Jimmy Mason is 29 years old. He spends his free time from being a stay at home father writting. His work has never been published and he's only now begun to rewrite rough drafts. His world is one of fantasy and insanity. [June 2007]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (11) 20 Dollars To Fear (Short Stories) This story hold a special place in my heart. A story of a strange night in a bar [1,437 words] [Fantasy] Ageing Is Psychosomatic (Poetry) - [66 words] [Mind] Either You Or I Or Both (Poetry) If writing is present for anything. It's to have the ability to explore all the landscapes of emotion within ourselves. There is no light without Dark, no good without Evil. [189 words] Gravity X 4 (Poetry) - [93 words] [Mind] Judgment Day In Eden Hills (Short Stories) Hell on earth, starting in a small town. [3,733 words] [Adventure] Locked Away (Poetry) A poem I wrote in the days before I was in love. [124 words] Narcissistic Fairy Folk (Short Stories) A tale of the darker nature of fairy folk [1,824 words] Stanley (Short Stories) A short story of a woman and a boy caught in reversal of life. [721 words] The After Life & Beyond (Poetry) You decide [94 words] The Monsterboys (Short Stories) This is a story not to be read by those who are easy to offend. A gritty story of a group of friends who get thrust into the bussiness of Monster hunting, and uncover some of the truths of humanity [5,298 words] [Fantasy] The Search (Poetry) Humanity through my eyes. How lost are we? [102 words] [Mind]
The Hell Monkey’S Revenge Jimmy Mason
Eye holes bask in the sweltering juice of the hell monkey’s revenge.
Spinal chords rape themselves with wind up unused tampons.
The deep blue sky has turned a desperate eye to the mongoloid children running below it’s chubby arched above.
The masculine transvestites walk the condemned down the halls of anal punctuation.
The hell monkey brings it all on the nape of his gangling, finagling, crabby, bouncy ball sack.
The postulating horse faced whores are the one’s he adores.
Rubber cemented dicks to tits and pussies to foreheads.
Delved into the deepest parts of every hole in every broke down soul.
Couldn’t retaliate to the attack with the crimson blade coming slowly back out of the body.
So the girl looked like a bad hair day on a sexy body, with erotic eyes of a wayward vulture just looking for a piece of rotten flesh to turn her beak into.
Agility is the music that blares from every sweaty steamy pore.
So the guy looked like a Jhon Huges movie took a violent shit upon him, His down trodden spirit coupled with his self delusion almost had him convinced to kill himself.
His misery is the tale the adventure.
Smell that sweet smell of maggot crawling bloated goats anus and she takes a deep breath.
Death is a thing a person a religion even a smell.
She knows all of deaths forms all of it’s signs.
No matter witch to her it means dinner.
"Get a job for Christ's sake. This is not writing. This is copycat regurgitation of depraved cable scum targeting jerk-offs like you. Stop watching this crap on TV or we'll end up seeing you and your kids on tragedy news. " -- Lester.
"Lester is just jealous her didn't think of it first and or get to be the anchor.. ha Matthew Mark@" -- Matthew Mark@, USA.
"Sometimes you just feel like writing wierd shit...i understand completely. Interesting, i must say..but i liked it." -- Bryan King.
"yo, so i must agree with all three previous comments here. i do say yea i plan on seeing your ass on the news one day dead or something. but i know it isnt copycated material seeing as how you dont have cable. and i have some weird shit i have written to call my own but dude i must tell you, i didnt really like this one. sorry buddy guess my mind isnt as fucked as yours. :D" -- Jameson, Oak Ridge, TN.
"But I know you. You and the knife and the sweaty one in the back seat of my car, driving driving down the road. You and the One Eye, looking at me. You write weird shit.. but it comes from a weird place. Love you my Brother." -- Angeluvr.
"Greatness, purely" -- Deathrattle Dave.
"I think it was good. Strange, but still good." -- Candy Rhodes.
"No, this was not good. It was childish, meaningless drivel. I don't mean that to be cruel. The constructive part: Begin with a clear thought, and rewrite it until it sounds like that. Much of this is just random words strung together, without anything coherent behind it." -- Dug.
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