the door. This is the outer part of her office. Her secretary, JOAN, sits behind a desk.

Morning, Joan.

Good morning, Mercedes. A Dr. Bennett is here to see you. I went ahead and showed him into your office.

We open at eight.

I know. You’re late.

Great, I’m not even awake yet.

And here’s coffee. (hands MERCEDES coffee)


MERCEDES enters her office. DR. BENNETT starts to rise.

It’s not necessary. (she sits and sips her coffee) So, Dr. Bennett, what brings you here?

(German) I am not quite sure how to put this—

Take your time. (sips) I’m enjoying my coffee.

My wife is conspiring against me.

(blank) In what capacity?


Mmm-kay. And what leads you to believe this?

She does not love me anymore. More than that, she loves someone else.

I know its a little taboo, but have you ever considered a divorce?

I understand why you say this, but it is more than this.

Okay, what is it?

Ms. Masterson, is this conversation confidential?

Yes, Dr. Bennett. Strictly confidential.

What I am about to tell you cannot make it out of this room.

Understood. You can trust me. (sips)

I work for a secret government agency. My job is in building the ultimate wartime weapons. I have the blueprints to a highly destructive aerial bomb. In the wrong hands, the consequences could provoke catastrophic results. My wife’s lover wants these blueprints for his home country. I know it. She knows it. But, I cannot prove it. This is where you come in. Do whatever is necessary to protect me from this attack.

Okay… (gulps)

What I should have said was no. But, I didn’t.



EXT. BENNETT’S HOUSE. MRS. BENNETT exits the house; she is much younger than DR. BENNETT.

(to self) No wonder she’s sleeping around. There’s about a thirty year age gap.

MRS. BENNETT enters her car and pulls out of the drive. MERCEDES follows her.

Mrs. Vivian Bennett, wife of Dr. Christophe Bennett……

MORE TO COME... I hope.


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© 2006 Nathan Weaver
November 2006

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