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4 A.M. by William Spongberg (119 pages) When a mysterious briefcase falls into the hands of a college kid dropout and his club scen... [11 words]
The Silmaril
The Hand Of God by Brent Paine A young teen, and son of the local preacher, is abducted by aliens where he learns the truth ab... [19,089 words]
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Skating Off For Heaven by Alicia Mags Skating Off For Heaven is a genuine tale that tells what happens when your life goes ter... [8,921 words]
Dickboy by Deron Turner A screenplay. [14,148 words]
Raphael The Redemption by Teresa Ann Salyer Raphael The Redemption won Best Fantasy Adventure in the New York Independent Internatio... [17,197 words]
Vampyres-A Stageplay In Six Acts by David B Doc Byron A centuries old vampire named damien vargas seeks revenge against the descenda... [724 words]
Offerings by David B Doc Byron A screenplay for a short, fifteen minute film about a young man meeting up with the devil after a gen... [588 words]
Geraldine by Paul J Holmes A thirty minute screenplay for television. [3,784 words]
A Step Up From The Ground by Alicia Marlene Dean-Hunter Alexia was a normal girl, living in a world that fears of a war are around every corn... [542 words]
Joseph Petes by Gary W Hall It is a fictional rollercoaster ride for the lover of Tartino and people who love twists [5,019 words]
The Odd Group! by Nathaniel Perhay An odd group of people! [1,589 words]
Four Friends by Nathaniel Perhay A story about 4 friends! [1,589 words]
Time- Lapse by Rajita It is a story for people who are curious about patterns of time. For people who do not know if the... [1,292 words]
Savage Grace by Angel Obregon It starts out, as many detective stories do, with an eerily beautiful woman giving him an assignme... [17,572 words]
The Last Swan by Angel Obregon A promising drug for the treatment of breast cancer is passed over because there wouldn't be enou... [20,646 words]
Trimester by John D Galyon Jr A comedy about pregnancy from the husbands perspective. Let the emotional rollercoaster begin! [2,016 words]
Opium by Angel Obregon This one is an upscale Natural Born Killers. You'll love it or hate it. This has been getting more play t... [14,762 words]
The Shadowing Eye by Eric P Vana A screenplay sort of based on "The Tell-Tale Heart". You will probably notice the resemblanc... [3,151 words]
Project H.E.L.P. by Michael Skurnik Full feature script. [1,715 words]
Roommates by Chauncey Brummell This screenplay is about a group of 7 young adults who come from various different backgrounds and co... [1,680 words]
Period by Carly Heath When Olive gets her first period, she vows to save up enough money for a hysterectomy. (Correctly format... [1,907 words]
The Dark Frontier by Thomas M Ray "The Outlaw Josie Wales" in space--With a Female lead. An ex-Space Command starship Captain w... [27,104 words]
In Way Over My Head by Chauncey Brummell This screenplay is about a group of young adults who venture into the college world to find... [2,841 words]
Agents (Special Forces) by Chauncey Brummell This screenplay is about a group of 5 young teenagers who are from different parts of t... [5,318 words]
Dealers by Ron Wynes This story is about three men from different walks of life, an auto mechanic from Tucson, Arizona, a co... [13,711 words]
Dreamwalk by Angel Obregon Paco and Jesus (call him Jesse, it makes him happy) are twin brothers. They hate each other. Jesse ha... [15,540 words]
To Fall In Love by Tony Green To Fall In Love is a touching and compelling story about two seniors in high school who fall in... [26,282 words]
The Verification by Stanley Heisler The opening scenes propel a story plot with incredible, inexplicable twists and turns, as Alan... [15,827 words]
Martian Seashells by Joel Harper The colonisation of Mars was always going to be tough, and the first wave of personnel died b... [4,279 words]
Heroes For Hire by Tom Pallett Two characters in a sci-fi/fantasy world go on a mission to collect a large money reward by sav... [40,615 words]
Night Clerk by Robin Taylor Meet Jerry, the world's greatest convience store clerk: He has never been robbed, shot, or attacked... [21,682 words]
Lock-In: A Teen Dramedy by Robert G Hagans From the person known as The Hopless Cynic, comes a script with a unique take on teen l... [18,379 words]
Edifice by David Duane Fortner To prevent World War III, a six-year-old must travel to where the paths of Christ and Confucius cross. ... [26,562 words]
The Witchfinder General by Andrew J. Stephenson Quite possibly the greatest pilot episode for a sitcom ever to be concieved. I mean, wh... [5,619 words]
Student Accom: Enter The Lemming by Andrew J. Stephenson This my second contribution to the site, and the first sitcom I wrote. Be gent... [3,456 words]
The Anti-Antichrist by Randall Flagg What if Satan had a do-gooding son that didn't want to follow in his hoof steps? And what i... [12,206 words]
Heat by Juan Apagado A woman is on her way home after learning she has cancer. [1,816 words]
The Festival Of The Dead by Shaun Michael Goldsmith In AD122, a retired Roman General is summoned to the city of Londinium to investigate ... [3,495 words]
An Island Unto Himself by Tony Mossor An Island Unto Himself is a comedy about a disillusioned family man. Stu is having the w... [21,965 words]
I Want You by D Daniel Vujic An Erotic Crime-Drama; American Photographer Sarah Hoffman, Played with Devil and Romanced the most ... [19,888 words]
Court-Ship by L Chapman I've never written a screenplay b4, so please dont knock on me for not putting it in correct form. [7,527 words]
Mosiah's Moon by David Duane Fortner After a secret prison is built on the dark side of the moon, international inmates begin to disap... [22,876 words]
Consequence by Henry L. Bean A screenplay about a youth who is away and finds something with dire consequences upon his return..... [14,163 words]
Stonemaiden by Victoria King This is what 3rd World Cinema looks like and that's why we're justified in bombing them whenever we... [21,564 words]
Secret Asian Man by Tony Mossor The crime of the century calls for the greatest sleuth of the century. Unfortunately, the crac... [31,801 words]
Clean Slate by Michael J Norman Brandon Slate's failed attempt at ending his life, has left him with special healing powers, but ev... [8,918 words]
Mexico City Confidential by Victoria King This is a heist comedy like THE LAVENDER HILL MOB or THE LADYKILLERS. As well plotted ... [26,955 words]
Mon Enfer En Psychedelique (My Psychedelic Hell) by Chesterton P. Limeregis This is a play about a man; a sad man, whose name is Chet. Ch... [4,567 words]
Window-Shopping by Lisamarie Jones A window cleaner falls in love with someone she notices as she is working. How will things work... [16,218 words]
Judas Is A Good Kisser by Victoria King - [16,084 words]
Moonspender by Victoria King Moonspender is underworld slang for someone who steals from museums and archeological digs. Big bus... [20,075 words]
Hard Street by Angel Obregon It's the satire play to A Little Original Sin, about the circumstances in which it was written. Thi... [17,998 words]
Feets! Don't Fail Me Now
The Black And... Balloon
The Child Eater
Grim Monday
The Great Sacrifice

