TITLE (EDIT) Can't You See What You're Doing To Me?
My parents divorce was very bitter. It seemed like my father just disappeared out of my life. Through the past 24 years I've tried endlessly to develope a relationship with him to no avail. It's like he doesn't want it. Maybe someday I'll have the courage to share with him my expression of the pain he's caused me by letting him read my poetry. Children are a gift...not something that can be tossed aside the minute something better comes along! [270 words]
I use my words to bring comfort not only to myself but hopefully others around me who have felt the pain of loss in life. [February 2006]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (4) Everything You Do (Poetry) This poem was written for my aunt who had to watch cancer slowly eat away at her husband and has tried to cope with his loss as best as she can since he passed away in 2004. [190 words] Happy Birthday To You In Heaven Above (Poetry) Written for my grandma's 90th birthday - also the day she passed away 4 years ago. [146 words] Once Again This Year (Poetry) Written for my grandma who passed away in 2002 and my uncle who passed away in 2004, whose loss of life has made the holidays more empty than full. [112 words] Scarred To The Core (Poetry) Written for my dad who divorced my mom. It was very bitter - it still is - and his absent way of being a "father" has "scarred me to the core". [194 words] [Relationships]
Can't You See What You're Doing To Me? Connie Kay Hallstrand
Can you not see
All you’re doing to me?
Do you mean to act this way?
Hurting me day to day?
I thought you wanted to be a part of my life,
But all you’ve done lately is cause me strife.
You say “dad” you want to be,
But look around – what do you see?
Dads who earn the name so true,
Dads who are involved, unlike you.
Is it only for show?
To make yourself look good before you go?
This is harsh, it may be,
But can’t you see what you’re doing to me?
Do you know what “dad” means?
There’s a lot more to it than what it seems!
It means to give a shoulder when I am need,
To make it better if I bleed…
To lend a hand when I am down
Instead of just walking around.
To give me comfort when I cry,
And a way to help my tears to dry.
Instead of ignoring when I loved and lost,
Try to give me peace at any cost.
To seem a least bit interested in me,
Instead of always talking about you, see?
There’s a lot to bearing this precious name
It is serious and certainly not a game!
A lot of hard work it must involve
And with no effort, the relationship will dissolve.
There is nothing standing in your way
And I need to hear what you have to say…
I need to know if dad to me you want to be…
Because 100 percent effort is the key.
It cannot be uneven any more,
Or our relationship will be out the door.
I need to know yes or no,
If this has been all done for just a show.
Can you not see what you’re doing to me?
This is not how fathers and children are supposed to be!
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