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The Chair by Colin Baker - [235 words]
Raining Cats And Dogs by Colin Baker Do you believe in metaphors coming true ? [187 words]
Lilic Dreams by Amarjit Bhambra I aways loved the colour Lilic - lilics are full of dreams. [99 words]
Decider by Randall Barfield This poem was composed after a slow reading of Green River, Running Red by Ann Rule, the world's foremo... [169 words]
...Changes... by Luis Felipe Moura Life will never be the same. [193 words]
Frostbite by Michael J Musto - [48 words]
The Things We Go Through by Carla Thomson The person that this is talking about is me... when it says "you" it's talking about m... [171 words]
I'm A Bitch! by Carla Thomson ok... this is about me, how i lost my verginaty to my friend's guy, and how i feel about that... [297 words]
What's It Like To Be by Andrews - [22 words]
What Is Justice Of Mr. Nguyen And The Prince Of Arabia? by Amarjit Bhambra What is the Justice in the World compared with Mr. Nguy... [119 words]
What If? by Danae Bonomini - [134 words]
Waiting In Limbo by Briony Carvalho For my mum. [89 words]
Verbosity by Briony Carvalho Got bored and fancied writing a silly poem for a giggle! [53 words]
Unwanted Happiness by C Stretch This is somebody who is used to pain and rejection all her life. So once she finds "happines... [69 words]
Ultimately At Your Service by Rae - [82 words]
Ugly by Elizabeth Flores Not really my usual style, but it's just something I had on my mind and this is how it came out:) [109 words]
Two Birds Of Paradise by Kendall Wilt For the lovers. Fictional poetry. [73 words]
Troubled Insecurities by C Stretch - [170 words]
Time To Get Serious? by Curious - [70 words]
This Feeling by C Stretch Trying to explain how I feel and why for this certain somebody. [88 words]
Thinking About Your Leaves by Sasu - [117 words]
There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe by Nikki Mont Louis - [46 words]
The Soul Alone by Wasted Time - [152 words]
The Silence by Brian C Lebron - [27 words]
The Mountain Of Hope by Matthew Mark Gill The New Life What we all yearn for in life! [100 words]
The Lotus by Brian C Lebron Haiku. [6 words]
Talented by Matthew Mark Gill Lyrics Music artist see's the goodness inside and the feelings that enter his lyrics! What's left is talent. [67 words]
Something To Think About by C Stretch I didn't know what to call it... Just tell me what you think. [31 words]
Since You've Gone by Iain Spittles Curious got me all curious about my own emotions over lost exes, so I dug into them a little.... [49 words]
Second Chance At Life by C Stretch In my world history class, we were assigned a Timed writing. And the subject was 'reincar... [130 words]
Santa's Coming Hide! by Matthew Mark Gill Claus Santa is on his way to hand out gifts to all that believe. [82 words]
Reviews by Curious Someone mentioned that some of the comments I received might make material for a poem, took that and we... [830 words]
Realization Smacks Hard by C Stretch When I realized the person I thought was loyal to me, was really the complete opposite.... [84 words]
Presidental Misconduct by Kendall Wilt Another Haiku to throw in the stew.Just having a laugh at the world around us. Might as ... [18 words]
Power Trip by Matthew Mark Gill Great Life Dedicated to the most powerful guy on earth our president! [83 words]
Playground by Curious - [53 words]
Over And Over by Danae Bonomini - [66 words]
One Day At A Time by Dri Reflections on my new life in the USA. Starting all over again is not always easy but not ent... [123 words]
Once-In-A-Lifetime Offer by C Stretch - [77 words]
Nothing To Do by C Stretch Bored, waiting for someone to pick me up and to escape from all the adults asking me things. [64 words]
Not Again by Curious - [115 words]
Needless by Rae - [60 words]
Moments by Luis Felipe Moura When love makes all the difference... [148 words]
Mistaken Identity by Curious Removed a line, thanks for the suggestion. [47 words]
Mississippi Love by Mia Angello - [53 words]
Marry Go Round by Matthew Mark Gill Give Me A Push Girl learns that she shouldn't be everyone's escort... [94 words]
Love Is Pain by Shantal Thomas - [118 words]
Listerine My Dear by Kendall Wilt Haiku for you. Please take action. [14 words]
Later On by Danae Bonomini - [92 words]
L - O - V - E by C Stretch Any type of relationship have their flaws.. [34 words]
Kissing My Mind by Buxton A tragic love poem. [131 words]
Jake For Goodness Sake by Shantal Thomas - [79 words]
It's That Time Of Year by D G Williford Memories, smells, sounds of Christmas to a young girl. [197 words]
In My Head Thoughts Of You by Andrews - [50 words]
I Will Never Be Him by Kimmberlee A Wolf - [92 words]
I Feel So Used by Carla Thomson - [116 words]
Hollow Heart by M Q Walters And if your life at home Is in a hollow heart It’s wasted on an old mans tears. [77 words]
Heroes And Villains by John Roberts A short 'ditty' that came to mind while working on a project for the local police force. [186 words]
Heartbreaker by Briony Carvalho Another attempt at rhyming - bit of a jokey one (makes a change from my terminally depressive ones... [97 words]
Hated I Shall Be by C Stretch - [58 words]
Gooodbye To You by Andrews - [47 words]
Game by Uche Peter Umez A look at a night in a brothel. [23 words]
Fragrance by Uche Peter Umez Affection for a beloved. [24 words]
Field Of Flowers by Andrews - [59 words]
Dying Star by C Stretch One of my earilest piece of writing... IT SUCKS!! TT_TT. [24 words]
Distraction by Rachel Alden - [78 words]
Death-Stained Love by C Stretch - [36 words]
Dancing With You by Luis Felipe Moura Have you ever wanted just one dance with the one you love? [158 words]
Christmas Time by Andrews - [52 words]
Chorus Of Love by Briony Carvalho My first attempt at a proper old school rhyming poem - one about losing 'the one' [116 words]
Calling Out To Death by C Stretch It's old... I'm not as desperate to die anymore.. [251 words]
Butterfly Love by Briony Carvalho - [90 words]
Bah Humbug
Attraction by Luis Felipe Moura An attempt to describe what cannot be explained. [116 words]
Angel Man by Mia Angello - [72 words]
And No-One Else by Ian Tronco - [69 words]
And I'm Still Learning.... by C Stretch A very old writing of mine.. I never really like my crap that I write.. I d k.. Some... [133 words]
All That I Am by C Stretch I don't know what I was writing about.. Or what I even trying to say in it... [78 words]
Abandon by Mia Angello - [41 words]
A Reflection Of Tomorrow by Brian C Lebron - [63 words]
A Little Bit Of Limbo by Curious - [33 words]
A Hard Place To Be by Curious Consolidating some of my stuff, sorry about that. [97 words]

