AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (51) Almost (Poetry) Little limrick for ya. [63 words] Blue Suede Shoes (Poetry) Who the hell wears blue suede shoes. [132 words] [Movies] Broken Life (Poetry) Sadness. [109 words] [Drama] Busback (Short Stories) A shocking tale of a special ed student with serious problems. In this story it's stand up for yourself or die! [4,823 words] California Stop (Poetry) I wrote this on a napkin with jumbled up words like wiping up some sort of mental mess [69 words] Characterazation Of A Barrel (Poetry) Defecative poetry visualizes what life could be like for a wine barrel, had it been a doctor. [241 words] Colloquigasm (Poetry) Canned thoughts of powerful importance. [106 words] Critical Situation (Poetry) All hope is lost, save yourselves. [118 words] [Biography] Dead Hurricane (Poetry) Remember to stock plenty of water, canned goods, batteries, cards, beer and a dartboard. [97 words] Dead Roses (Songs) A little diddy for an old girlfriend. [144 words] Desire Of Her (Poetry) Loves elaborations continue. [76 words] [Drama] Dog (Poetry) I cant belive my dog. Had to write a haiku to sort it all out. [15 words] [Humor] Dream From Me (Poetry) I wrote this a while back but I dont know what I was thinking, I've never been married. [116 words] [Fantasy] Elusive Flounder (Poetry) Sometimes they're just hard to catch. [114 words] [History] Emily's Love (Poetry) Nothing to say about this one. [76 words] [Health] Enemy In Me (Poetry) I just can't seem to cut myself out of my life. Hiaku [Dark Humour] [11 words] Friend Shithouse (Poetry) A revisit to a new classic. Perhaps I'll write a series. [84 words] From Perpendicular To Semi-Circular (Poetry) What the hell are you to do when the road less traveled takes you to a dead end? Go back the way you came? Whatever, there are reasons people take the beaten path. [60 words] [Self-Help] Great Place To Do Some Fishing (Poetry) You can't tell me your not interested in beer and fishin' [70 words] [Nature] Happy Shithouse (Poetry) Seriously unserious poetry....This is definately the best I can do. [90 words] Heroin Trip 1 (Short Stories) Young fella's life explodes after he couln't tell a dude not to smoke weed at work. 2 parts now just didn't want to change the title because it erases comments. [2,435 words] [Adventure] Heroin Trip 2 (Short Stories) Added some more to this ongoing tale. It's all starting to build up to the grand finally now. [2,153 words] [Adventure] Heroin Trip 3 (Short Stories) Well the first part of three anyway. I was just kidding about almost being finished. There is still a lot about to happen I'm just too lazy to write it out. [1,031 words] [Adventure] Horror Haiku (Poetry) Oh how terrible. [13 words] [Horror] I Confess (Utter Geniouslessness) (Poetry) Earth!!! Because there is no where else to go [101 words] [Popular Fiction] Industrial Domicile (Poetry) Perhaps God has been trying to tell us something from the beginning. [67 words] [Architecture] Irreality Showing (Poetry) To all the lazy, unmotivated, selfish existance individuals who let the world slip through the fingers of your hands by not giving a shit about the life around you instead of the one in front of you, ... [71 words] I've Got The Blues Over You (Songs) Straight from whatever heart I have left. [195 words] [Erotic] J.D. Therapy (Poetry) Stole this from a country song I wrote way back when. [89 words] [Relationships] July In My Eye (Poetry) Sweet forth at the beach. [52 words] Kiss My Bruises Baby (Short Stories) What you feel you need the most, may already be inside you. [1,963 words] [Popular Fiction] Labor Day (Poetry) Senseless. [73 words] Listerine My Dear (Poetry) Haiku for you. Please take action. [14 words] [Action] Love From A Caged Bird (Poetry) Prison poetry. [158 words] Moonlight Oceanside (Poetry) - [70 words] My Fish Story (Poetry) Every fisherman has one. [155 words] Parched Of Laughter (Poetry) This is a celebration of selective humour [73 words] [Business] Perpetual Emotion (Poetry) An exaggerative exaggeration of how I feel about coloring in coloring books. [69 words] Presidental Misconduct (Poetry) Another Haiku to throw in the stew.Just having a laugh at the world around us. Might as well. [18 words] Sea Song (Poetry) Truth that life and love should not be intermingled. [129 words] Shitfishin' (Poetry) What the hell. [52 words] [Humor] Sinking Ship (Poetry) For ones who have second thoughts about living with lonliness. Revised. [81 words] [Self-Help] Strangled By Sorrow (Poetry) Afterwork. [112 words] [Travel] Super Shithouse (Poetry) This one is from the golden classic series. [78 words] The Death Of My Descent (Poetry) Had to get you roses, chocolate and a poem because I couldn't afford a solid gold bar. [147 words] The Pull (Poetry) I can feel myself growing older at a rapid pace....This is an expression of my feelings towards that [42 words] Torn Apart While Sleeping (Poetry) Ever know of anyone to poke at a bear while it was asleep? [130 words] Two Birds Of Paradise (Poetry) For the lovers. Fictional poetry. [73 words] [Animal] What My Succubus Did For Me (Songs) Straight metal. It helps if you read this while your headbanging. [191 words] [Thriller] When I Get Sad And Blue (Songs) A little twisted electronica. [77 words] Xylocitin For Me Please (Poetry) This is what takes away all the pain......well not really. [69 words]
Drugs Are Bad Kendall Wilt
We chop down the trees
The trees give us life and air
Great trade for junk mail
"while i'm in no shape or form a tree hugger this was quite profound, nice job." -- curious.
"First I laughed, then it made me think. Well put." -- Fire Keeper.
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