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Denied by Jahri Ann The feelings of a girl child when her mother abandoned her in the 3rd world, and how the child felt unde... [115 words]
Wondering Escape by Andrews - [28 words]
Wisps Of Air by Jt Ewing Love in the real world, when the boy doesn't get the girl. [136 words]
Winter's Kiss by John Yeohann - [116 words]
While God........... by Colin Baker - [15 words]
Where My Thoughts Lay by Carla Thomson this is about my ex-fiancé and myself ... a little bit of what i'm feeling right now i co... [139 words]
When It Knocks by Carla Thomson - [90 words]
What's Still Worst by Jahri Ann Inspiring people to be more conscious about what's happening in the world, and to play their... [131 words]
Upon Waking by T J Rintoull Upon waking, this short lyric poem came to me. [60 words]
Unborn Lament by Dri this could just be a poem about that person who knows they could be something better but circumst... [90 words]
Trying To Cross by Randall Barfield . [42 words]
Tommy by Ruzele Strauss-Hayden This poem is about my cat that died of a exotic infection [95 words]
Toast by Jasmine Boucher I was just thinking of things. So I came up with this. [109 words]
Through A Pipe Made Of Lead by Dawei - [143 words]
This Time Of Year by Andrews - [57 words]
The Sense Of Love by Mike Piotrowski I hope everyone can enjoy! Thanks, -Mike. [106 words]
The One (For You) by Sam Sullivan I was having a bad day, a girl said something really sweet to me, I got happier, and I fell i... [145 words]
The Office by T J Rintoull I couldn't work out if this was a micro-short or a prose poem. The way it's written it's a short sto... [474 words]
The Mystify One I Watched In The Heat Of The Night by Jahri Ann Is it just my imagination. A poem about imaginative attracti... [125 words]
The Memory Of You by Tara Bridget Moore It wouldn't be a love poem if it wasn't a sad poem... [188 words]
The Lyrics For That Macho-Man, He-Man, Tough-Guy Shit by Randall Barfield . [278 words]
Stroll About The Woods In Time by Andrews - [59 words]
She Bawled by Jahri Ann The hurt of a woman as her love's life was taken away by a violent act [179 words]
Restless Slumber by Carla Thomson - [74 words]
Rape by Little A This is a poem about a girl getting raped. It is based on my best friend and my ex-boyfriend. [95 words]
Putting Me Down? by Buxton Ex-Girl bashing.. [135 words]
Published And Paid by Dr Mu A new discovery online which opened up a world of possibilities [87 words]
Opal by J D Hoff Hoff Contemplations of Euthanasia [66 words]
Once They Are Dead by Cedric McClester Once They Are Dead talks about how we tend to lionize the dead. [28 words]
Oh Woman by John Yeohann - [120 words]
My Lover My Friend by C Parnell I wrote this poem about my lover, who is also my friend! [105 words]
My Eternity by R Soon Poem I made for a wedding [120 words]
Midnight Snack by C E Wynkoop This is just a short poem that I wrote when I was thinking about vampires. If you don't like the... [72 words]
Matt by Chloe L Batey Another cousin died today (27th October) and I wrote this... [167 words]
Keep 'em Guessing by Curious - [48 words]
Jamaican Youngster by Jahri Ann The Jamaican education system and it's negative effects on youngsters. [273 words]
Internal Belief by Andrews - [21 words]
Inner Self by Men Walkalone O nosso eu, que devemos escutar no cair da noite depois da bebedeira do dia. [41 words]
In The Heat Of The Moment by Andrews - [184 words]
If It Weren't For That Beer by Dri a silly one as a dedication to Leah and her boyfriend. [81 words]
I Love The Way by Christina D Stuart Love and passion [140 words]
Hope You're Lucky by Carla Thomson - [77 words]
From Darkness You Bring Light by Tara Bridget Moore This poem was written for someone who taught and inspired me beyond what any writ... [359 words]
Flowers For No One by John Yeohann A poem about loneliness [224 words]
Feather Soft
Feather Flowers by Desi Williams I wrote this a long time ago, right after I walked to the library from my therapist's office. [55 words]
Explosion! by Alexis Winchy This actually happened! Applesauce exploded in my backpack so I had to use one from the sixth grade.... [37 words]
Everlasting8 by Zachary Young Sullivan Love is a subject that is only talked about in certain places and times. Why? Because it is so de... [40 words]
Encouragement by Zachary Young Sullivan I write this for the sake of passing on encouragement on to the next troubled one. We must neva ... [92 words]
Dreamering by Joe Hammond An unseen entity stalks a young woman's dreams [59 words]
Diatribe Of A Wicked Queen by M Southwell A different take on the Wicked Queen concept. Is she really wicked, or just a victim... [423 words]
Crying In A Sandbox by C E Wynkoop This is a sad little poem about how kids pick on each other in the school yard [133 words]
Crush by C Parnell I wrote this poem a while back about someone I had a crush on, I later found out he liked me too and we h... [92 words]
Corridors Of Love? by Amarjit Bhambra Knocking on the right door....I remember my creator.... [79 words]
Collection Of Poetry by Ted Carr A collection of poetry throughout the months [146 words]
Bulletproof Lonliness by Little A This is how I feel about my new school... [72 words]
Bryna by R Bennett Okerstrom Saying goodbye to my mom [131 words]
Blood Whore by Doc Byron A vampire learns the true meaning of loneliness [46 words]
Bald by T J Rintoull A complaint against nature and pattern baldness. [132 words]
A Simple Hope by T J Rintoull A short poem I wrote while at work. [57 words]
78 by T Regajed What you make of it. [62 words]