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Bah Humbug
[14 words]
[January 2007]
A Backwards Glance (Poetry) Just some light hearted memories. [57 words] [Humor]
A Bit Mixed Up (Poetry) - [85 words] [Relationships]
A Hard Place To Be (Poetry) Consolidating some of my stuff, sorry about that. [97 words] [Relationships]
A Little Bit Of Limbo (Poetry) - [33 words] [Relationships]
A Missing Part (Poetry) - [28 words]
A Rude Awakening (Poetry) Why in stanzas, why not? made some changes to an old, old one, kinda like me. [83 words] [Relationships]
A Sticky Situation (Poetry) A not so old, old one. [81 words] [Relationships]
Back In Time (Poetry) - [31 words] [Relationships]
Bad Boys (Poetry) Found this in some of my old stuff and reworked it, guess I have too much time on my hands. [159 words] [Relationships]
Damn Time (Poetry) Reworked another old one, almost caught up. [174 words] [Relationships]
Deluded (Poetry) - [31 words]
Fruitless (Poetry) - [26 words]
Guys Are Lucky (Poetry) someone sent this to me so i thought i'd pass it along, so much is true but mostly just a laugh - sorry girls. [333 words] [Humor]
Here Kitty, Kitty - A Memorium (Poetry) Something I wrote some time ago, a tribute to a dear companion who has reached the end of her time here on earth. though written in quite a wise ass way it's really meant with love. [128 words] [Animal]
Hey, I Have An Idea (Poetry) Just a little daydream on a cold winter's day. [86 words] [Relationships]
How's Your Weather? (Poetry) - [31 words] [Relationships]
I Thought Time Was My Friend (Poetry) i need one of those 'dummies books', they have them for everything else. [24 words] [Relationships]
Keep 'em Guessing (Poetry) - [48 words] [Relationships]
Keeping Love Alive (Short Stories) This is broken, gonna work on it to see if I can get it to read a bit better. [6 words] [Romance]
Mistaken Identity (Poetry) Removed a line, thanks for the suggestion. [47 words]
Not Again (Poetry) - [115 words] [Relationships]
Of Course I'm Sure, I Think (Poetry) - [116 words]
Oh Great, Bedtime (Poetry) - [22 words] [Relationships]
Oh Those Nights, Days Too (Poetry) Something I wrote under a fake name (not like curious, my real name) quite sometime ago. [39 words] [Relationships]
One Of Those Days (Poetry) - [150 words] [Relationships]
One Of Those Nights (Poetry) Yep, last night was - oh well. [98 words] [Relationships]
Only A Dream (Poetry) - [82 words] [Relationships]
Playground (Poetry) - [53 words] [Relationships]
Remember? I'll Love You Forever! (Poetry) I'm sure we've all said it, often more than once. [54 words] [Relationships]
Reviews (Poetry) Someone mentioned that some of the comments I received might make material for a poem, took that and went to some of my old stuff that i've removed and came up with some interesting lines (well, I thi... [830 words]
Round And Around (Poetry) - [118 words]
There's Been Better Days (Poetry) - [95 words] [Relationships]
Thought For A Winter's Night (Poetry) - [110 words] [Relationships]
Time To Get Serious? (Poetry) - [70 words] [Romance]
Time To Wake Up (Poetry) First thing I ever wrote and posted, just trying to get old ones back up, thanks for the patience. [111 words] [Relationships]
Titles Sometimes Wear Me Out (Poetry) - [67 words] [Relationships]
Which (Poetry) Still draging them out. [100 words] [Relationships]
You Bet We're Different (Poetry) Another bunch of stuff someone sent me. [240 words] [Humor]
Bah Humbug

can’t even say happy new year
just an empty room
no one to hear
fuck it



"I am sure this was meant to be sad but it made me laugh! love the last line :)" -- Tamsin Butler.


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© 2005 Curious
December 2005

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