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Yummy's Theme by Richard Evans ya' betta' run son- [329 words]
Trip by Richard Evans 1976 - the night I fell in love [41 words]
Such A Pretty Bow by Richard Evans A night to remember- [106 words]
Alma by Richard Evans love and hate- [23 words]
A - Wake by Mia Angello - [62 words]
Blackvein by Colin Baker - [103 words]
A Choreographed Breakfast by Colin Baker - [68 words]
Thoughts On The Evolutionary School Of Life by Colin Baker - [177 words]
You Said.... by T J Rintoull Short freeform poem descriptive of the deserted wounded lover. [59 words]
Windows And Illusions by Stephisme i just write what i feel. a poem about life. [190 words]
Where I Came From by M Q Walters More woe is me stuff.The outside changes all the time...but the inside remembers where I came... [119 words]
Upon My Hands by Tara Bridget Moore - [309 words]
Trinty by Cedric McClester TRINITY questions the notion of a trinity, ie. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [115 words]
Toward Insight by Jeffrey Lee Williams www.jlwonline.com [193 words]
The Comforting Fuzzy Protector by Andrews - [18 words]
Placate by Jeffrey Lee Williams - [29 words]
Never Have I Fallen by Sierra M L Short This poem is a very hard working poem and you should really like it because it's a very int... [70 words]
Name Droppers by Jeffrey Lee Williams www.jlwonline.com [75 words]
My Reason by Dri - [101 words]
My Pain by Sierra M L Short This poem was written because of one of my ex-boyfriends was this way as the boy in this poem. [59 words]
My Baby Is Having A Baby by Dri the anticipation of becoming a grandma. To Lucy. [184 words]
Mask by K M - [24 words]
Kidney Stones by Colin Baker - [13 words]
Key To My Heart by Sierra M L Short this poem came from the heart. It's about me and my boyfriend. [108 words]
Just Passing By! by Seema M Salman We see so many people in our daily life.But so fast as our life has become,many times we don't... [84 words]
In The Union Of Myanmar by Colin Baker - [38 words]
I Question Why? by Tara Bridget Moore A tale about love found and love lost.... [143 words]
I Own You by R Bennett Okerstrom Never forget that I own you. [88 words]
I Hate Mondays by T Demarest - [147 words]
Hope And Bewilderment by Jeffrey Lee Williams www.jlwonline.com [58 words]
Homecoming by Daniel Atkinson A short poem about my homecoming experences. [80 words]
Holiday Jumble by Emily C Johnson A poem about how we're running around during the holidays and how we should stop to think a litt... [138 words]
Hit The Sack by Colin Baker - [299 words]
He Shot His Daughter by Randy Johnson THIS IS A TRUE STORY. [68 words]
He Laughs At Me by Briony Carvalho OK being told off for not posting so here's a rubbish poem for you. [86 words]
Freedom To Me! by Seema M Salman A poem about what Freedom means to me! [97 words]
Forever Immortal by Peter Halpin Looking back over photographs of myself I thought no matter where I go from here I was always ... [58 words]
Fag-It Girls
Dream Of A Past Life by M Southwell A poem I wrote about a very vivid dream I had one night. [513 words]
Dark Wave by R Bennett Okerstrom Exorcising demons of the past [113 words]
Cough & Drop by Colin Baker - [114 words]
A Lost Generation ? by Colin Baker - [52 words]

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Fag-It Girls
Saw these two while I was out getting a butty.
[189 words]
Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson.

Lizards Leap: Kat Black
Keepers of the Quantum: Sue Simpson
Better The Devil You Know: Sue Simpson
People on the Edge: Sue Simpson
Rat-a-tat-tat: Katherine Black
Dark Around the Edges: Katherine BlackMy Name is Jane Doe: Jane Doe

All available on Amazonuk and in local bookshops.

Sooz 44, lives in Barrow-in-furness with one dog, ninteen mad reptiles, one man and one of two sons.

[January 2008]
A Time To Live (Short Stories) Challenge piece. It had to be drama and it had to contain an affair at work. This isn't drama and isn't really an affair! Oh well at least I got a story out of it. [1,504 words] [Horror]
Enterprise (Short Stories) Flash challenge piece working on the inspiration word of 'Innovation' [343 words] [Psychology]
Famous (Poetry) It's hard being famous! [92 words] [Humor]
Figures (Short Stories) Observational [549 words] [Psychology]
Friday 11th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) New lizard arriving today. [2,828 words] [Biography]
Friday 18th January 2008 Some Sexual Content (Non-Fiction) *Decency warning* contains some sexual reference [2,151 words] [Psychology]
It Ws Only A Name (Short Stories) Murder Mystery [2,440 words] [Mystery]
Jane Doe Seven 2008 (Non-Fiction) New year, new book, here we go again. [976 words] [Biography]
Jane Doe Thursday 10th January 2008 (Non-Fiction) The Ark is full, but what's one more lizard? [714 words] [Biography]
Saturday 12th Jan. (Non-Fiction) Muses on writing and ponderings on life... and almost no lizards! [1,296 words] [Biography]
Thursday 17th Jan (Non-Fiction) Ructions [1,252 words] [Psychology]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) - [1,252 words] [Psychology]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008, Bloody Kids (Non-Fiction) Jane doe .... and domstics [1,350 words] [Psychology]
White Phantom Chapter Five (Novels) Unexpected visitor [2,555 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Four (Novels) Repercussions...After killing a man, Beth decides what to do next .. and meets Phantom [4,663 words] [Thriller]
White Phantom Chapter One (Novels) Sometimes we make choices that can ruin lives. [623 words] [Thriller]
White Phantom Chapter Seven, The Body (Novels) removal [4,875 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Six (Novels) I know what you did last night [2,328 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Three, Rape (Novels) Decency warning graphic rape scene may be deemed offensive. [8,980 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter Two (Novels) Beth and Maggie go through with it. [2,109 words] [Horror]
Fag-It Girls

Fag-it Girls Sooz

Fag-it girls, pushing their babies
With their bums out and their tits out
Their attitudes out… on display
Furry bomber jackets
With their midriffs showing… in winter.
Fag-it girls saying fuck,
Like it means something,
When really it means nothing at all
Just a space filler
Shouting that they’ve got fuck all to say.
Fag-it girls, pony tails bobbing
pulled from the forehead tight and severe
High tail phallus
Their tough girl emblem
A symbol that they’re rock solid
Fag-it girls with pierced noses
Make up perfect to hit the streets
Ignoring the screams
Of their soiled dirty children
In their soiled dirty pushchairs
Fag-it girls with un-breakfasted babies
with snotty noses
and a squashed sausage roll in a blue cold hand
With one kid and an early one cooking.
Lass on the left flaunting exposed baby belly
Fag-it girls with fifty pence meters
And third floor flats at seventeen
Nappies stretched to last cos money's for smokes... innit.
And maybe an E for the weekend
and ten vodka sours if some bastard's paying
Fag-it girls teaching fuck all to their children
Like it means something.



"We've got 'em here too in the good ole USA. When I see them I wonder,who would want to ---- them???" -- Richard.
"in too much of a hurry to grow up ... if only they knew! Ta again Richard. " -- Sooz, Barrow, Cumbria, England.


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© 2008 Sooz
January 2008

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