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[1,680 words] PeriodbyCarly Heath When Olive gets her first period, she vows to save up enough money for a hysterectomy. (Correctly format... [1,907 words] The Dark FrontierbyThomas M Ray "The Outlaw Josie Wales" in space--With a Female lead. An ex-Space Command starship Captain w... [27,104 words] In Way Over My Head Agents (Special Forces)byChauncey Brummell This screenplay is about a group of 5 young teenagers who are from different parts of t... [5,318 words] DealersbyRon Wynes This story is about three men from different walks of life, an auto mechanic from Tucson, Arizona, a co... [13,711 words] DreamwalkbyAngel Obregon Paco and Jesus (call him Jesse, it makes him happy) are twin brothers. They hate each other. Jesse ha... [15,540 words] To Fall In LovebyTony Green To Fall In Love is a touching and compelling story about two seniors in high school who fall in... 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Stephenson Quite possibly the greatest pilot episode for a sitcom ever to be concieved. I mean, wh... [5,619 words] Student Accom: Enter The LemmingbyAndrew J. Stephenson This my second contribution to the site, and the first sitcom I wrote. Be gent... [3,456 words] The Anti-AntichristbyRandall Flagg What if Satan had a do-gooding son that didn't want to follow in his hoof steps? And what i... [12,206 words] HeatbyJuan Apagado A woman is on her way home after learning she has cancer. [1,816 words] The Festival Of The DeadbyShaun Michael Goldsmith In AD122, a retired Roman General is summoned to the city of Londinium to investigate ... [3,495 words] An Island Unto HimselfbyTony Mossor An Island Unto Himself is a comedy about a disillusioned family man. Stu is having the w... [21,965 words] I Want YoubyD Daniel Vujic An Erotic Crime-Drama; American Photographer Sarah Hoffman, Played with Devil and Romanced the most ... [19,888 words] Court-ShipbyL Chapman I've never written a screenplay b4, so please dont knock on me for not putting it in correct form. [7,527 words] Mosiah's MoonbyDavid Duane Fortner After a secret prison is built on the dark side of the moon, international inmates begin to disap... [22,876 words] ConsequencebyHenry L. Bean A screenplay about a youth who is away and finds something with dire consequences upon his return..... [14,163 words] StonemaidenbyVictoria King This is what 3rd World Cinema looks like and that's why we're justified in bombing them whenever we... [21,564 words] Secret Asian ManbyTony Mossor The crime of the century calls for the greatest sleuth of the century. Unfortunately, the crac... [31,801 words] Clean SlatebyMichael J Norman Brandon Slate's failed attempt at ending his life, has left him with special healing powers, but ev... [8,918 words] Mexico City ConfidentialbyVictoria King This is a heist comedy like THE LAVENDER HILL MOB or THE LADYKILLERS. As well plotted ... [26,955 words] Mon Enfer En Psychedelique (My Psychedelic Hell)byChesterton P. Limeregis This is a play about a man; a sad man, whose name is Chet. Ch... [4,567 words] Window-ShoppingbyLisamarie Jones A window cleaner falls in love with someone she notices as she is working. How will things work... [16,218 words] Judas Is A Good KisserbyVictoria King - [16,084 words] MoonspenderbyVictoria King Moonspender is underworld slang for someone who steals from museums and archeological digs. Big bus... [20,075 words] Hard StreetbyAngel Obregon It's the satire play to A Little Original Sin, about the circumstances in which it was written. Thi... [17,998 words] Incarnate Feets! Don't Fail Me Now The Black And... Balloon The Child Eater Imports/Exports L.O.S.T. Dreadlock Grim Monday Lileet The Great Sacrifice
This screenplay is about a group of young adults who venture into the college world to find themselves. They will face alot of heartaches and happiness along the way.This screenplay is for any teenager who knows what teens go through in life and any young adult who has been down that road. [2,841 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (5) Agents (Special Forces) (Screenplays) This screenplay is about a group of 5 young teenagers who are from different parts of the US who move to Washington,DC to train to be FBI Agents. All 5 of them possess superhuman abilities that enable... [5,318 words] [Action] Coach B & The Soccer Misfits The Genie's Curse (Children) Coach B and the Soccer Misfits is about a teacher name Coby Brunszerick who is also a soccer coach who was given magical powers. He teaches at a local middle school where he teaches 6th grade English.... [1,707 words] [Fantasy] Roommates (Screenplays) This screenplay is about a group of 7 young adults who come from various different backgrounds and come together to experience a new life with each other. The main character is Gracie Brady an aspirin... [1,680 words] [Drama] Sad Day (Songs) - [214 words] [Drama] The Long Walk (Poetry) - [179 words] [Spiritual]
"I think this is a good script it kinda of reminds me of Dawson's Creek meets Felecity. Its realistic to me I can picture the mother daughter scene where the daughter is arguing with her mother. It's different from other scripts that I have read. I love the character Rebbecca because she reminds me a little of me. I used to take gymnastics and I just love the character. Please keep more coming I cant wait to see what happens next. The only suggestion that I have i watch the gramatical errors. Keep up the good work it sounds good." -- Marlea Von Beck.
"I really like this script and I think its a start to something new.It reminds me of a BeverlyHills 90210 meets Dawson's Creek. I think CJ is a great writer and I can see this script going somewhere. Keep up the good work I can't wait for more to come. Tip please introduce more characters. Im dying to know whats going to happen next!!" -- Diane, Trenton, New Jersey.
"Chauncey. Firstly I think you should rework your spelling and punctuation. I know it's a screenplay, but you should still be grammatically correct. I also find the characters a bit one-dimensional. The story is moving forward okay, but you need to develop personalities so that your audience can relate to these characters. Perhaps a bit more dialog that isn't just related to the actual events, but gives us more insight into the different people" -- Ka_sey.
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