Engineer, Businessman. Father,Husband, Friend, Lover. Hobbies; Piano, writing, photography. [August 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (9) After Love (Poetry) Sharing a bed with someone that no longer loves you. [121 words] Begin Again (Poetry) Taking a new direction in life. [312 words] Epitaph (Poetry) Why are we here and who will remember? [164 words] First Time (Poetry) First Lovemaking [41 words] Free At Last (Poetry) The agony of divorce or separation. There are no easy answers. Nothing is black and white. [80 words] In A Cardboard Box (Poetry) Memories stored away but not discarded. [111 words] New York 91101 (Poetry) Aftermath of World Trade Towers Attack. [106 words] The War Within (Poetry) The emotional struggle of deciding to abort and its aftermath. [156 words] Tomorrows (Poetry) After the World Trade Towers attack. [162 words]
I May Not Be Arthur Henry Isaacson
It occurred to me today
I may not be, that is to say
I think, but what I feel
May be just digitally real
A user friendly face, put on
A hologram, a con
Perhaps a software redirect
Just bits and bytes, all neat, correct
An idea hung in space
A past programmed and then erased
How do I tell if what I see
Is simply input key by key
Is this fear just mind unbent?
Or am I simply signal sent
Do I exist beyond the power?
Is the scent more bytes, not flower?
Do I really want to know?
On myself the truth bestow
Does it matter any more?
What the future has in store
Was I born in cyberspace?
Or in His holy stately grace
Is the end electrons gate?
Or a saints noviciate
Consciousness is mine
Whether born or by design
Besides, who is to say?
I am not the Lords display
Written in the code
The master did create
The nature of us all
Programmers imitate
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