Alot of people don't realize how easy it is to
make alot of money. Whether you have been lucky
and born rich and or don't have a pot to piss
in, the facts are real and work.
All one has to do is have talent and it all
starts with a goal and a life plan. Think about
what you would be if you weren't doing what you
are now? Then list your main goal and how you can
get there. never ever let anyone drag you down and
tell you that you can't because you can!
Then find someone that will help you accomplish
these dreams, like our LOrd and or your best
friend. Now save money as your gonna need some
for a prototype of your idea and or business plan.
Wear a tie and suit when you visit the bank for
a loan, and act your age and be courteous.
In the end it will pay off, and you will be living
your dream and being happy. If you don't have
money use other people's money as John Adams
did back in the day and he went on to Fame and
was so rich he loaned the Government money.
It can happen if you believe in yourself and
you to can be wealthy and living it up in the
Hills and enjoying life. Here's a few facts how
to become rich, search for something that can
be sold for less than five dollars and that
everyone needs in the country and make it.
Then copyright it and protect your idea. A cheap
copyright that holds up in court is send the
idea registered mail to yourself and never open
it, and when the judge opens up the letter and
see's the date he knows it was your idea. This
will hold up in any court of law. If your a real
estate guy then search the Govt. foreclosured
homes and assurable mortgage and you can sell
for big profit. Last but not least make something
that is unique and your gift can be shared with
America, as Music, Art, and or poetry or any
gift God has given you, make sure you are using
it to make your life better! Then just smile and
count the cash and help others. be nice to
everyone on the way up as you'll be seeing them
on the way down..
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