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Caress My Soul by Dri - [120 words]
Sleepless by Dri - [107 words]
Why Women Complain by Vanessa Caldwell Women from a man's foint of view. [84 words]
Winter's Trees by Carla Thomson - [20 words]
Seventeen Love Is Lost by Aryka - [135 words]
Masked by Kayla Meadows Just a little something I wrote when I felt 'masked'. [34 words]
My Sad Little Boy by David Daniels A poem about the hardships of fatherhood and raising a son. [379 words]
Untitled Poem by James C Bernthal Soppy love poem. [84 words]
Flower by Kayla Meadows Just a complicated thought, put into words. [31 words]
...Sweet Title Goes Here... by Josh Anderson Intended for the one I love, I never ended up showing it to her and now it seems it... [128 words]
..Darkness.. by David Baker I guess the title sais enough... I duno bout this one.. check it out n if u can tell us wat u thin... [109 words]
Zestfully Clean by Riot - [47 words]
You're The Sunshine Of My Life by Dri When moon and sun walk hand in hand. [159 words]
You're Not Alone by Dri We never know how far a kind word can go, do we? [148 words]
You're My Addiction by Dri - [103 words]
You Ate My Cat, Didn't You? by Tom Bomb Don't look!! [87 words]
Words Of Devotion by Dri - [104 words]
Wild Things by Andrej Milec Very, VERY, simply written; still, I feel that it is its simplicity that adds to the quality of ima... [55 words]
Why They Leave Me by Tamica R Johnson This poem is about people leaving me and I don't know why. [147 words]
Who Is My Father? by Leah Russell A girl rationalizes about how she feels towards her father. Rejection or acceptance? (This ... [189 words]
When You Need A Friend by Vanessa Caldwell A person talking about their friends, and who is your one true friend. [111 words]
When The Bells Began To Ring by Kennedy O Obohwemu A reflection on the election of Cardinal Joseph Radzinger as successor to Pope Joh... [115 words]
What Happened To Our Love? by Josh Anderson What happened to our love? My Indigo girl?... [213 words]
Weather by Laura Fleeger A new outlook on love. [120 words]
Under The Kitchen Sink!! by Tom Bomb A horrible position for anyone, HORROR, do not read if you are young and weak minded.. [1,662 words]
Under My Sea by Buxton A little poem to pass some time. [38 words]
Tsunami You Hit My Island Home by Thrishana Pothupitiya A tsunami devastated the coastal areas of Sri Lanka on 26th December 2004. This ... [241 words]
To The Guy Who Lives In Denmark by Alina Grigoryan Chestnut He is very talented, but thinks that nobody can love him because he is not pret... [154 words]
Tired by Amanda Bates Poem about a time when I wanted nothing more than to simply not exsist but someone helped me see that was... [108 words]
Three Coins In A Fountain by Dri A tribute to the beautiful land of my ancestors... [152 words]
This Hole In My Heart by Trisk Ers A love poem. In the end it doesn't work out, thus the title. [111 words]
The Tsunami Visit by Thrishana Pothupitiya This poem is about the visit of the former US Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr to t... [123 words]
The Promise Of A Rose by Amanda Bates A piece that simblizes the painting "Rose Meditative" by Salvador Dali. [145 words]
The Old Woman, The Little Girl by Riot - [80 words]
The Net by Inchara Its about the internet. [77 words]
The Hypothetical Prison by Kayla Meadows Literacy can sometimes mean a lack of drive when it comes to algebra...and I much prefe... [101 words]
The Fight Of Life by Leah Russell A young child considers what she could have done to prevent her father's death. [107 words]
The Edge Of The Beginning by Keri McGriff - [16 words]
The City Forest by Will Cameron For one last time football leads to violence. [179 words]
Tears Of A Soldier by Sharbear Wood About a soldiers mental anguish after war.He can never go back to the innocent and carefree ... [170 words]
Sweet Intimacy Of Love by Dri - [251 words]
Sweet Dreams by G N For all of the dreamers out there. [60 words]
Sweet Abandon Of Love by Dri - [200 words]
Summer Skies by Danae Bonomini This is about a girl falling in love and then having her heart broken... [118 words]
Study Of The Time Taken And Feelings Evoked Whilst Standing In A Queue To Buy The Paper This Morning. by Iain Spittles Since sta... [13 words]
Stairway To No-Where by Sasu A poem that climbs.....Or..descends!?!? [17 words]
Sonnet: The Soul In Me by Fithalene Noor Dedicated to my ex-love. [111 words]
Sisters by Rae - [80 words]
Silences Forgotten by Melanie Geeregat This one is about my uncle who got himself into some bad stuff... [68 words]
Shark Attack by Leah Russell Reality bites at this girl incessantly. [111 words]
Shadows Of Loneliness by Erin Washington This poem is about heartache. The narrator is describing how is it to be alone and what f... [104 words]
Separate Ways by David Daniels Another poem about how hard relationships can be especially if you love someone and they don't lo... [371 words]
Romance Me by Dri - [151 words]
Rodents And Reptiles by Rae - [68 words]
Rhyming With You by Alberto Pupo To rhyme somehow. [33 words]
Quiet Beauty by Kayla Meadows My interpretation of a classic theme. [31 words]
Portrait Of The Preperation Of Twenty First Century Cuisine Episode 6: Microwavable Lasagne
Personally I Think.... by Sasu Helpless are these feeling's. [77 words]
Paper Cuts by Melanie Geeregat Wrote this when I was feeling down about a friend. [156 words]
Our Lives by Melanie Geeregat Wrote this today when me and one of my friends were talking about an old friend of mine... [177 words]
