Toni Lynch started writing before she can even remember. Her writing has evolved from nursery rhyme like tempo, to meaningful pieces from her heart. [December 1999]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (9) Always With You, A Collection (Short Stories) Always With You - It's a story of undying love. [514 words] I Will Feel It - It's about my relationship with my son's father. [149 words] [149 words] August 1996 (Poetry) Sad time in my life. Something I regret. [87 words] [Psychology] Black Rose (Poetry) I would like to know what other people's interpretations are. *smile* [28 words] Crowded (Poetry) Something I observed one day. [31 words] Embrace The Wind (Poetry) A poem. [48 words] Heart Wide Open (Poetry) I wrote this when I found out about the coming of my second child. [51 words] Long Walk Back (Short Stories) Forbidden Rendezvous. [1,543 words] [Romance] My Island (Poetry) My own secret meaning. [43 words] When My Atlantis (Poetry) Its a poem of something I lost a long time ago. [86 words] [Romance]
Theos Toni Jaquay Lynch
I walked down the winding open road and saw my future floating above me. I saw options and choices and desicions. I saw a good career and a dead-end job. I saw a happy marriage with many children. I saw a solitary existance of lonliness.
Time stood still as I watched my life. All the clocks read 9:34 as I heard the same song in my ears over and over again. Reminding me. All the things I'd lost and gave away. All I things I loved and lost. One thing remained constant, though, in my sad little world.
And the snoring of my sleeping past threatens to awaken. The shadows of my future peek through the dirt stained windows of my self created Hell.
And the beeping goes on. Every 30 seconds it sounds like an alarm. And a blind man waits for a bus. He asks me if the bus that just pulled up is a 19. I say no, It was a 32. And I ride on. This 32 is going to take me to a path. And the self doubt begins. The glow around me dims and flickers. On and On I ride. We ride. 20 of us in this ship now. Each with destinations and ideas of our own. But, what will become of me?
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