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Feather Soft
a poem. Its not the orignal.. which i think was better. sadly i lost the original, and this is what i remember... its about a flying horse.
[69 words]
[May 2008]
A Curious Life (Short Stories) Dolphins live a curious life... [215 words] [Animal]
A Gun On A Summers Day (Short Stories) A couple of random sentences about guns. And nature. [123 words]
Butterflies Revenge (Short Stories) This is the beggining-intro of my story. [167 words] [Fantasy]
Dark Kelpie Nights (Short Stories) A story, sort of, about the kelpies i read about in a book. Describing their dark, yet beautiful in a way, nature. [237 words] [Fantasy]
Diary Of A Loon (Short Stories) -this is kinda about me, kinda not it kinda descirbes some of my randomness.. but not exactly. tell me what u think! =) (its not complete yet. this is jsut a snipit of what i have written) [574 words] [Comedy]
Do You See? (Poetry) - [132 words]
Dumped (Short Stories) Today the love of my life. dumped me. he got with another girl then got rid of me. i dont know what to do. my life has just lost meaning... [75 words]
Fall Falling Fallen (Poetry) - [35 words]
Flipped (Short Stories) Sometimes life is just so confusing [121 words]
I Do Love You, Its Just... (Poetry) I love a boy. but he confuses me [90 words]
Im Gone (Poetry) - [126 words]
Left Behind (Short Stories) About how people want to be the same and not seen as different. [76 words]
Life-It Will Go With Or Without You (Short Stories) - [89 words]
Loop Life (Short Stories) Sometimes life feels like one giant loop [679 words]
Master Of The Skies (Poetry) Its about a raven. I was in maths class... and i saw this beautiful black raven outside. I was like wow. So i wrote this poem about it. I recnetly realised how beautiful ravens are.. with their ebony ... [29 words] [Mystery]
Night’S Predator (Short Stories) I love vampires. Everything i write about them i feel conected like i am the one that is hunting. i can smell the blood of my victims. [207 words]
Pure Is Love (Short Stories) A story about two people, love, and lifes complications. [405 words]
Rainbow -Between The Storm And The Sunshine (Short Stories) Big fat raindrops dripped off my nose. Ew. Well he got what he wanted Im out of the house, but soon ill be back, annoyed, cold and angry, wont I be fabulous to live with then? I glared at the sky, “He... [660 words] [Adventure]
Searching For Hope (Short Stories) She wasnt rich. She wasnt extremely intellect. She wasnt completely beautiful. But she was kind, honest and our hero. (sorry if there are spelling errors, but microsoft word didnt work and i couldnt ... [488 words] [Adventure]
Sky Rider (Poetry) Its based on a book i read... the book was awesome. Its about some part near the ending. I jsut loved it... it was... different. [302 words] [Fantasy]
Sorrows Your Name (Poetry) Dark. [66 words] [Mystery]
The Books Cover Was Wrong. (Part 1:Introduction) (Short Stories) People are not who they seem. [304 words]
The Building (Short Stories) a horror story. [390 words] [Horror]
The P0wer 0f Change (Short Stories) A story about friendship, magic and some of lifes pains. [507 words]
The Sun (Short Stories) This is a random piece of writing. It doesn’t really have a category. It’s just something I wrote when I was bored and thinking about life. [72 words]
The Survivors (Short Stories) People, they start off the same. But they slowly become different to each other. One group is The survivors. The people who beat the odds and though it seems their time is up they live another day. [529 words] [Mystery]
Whispers On The Wind. Hopes Quest (Short Stories) Whispers on the wind, tell stories of many. Heroes, villains, kings, peasants. All equal when it comes to words. A story about five friends, and one quest to save a world no one has ever heard of. [577 words] [Adventure]
Feather Soft

A feather floats through the sky
Connected to me and I
The feather ends not at its self, but follows my others, to create a wing
I cry aloud in pleasure. My hearts desires I sing
Powerful hindquarters silver in moonlight
On an air current I have taken flight
Something from your dreams and stories
A flying horse I am with all my glories
Silver to white colors on me
But only a feather any shall see


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© 2007 Jessi
November 2007

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