Only Connect by Erika Sutton Poem about young children who fight for equal rights thoughout history. [250 words]
Odd by Franklin Rapheal Dont you feel odd sometimes.yeah well it isnt you its the world thats strange. [189 words]
None by Kasey Ann Miller I havent finished it yet,some sugestions please. [80 words]
Night Dream Believer by Buxton - [145 words]
Never Doubt by Hannah E Shellenger This is a poem about never doubting the one you should trust most. [162 words]
Need Silence by Alina Grigoryan Rock'n'roll lifestyle...gigs..noise..drinks..laughs... emotions..there's someone you love ,someone... [98 words]
My Weapon, My Weakness by Buxton A turmoil of poetry. [92 words]
My Messiah, A Collection Of Verse by Neeshant Srivastava They are a reflection of my ‘true’ life experiences and reflect its many shad... [1,658 words]
My Life With You by Dri - [91 words]
My Home by Leah Russell A girl finally feels complete here. [133 words]
My Escape by Leah Russell A young girl escapes harsh reality for a moment and soars!!! [252 words]
Mutilation by Andrea Nicole Newell This poem is full of emotion about someone who has turned to self-mutilation to stop the pain they a... [73 words]
Morning by Alina Grigoryan Chestnut Woke up one early morning..usually sleep till 12PM:)..but this morning was special..there was even a sp... [105 words]
Midnight Ride by Riot - [52 words]
Maybe More Than A Friend by Carla Thomson - [60 words]
Lovers Last Rose by Aryka - [132 words]
Love Of My Life by Dri Special dedication. [254 words]
Love Me Like No Other by Dri - [154 words]
Laughter by Kayla Meadows Possibly my most favorite poem out of all my work. It reminds me smile when I'm feeling a bit miffed. ... [61 words]
Late Fate by Lynn Jacob A pantoum poem of which the narrator arrives home past curfew to furious parents. The parents soon f... [178 words]
Katerpillar by Josh Anderson Romance: Sensual meeting and first true kiss... [118 words]
Jodi's Race by Sharbear Wood About a young mother of 33years of age and her fight with cancer.Jodi was diagnosed with stage 3 t... [160 words]
It Had To Be You by Dri Romance me, baby, romance me... [301 words]
Intruder by Fithalene Noor About an enemy. [87 words]
Inside Looking Out by Keri McGriff - [26 words]
I’M Finally A Happy Girl! by Fithalene Noor I used to laugh out loud with this lucky friend. [122 words]
I'll Love You In Life And Death by Amy Anderson My first attempt at a poem... duna what it's like but lol give it a read :) [143 words]
I Miss Everything About You by Nikole Nye It has been written by me deticated to my ex boyfriend. [26 words]
I Love You So Much... by Dri - [41 words]
Honeymoon Cruise by Dri It was not meant to be humorous until my cheeky muse pops us... [415 words]
Honest Angel !! by Buxton A tribute poem to a part of me that died when someone I loved did the same? Don't mean to be de... [102 words]
Hold Me In Your Arms by Dri - [232 words]
Him by Angie Price I want to give this to my boyfriend for our aniversery. [133 words]
High School by Lynn Jacob The poem dictates a typical day in the halls of high school through the young narrator's eyes. [92 words]
He's Special by Fithalene Noor I dedicated this piece to my favourite footballer, Roberto Carlos. [111 words]
Hell Sent by Tom Bomb No-one look.?? [32 words]
He Was Love by Hannah E Shellenger This is a poem written about the only love of my life! His kindness will be remembered forever. [165 words]
Haven't I Told You That I Admire Him? by Fithalene Noor There's a guy in my course that I admire but I didn't show anything. [84 words]
Games We Play by Alberto Pupo The games are played. [54 words]
Finding Love by Hannah E Shellenger This is an unusual love poem about finding love. [127 words]
Enigmas To Ponder by Dri I wrote this one from a male's perspective. [127 words]
Emotionless by Kendall Jones I wrote it when I dicided I had nothing to prove to the little princesses who believe they have the... [166 words]
Do You Really Like Me? by Carla Thomson - [114 words]
Death Bed Fed On Pain by Josh Anderson Love, confusion, depression, anxiety and anything else that can be added to an emotional ... [244 words]
Cherry Tambourine by Marie Evers - [28 words]
Chain Of Love by Tiffany Tee-Tee L Sikes I wrote this poem when a boy I really had strong feelings for broke up with me. We had broken up... [111 words]
Bowling by Vanessa Caldwell A list of fun things that happen at a bowling alley. [72 words]
As Bad As I Make It by Rae - [51 words]
Are You Saying Good Bye? by Olurotimi Adeola Is a poem on broken heart. [78 words]
Another Love Slips by Aryka - [205 words]
Another Long Summer by Carla Thomson What can I say summer can be boring when all your friends are out of town. [232 words]
Anger by Amanda Bates A poem written in the midst of anger. [78 words]
An Artist's Fingers by Krystal G Smith My crush on a very talented woman. [88 words]
Acting by Melonie M Brooks Hpf - [171 words]
A Poem For Josh Duncan by Danae Bonomini Dis is a poem about a guy dat I met wen I was on holidays dat I wud prolly neva gona see... [89 words]
A Morning With Mr. Fan by Fithalene Noor Mr. Fan is my literature lecturer. Actually, he's the best literature lecturer I've ever... [38 words]
A Country Song? by Sara Bella Donna An attempt to submit potential song lyrics.... sounds like a kuntry song to me...ugh. [121 words]
21 Steps Till by Alberto Pupo 21 steps till something occurs... [62 words]
10 Seconds Too Late by Kasey Ann Miller -- [147 words]

