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They Started A War by Randall Barfield -"One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is a... [70 words]
Remembering by Colin Baker - [144 words]
A Pious Gent by Colin Baker - [11 words]
Rain Heading In From The West by Colin Baker A poem written to mark the many innocent deaths brought about by Western politica... [243 words]
The Love I Need by Dri - [236 words]
Entwined Hearts by Dri - [89 words]
Dad by Carla Thomson This poem is about my dad, and how he let my step-mom take over. My brother and I moved out after having to... [126 words]
(A)L(M)Ight(Y) by Buxton Read it, but don't love it. [113 words]
Your Fear by James Christopher McDermott - [90 words]
Yet Another Day... by Alvin Gladstone Another hectic day described in poetry. [185 words]
Who Said? by Yessayana Hartfield This poem is about courage and believing in yourself, when no one else believes in you, your parents,... [26 words]
What Are These? by Jacson A Bevens Can you tell? [53 words]
We're Both Drowning by Elizabeth Flores This is a poem I wrote just now. it took me about ten minutes so it might not be very good.... [66 words]
Was I Ever Once Worth The Time by M Q Walters Still trying to figure out what I'm worth....and why it seems to be easier for o... [75 words]
Waiting (2)
Unexplanable by Carole Brogden This poem is about a time in my life when I wanted to do something but God didn't want me to and I... [119 words]
Umn Is All I Can Say by Yessayana Hartfield This poem is about handsom or beautiful women that make you Umn. [95 words]
Tiny Souls by Mary Tronti - [87 words]
The Wendy Williams Pu-Lease by Yessayana Hartfield A big Phat Shout Out to my girl Wendy Williams on her Pu-lease to the people who di... [203 words]
The Long Sleep That Steals Away Guilt by Uche Peter Umez Mirth gives way to dejection as a poet confronts his treachery and takes ... [129 words]
The Endless Struggle by Noah J A short poem/rap song about the World's problems. [290 words]
The Dibia's Lament by Uche Peter Umez Traditional values give way to modern acts. [111 words]
The Day The Levy Broke by Dawn Matley Maselli I am a RN in RI. I could not go to New Orleans to help, because people depend on my car... [776 words]
Taking Power by Suzannah Duff - [84 words]
Soul Meld by M Q Walters - [84 words]
Review ! A Myth.. by Sasu A blast at the lack of readers, but writers on this Forum. [108 words]
Reminiscences Of Nsukka by Uche Peter Umez Longing for a dearly beloved friend. [77 words]
Poems Of A Differant Tone by Delmar Burkett This is a few selection of poetry I've written throughout the basis of my life. [951 words]
Outside Your Window by Roberto J Moreno - [96 words]
Now And Never by Buxton - [53 words]
Love Prayers by Desi Williams It's... well, once you read it, it is self explanatory. [113 words]
Life Within by Inchara Its about the expectant mother-to-be. [98 words]
Just Not Today by Buxton - [121 words]
It by M Q Walters Just something different for me. [35 words]
It Was In The Middle Of Summer by Bancy Mwihaki Poem about love that was found then lost - poignant, nostalgic. [175 words]
It Is My Business by Yessayana Hartfield This poem is about other people business, but your own. [123 words]
Ich Leibe Dich Alexa by K H - [140 words]
I Shall... by Mary Tronti This little poem came to mind, as I was struggling to make it through the day with my illness. I giv... [65 words]
I Love My Lord by Bg Ryan - [104 words]
His Pain by Ken Harbec I am glad I had the chance to see his eyes that night. [20 words]
Guessing Game by Sasu - [109 words]
Free Sin by Buxton A poem short in words but big in heart. [30 words]
Fragments by Uche Peter Umez Memory of a life. [31 words]
For Dad by Katherine Smith - [130 words]
Follow Your Dreams by Dri - [119 words]
First Day Of My Life by David Baker It's been a loong time but i'm back hahaha, this is my newest poem, have a read hope u lik... [89 words]
Dying On My Knees by Aryka - [297 words]
Driving To Feel You Near by Roberto J Moreno - [146 words]
Dream Land by J R Eilerman It's my depiction of the reality of dreaming. [87 words]
Done With The Lies by Ashley Martin Something I wrote when I was bored, typical Girl is done with Guy, Guy won't let go though, ... [69 words]
Ciggaretts by Yessayana Hartfield A Health Hazard worst and costly then the most addictive drugs out in the market place to date. [296 words]
Brother My Brother by Deava Not entirely sure what inspired this, just something about the bond of brothers standing aga... [95 words]
Broken Beat by Tim D Ryan A pointless poem, but I like it. [195 words]
Begging Forgiveness by Rae - [60 words]
Autumn Winchester by Tim D Ryan Just lyrics for my band, that's all. [156 words]
Autumn Dream by Lissa N Metz-Gomez - [40 words]
Appreciation by Jacson A Bevens This concept just struck a chord inside of myself. [98 words]
A Winter Night Sky by Gerald Scruggs Encouragement. [235 words]
A Gust Of Wind(For Caillin) by Tyla B D D Kenzie This poem I wrote for my daughter Caillin.She is one of 4 children that I have, and... [206 words]