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The Silmaril
(139 pages)

'The Silmaril' is a movie based on some of J R R Tolkiens works that pre-date The Lord of the Rings; it has the distinction of having earned a rejection letter from Peter Jackson!
[8 words]
Nick Green
Nick Green lives near London, England. He earns a living of sorts as a marketing copywriter, but amazingly found the time to complete a novel, Cat Kin, which is out now.
[December 2005]
Love's Seal (Short Stories) A short story. [1,942 words]
The Silmaril
Nick Green

Available only in MS Word format.

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"I'm reading it right now, and I must say, what I have read thus far is very very good. Perhaps a bit too modern for such a story, but that doesn't really matter. I will try to give a fuller review when I've read it all." -- Magnus André Wandås.
"Excellent, I could see this working as an epic movie. " -- Al, UK.
"I took a brief peek at your screenplay and the first thing that came to mind is the big question. Do you have the rights for this adaptation? If you don't, no one will even consider it. I looked at the first page and noticed several formatting mistakes. If you would like, I can offer you a critique of the first few pages. I'm new to this site so I'm not sure how to post a critic. It seems too cramped to offer it in this method of response." -- ThomasDF, Denver, CO, USA.
"Note to ThomasDF above: No I don't own the rights, and it has never entered my mind that I would make any money from what was basically a labour of love (I only sent it to Peter Jackson out of a sense of 'appropriateness'). Yes I know there are formatting mistakes; readability was my main concern. If readers can picture this nonexistent movie in their heads, that's fine with me." -- Nick Green, London, UK.
"You'll have to excuse me there, Nick. My mind is too geared toward the film industry and focused way too much on the market and script technicalities. To write a script purely for the love of it is something very special. You have succeeded in your goal of readability. It is very crisp and alive. You've given the readers a wonderful gift." -- ThomasDF, Denver, CO, USA.
"Wonderful! you captivate the readers, and I agree with AI it would be great to see this working as an epic movie. So, you sent it to PJ, what did he say?" -- Mina DF.
"Fantastic! Makes me want to go and read the Silmarilion (sp.?) even though it looks impossible. You make it as exiting as Lord of the rings and The Hobbit. A bit hard to read as a film script tho, maybe I'm not used to them so much" -- Richard B, Ipswich, England.
"Ehmm..m. Sehr gut Seite! Ich sage innig..!:) bmw" -- BMW, ..., ..., ....


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© 2003 Nick Green
February 2003

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