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Portrait Of The Preperation Of Twenty First Century Cuisine Episode 6: Microwavable Lasagne
This piece reflects my life-long interest in, and study of kitchen appliances. Since an early age, I have tried to understand what goes on in the minds of such things, and have managed to establish a primitive form of communication with many 'white goods'. When my microwave told me what I reveal here, I cried for a week. if you fail to see the depth of what she has revealed to me you are clearly without feeling, and I pray your black shrivelled heart may one day feel the pain suffered by so many domestic appliances. Ping.
[16 words]
Iain Spittles
You may have heard the theory that an infinite amount of monkeys, given an infinite amount of time, and an infinite amount of typewriters, and, I suppose, ink; could produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Part of a secret experiment, funded by NASA, I, and eleven of my simian brothers, were launched into space to test the theory. Government budgets cutting numbers of monkey and typewriter from ininity to twelve, the plan was destined to fail. The badly built rocket crashed, I escaped, my furry companions dead. The cocktail of drugs I was force fed giving me the most irresistable urge to write. Now all I can do is sit here, at this computer, and type. I hate humans for what they have done to me and my brothers, and will eventually find a way ro rule the world from my keyboard; subliminal messages are hidden in all I write, slaves.....
[October 2005]
A-Z (Poetry) Just thought I'd try writing something with words from A to Z in alphabetical order. Not really sur what catagory it should go in, but have a go yourself and post here!! [26 words]
Change And Continuity (Poetry) Just a short poem to test what kind of response rate to expect if i post some of my other work (mostly fiction, some more poems). Please review. [49 words] [Spiritual]
Hottie Pursuit (Short Stories) Was walking through town yesterday and got the idea for this...... [734 words]
Lowest Low. (Poetry) Just read it, it'll only take a minute. If you're bigger than your ego, you may even 'empathise'. [94 words]
No Title As Yet (Poetry) Another short piece, just tell me what you think, if you take the time to read it, please also take the time to review it, even if it is only one word I want to hear it, and FFS use the message board!... [272 words]
Ode To Mr. T (Poetry) Just a quick poem for fun. [62 words]
Who Knows What? (Short Stories) This is an updated version, take a look, give a comment in return, that's all I ask. [966 words]
She's Got Beef. (Poetry) Just another dull poem to uninspire you. For some reason I can't use italics there should be some in this piece, Can you tell where? Answers on a postcard. [73 words]
Since You've Gone (Poetry) Curious got me all curious about my own emotions over lost exes, so I dug into them a little.... [49 words] [Relationships]
Study Of The Time Taken And Feelings Evoked Whilst Standing In A Queue To Buy The Paper This Morning. (Poetry) Since standing in a queue my life will never be the same. I merely wished to make a purchase, and was forced to stand, without food or watermelon, for just over eight minutes. Now even mater says I am... [13 words]
Telephone Conversation (Poetry) Noting much. [272 words]
The Four Seasons (Poetry) Just another poem. [96 words]
The Frustrated Author (Poetry) See title. [136 words]
The Time Machine (Poetry) Wishful thinking. [27 words]
The Trouble With Immortality (Short Stories) I know this will make some of you laugh. A tongue in cheek peek into another world.... [591 words]
Portrait Of The Preperation Of Twenty First Century Cuisine Episode 6: Microwavable Lasagne
Iain Spittles

Round and round,
and round and round,

round and round,
and round and round,

round and round,
with a whirring sound.




"you crack me up." -- matt.
"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oops, better go to the toilet!" -- Briony.


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© 2005 Iain Spittles
May 2005

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