AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (27) A Brief Return (Short Stories) Faith, madness or harsh reality? [219 words] [Mind] Cuthbert Mot (Poetry) Seems gibberish. Can you work it out? [131 words] Deceit (Poetry) Are there things you can never discuss with anyone? [74 words] [Mind] Easter Monday (Short Stories) A True drama - In a brief moment [247 words] [Mind] Grampalapalopolas (Poetry) Who could this be? [110 words] [Relationships] How Can Anyone Believe In God? (Poetry) Why would a loving God allow such pain? [85 words] [Mind] I Dont Know Where You Are Dad (Poetry) Some thoughts for Father's Day [145 words] [Relationships] I Had A Dream Last Night (Short Stories) How sure can we be about reality? [300 words] [Mind] I Had Another Dream Last Night (Short Stories) Continuing a quest for reality [147 words] [Mind] I Have Chosen You (Short Stories) This is just for you and no-one else. [198 words] [Mind] If The End Is The End (Poetry) People hang on to the belief of Heaven & Hell. What if the end really is the end? [108 words] In An Instant (Poetry) Reflections on the futility of relationships [111 words] [Relationships] It's All As It Was (Poetry) Do you ever question existence? [138 words] [Mind] Like A Parallel Cross (Short Stories) A dark tale [3,026 words] [Mystical] Maw (Poetry) A sad life, a sad end [136 words] [Relationships] My Only Friend (Poetry) My dad once told me to hang on to a true friend as there wouldnt be many. [156 words] [Mind] Paw (Poetry) Life was simple then [210 words] [Relationships] Sugar! (Poetry) Kind of a cross between a poem and a short based on a creepy thought that came to me one cold dark morning [190 words] [Mind] Taxman (Short Stories) Taxman or Bounty Hunter? [592 words] [Drama] The Hill (Poetry) I have often thought of my life as a hill where the early years seemed to be a slow clinb up and more recently a fast uncontrollable rally down [170 words] [Mind] Things Have Changed (Poetry) Getting older isnt easy [152 words] [Mind] This Is It! (Short Stories) A strange offering of pure thought [336 words] [Mind] What Would You Say? (Poetry) Are we ever alone? [92 words] [Mind] When The Time Comes (Poetry) Can the acceptance of death overcome pain and fear? [81 words] Where Do They Go? (Poetry) Nice to think they are still around? [92 words] Where Is My Dad? (Short Stories) A few sad words that may well touch many [96 words] [Mind] Will It Ever Stop Raining? (Short Stories) Nothing to do with the UK floods [119 words] [Mind]
It Will Come To You Neil Southern
It will come to you
My mother said
As she hobbled down the stairs
With her dodgy knee
You see I used to have a laugh
In a fond sort of way
She knew I was joking
At least I hope she did
That last winter was bad
Jack said she had been asleep
All day on the couch
I never thought
Then at Christmas it’s clear
Long after the day
That something was wrong
Just check out the photo
The oxygen mask
Misted then cleared
Her hand gripped mine
I don’t think she could see me
And then she recovered
For a day or two at least
She still couldn’t speak
Whilst they were there
It didn’t last long
Before the agony came
I can honestly say
It was the worst night of my life
There are some things you see
You never want to see again
It would be nice to think
She is somewhere better
In the years since that night
I have hoped she would call
Just a sign or a sound
To convince me
And now it has come to me
As she said it would
I just wish she would call
To have a laugh
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