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Usui Reiki - A Spiritual Energy In Motion by Reverend Dr Lance Provides information about a Spiritual energy that comes from God thu... [673 words]
Reiki Questions And Answers by Reverend Dr Lance Reiki Questions and Answers provides information about a Spiritual energy that come... [1,961 words]
The Progressive Movement : Final Opportunity For A Change In The Status Quo by Joseph Albrecht To Glenn Beck, his audience, and ev... [1,029 words]
Nutrition Nation: A Guide For Moving Forward by Joseph Albrecht Current information about our nation's nutrition dilemma and propo... [698 words]
Why To Say No To G.M.O. by Joseph Albrecht Helpful information about genetic engineering of our foods.Feel free to leave a comment... [1,198 words]
Alternative And Holistic Health Information by Joseph Albrecht This is information which I've recieved from various quality scient... [428 words]
Nike And The Like: The American Birth Of Globalization by Joseph Albrecht An ivestigation of the detrimental process of globalizat... [1,818 words]
New Progressive News On Failing Economy by Joseph Albrecht After hearing and learning about our current crises,I sometimes find my... [1,116 words]
'question Of The Week'
The First Man Reincarnated Alerts The Public by Lloyd George Been Been THE FIRST MAN REINCARNATED ALERTS SOCIETY OF HISTORY FACTS AND HIS... [2,169 words]
Money : All The Wrong Reasons by Joseph Albrecht How the U.S. seems to be ripping apart at the seams. [680 words]
The Physical And Psycological Benefits Of Exercise by Joseph Albrecht Information from Joe Henderson (Consulting Editor of "Runne... [384 words]
Michael Jackson: The Legacy! by Dream Rinsed Let's see if all of that controversy bullshit can out rank the following list. ... [143 words]
Proper Termination And Mobile Termination For All A-Z From 7aaa Corp. by Viktor Shark Wholesale VoIP carrier proper termination... [54 words]
Taking Them Down by Todd Fry I will be taking down all that I have posted last year on storymania.by the end of this year ... [64 words]
Confederacy by Emilee Brown The governmental structure of the Confederacy is very important to our nation today. One of the mai... [2,505 words]
Battle Of Gettysburg by Brett Goldberg Battle of Gettysburg occured during July 1-3 1863. This battle changed American Society [7,927 words]
Making Money From Nothing by Matthew Mark Your Rich No seminar here just cold hard facts.. [362 words]
How To Be A Good Person by Matthew Mark Gill With God Changing your life today! [166 words]
Becoming Famous! by Matthew Mark Gill Money Making dreams a Reality. [348 words]
Quotes by Mark Bowen These are quotations to inspire you. [2,185 words]
Computer ‘Hackers’ ‘Nerds' by Josh Anderson Ever wondered what shaped and does shape the computer hacker / nerd / programmer? We... [1,605 words]
Novel To Screenplay: The Challenges Of Adaptation by Lynne Pembroke Some basic steps when adapting a novel to the screenplay form... [970 words]
Contest Advice For Screenplay Writers by Lynne Pembroke Help to the writer by a judge of several major TV script and screenplay c... [983 words]
Doc's Recomendations by David B Doc Byron - [342 words]
Medical Mishaps: A Fact Of Life by James Cartwright Another essay written for my contemporary issues class. Not particularly well w... [494 words]
Twilight Of Summer by Charles Cotterman A reflection on my first days of college, my hopes for the coming year, and advice for all n... [1,169 words]
Rise! P.O.D.’S Satellite Blasts Off by G Sandberg A review of the band's latest album. [544 words]
Food For Thought: Writing For Readers by Martine Hayes I think the site [Storymania] is absolutely brilliant, it gives people th... [588 words]

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'question Of The Week'
Answer this question for a story about what you want if you win. I will comment the winner the next week and they will get a personlized story.
[45 words]
Spencer A Morin
My name is Spencer. I'm 10 -almost 11- years old. I LOVE to write and read!
[November 2010]
Best Friends Adventure Club : Grown Up (Children) It is an adventurous book. Three girls take on an old enemy's daughter in order to save their mothers. They encounter many feirce monsters on the way. [9,335 words] [Adventure]
Birthdays (Children) Fun [49 words]
Foot - Bomb (Short Stories) This is about the biggest football game ever. Then suddenly ... [168 words]
How Could I Know? (Songs) A song about what we wonder. Many times in our lives., [33 words]
I Can't Wait Any Longer (Poetry) This is a poem about how you feel when you can't wait for something to happen. [51 words]
I Know My Words (Songs) This is a story i hop you like, it is for little kids. [23 words]
I Wish I Knew (Songs) A soft and loving song about a curious girl. [61 words]
Live Your Life Out Loud (Songs) About living it up. Do what you want to so you can look back and say ' I did that '. [7 words]
Nature Walkers (Short Stories) This a fun and interesting tale of a changing group of children. [312 words]
Night Awakening (Poetry) It is a soft but reaching poem. Usually I do not write poetry but i wrote this. [24 words]
School Is Cool (Poetry) A poem about school and staying in it. [11 words]
Space For The Future. (Essays) An amazing idea [220 words]
Spring Season (Poetry) It gives you a magnified look on different angles of Spring Sensation. [47 words]
The Beauty Horse (Short Stories) It's about a remarkable horse who is dying and needs a cure, but the cure is not known of yet. [592 words] [Animal]
The First Part Of My Middle School Years True Stories Book (Novels) True stories i've collected. part 1 [456 words] [Humor]
The Happy Day For Daisy (Children) Children's book about Daisy who spends her ttime being happy. [311 words] [Fantasy]
The Monkey's View. (Short Stories) It is about a monkey who sits on the middle computer in a 4th grade classroom. [188 words]
The Twist Part 1 (Short Stories) It is the first not ther last true fairy tale story. ( Not needed to believe) [447 words]
The Worst Story Ever (Short Stories) Borin' [10 words]
You Are You And I Am Me (Songs) Song possibility? [20 words]
'candy Land' (Children) Follow these instructions to get there. [53 words] [Mystical]
'question Of The Week'
Spencer A Morin

Do ever wish you could have your own world
where you controlled everything?

     comment and tell me how your world would be,
     the winner i will comment and say next week.
      the winner will get a special story about them
       or whatever they want.


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© 2010 Spencer A Morin
June 2010

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