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Waiting (2)
Just a poem about waiting for someone.
[113 words]
Ashley Burdett
I'm 19 and I currently a student at a local college. I'm pursuing a degree in biology. Despite my affinity for the sciences, I've had a passion for writer. I've been told I'm extremely talented, I still have yet to find the beauty that other people do in my writing...
Give something a read and tell me what you think.
[July 2003]
Angel (Poetry) A poem about a breakup and heartache caused because a guy felt he was not good enough for his girlfriend. [327 words] [Relationships]
Build Them Up (Poetry) My thoughts on the reflections of a condemned man listening to someone build his gallows. [131 words]
Church (Poetry) A poem about the differences of the people you see in church each day. [241 words]
Death Of A Grandmother (Poetry) I recently lost my grandmother and wrote a poem in her honor... [359 words]
Distance In Our Hearts (Poetry) How it feels when you are seperated from someone you really care about. [75 words] [Romance]
English Class (Poetry) My english teacher told us to look out of the window today. This is what I saw, outside the window and inside the room. [74 words]
Find Your Voice (Poetry) A poem about venting the frustrations about not being able to find your voice. [70 words]
Firefly (Poetry) Its a poem about a guy in his childhood and wanders out to a place he's visited once before. [147 words]
Forgiveness (Poetry) Someone who has committed the ultimate act of hatred against another human being asks for forgiveness. [137 words] [Spiritual]
Fretful Night (Poetry) Just a lonely night's thoughts. [249 words]
Infatuation (Poetry) This is a poem about how much you can love someone and how it can makes you feel. [162 words]
Janeska's Story (Short Stories) A story of the Holocaust told through a victim's eyes. [5,942 words] [Drama]
King Arthur (Poetry) There is a story often told by the natives in Dover, England. This is a retelling of that story. In which, a man stumbles upon King Arthur as he waits to purge England of Mordred. [1,512 words] [Adventure]
Kite (Poetry) Does anyone know who truly calls us when they say our name? This is a perfect example. [96 words]
Love Questions (Poetry) Just a poem question some of the aspect of love. [23 words] [Romance]
Mother (Poetry) A poem about how a mother looks at her child before it is born. [175 words]
Of Dreams And Memories (Poetry) A dialogue between two people who have very different thoughts about their love. Note that the parentheses are a different speaker. If anyone has any idea on how to make that a little easier to read p... [289 words]
Passerby (Poetry) A poem about passing by a girl I went to high school with and the feelings of how she didn't know me at all. [133 words]
Psalm (Poetry) Just a poem written about someone who is being hurt by God. [87 words] [Spiritual]
Rain (2) (Poetry) Just a poem about what it feels like to stand in a rainstorm. [168 words]
Reflection (2) (Poetry) Thoughts on what it feels for some people to look in a mirror... [278 words]
Romeo And Juliet (Poetry) Love is unexplainable especially when it happens between two people who truly deserve it. [155 words]
Shooting Star (Poetry) A poem about a traveler who ponders their life while looking at the stars. [119 words]
Simple Simon (Poetry) Looking back and realizing how much we took our childhood for granted. [48 words] [Motivational]
Simple Thoughts (Poetry) What happens when two people don't share the same view of life? [149 words]
Simple Thoughts In Extraordinary Lives (Poetry) What happens when the dreams of one partner is not shared by the other? [149 words]
Snow Falling (Short Stories) A poem about a young girl whose father is sent to war. it talks about how she feels when he is gone. [580 words]
Tell Me (Poetry) The poem of a girl who is speaking to her friend. She asks her friend how she can tell the man she is with that she doesn't love him. [122 words] [Romance]
The Encounter (Poetry) It's a 3 work movement based on a guy who meets a girl at a party and falls in love with her. But he stupidly makes love to another girl from the same party and is hurt when he can't have the love of ... [1,629 words] [Relationships]
The Flower (Poetry) The death of a flower equated with the death of a love. [96 words] [Romance]
The Letter Of Elijiah (Short Stories) This is a story about a girl who finds a lost book of the Bible and attempts to find Jesus. [3,101 words] [Adventure]
The Princess And The Peasant (Poetry) A poem from the eyes of a peasant about how he has fallen in love with a princess. [76 words]
To Normandy (Poetry) This is a poem to immortalize the D-Day seize at Normandy. [1,173 words] [Action]
Twenty-Eight (Poetry) I wrote this poem for my parents' 28th wedding anniversary which was a few weeks ago. I admire their marriage and I tried to capture some of it in here. It made both my parents cry... definitely not o... [114 words] [Relationships]
Why (2) (Poetry) Some thoughts I always have when the snow falls. [152 words]
Willow Tree (Poetry) Why does the Willow Tree weep? My interpretation... [182 words]
Waiting (2)
Ashley Burdett

Hands folded,
Head dipped forward,
Lips silently moving
In a makeshift prayer,
I sit waiting and awaiting,
Some news.
Any news of you.

My heart races away
With the strength
Of a thousand sprinters
Hoping to reach the end
Of a formidable challenge.

Moisture drains away
From my lips
As they continue to move
On in their vigil.
They grow dry,

My back strains to hold my weight
And as I move
It creaks and cracks
Under all of the time
I’ve spent
Nestled before my Savior.

Why is it that
I still cling to hope?
Why is it that
My head still
Dips in prayer
The way it did
Starting so many years ago?

For in all my waiting
I have heard nothing.



"Nice one Ashley, keep it up." -- Alvin Gladstone, India.


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© 2005 Ashley Burdett
August 2005

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