Eat Away by Katherine Smith Just another random poem. [159 words] Im A Loser by Scotty Cleary ssds [1 words] Let's Go To Bed by Dri A husband to his wife says: "Let's go to bed". When love is to commit for a life time. [115 words] Words' To Say by Brian C Lebron - [16 words] Cathartic by Desi Williams Contains SI. Is short and choppy in some places for effect. Don't know if it will work. Let me kno... [95 words] Changes by Holly This poem is about someone who has been treated badly and has had enough, Enjoy! [94 words] Race by C R Woods Im only young so check this out and please give me some feedback. [74 words] .The Carousel by Josh Anderson The carousel will always go round, till you make it stop. [162 words] Your Going Away? by Josh Anderson Why are you leaving me here? [76 words] Yet It Calls by Franklin Rapheal Its about anxiety for nothing , having everything yet some thing is aways dont know it... [91 words] Wschod Slonca Krwawy by Rae - [95 words] Winter To Spring by Patrick Collins A poem about hope, and the eduring power of the human spirit. [161 words] Wings Of My Soul by Dri - [168 words] Waking Twilight by Brian C Lebron Not so sure about the title.let me know what you think. [50 words] Val (Haiku) by Desi Williams Who is Val to me? [3 words] Tyrants Exposed by Katherine Smith I got bored so I just made up something, quick and simple, nothing special. [75 words] True Love Never Dies by Dri - [70 words] To Judi And Mark by Jeremy Ray Dunlap I found out today that Judith Goff died a year ago. She was my my friend and my good friends ... [25 words] To Be With You On Valentines Day by Amarjit Bhambra - [88 words] Thirst by Patrick Collins "Why?": The universal question we all ask. When we ask that, we are often in need of something, somethin... [90 words] The War Within My Heart by David Baker Sorry wasn't in a good mood last night. Lots of stuff has been happenin. My aunty is si... [95 words] The Tender Loving Touch by Penkup Family Specially for mum... [102 words] The Sunset Slips Away by Megan Shortest Girl In America This is a real sad poem I did cuz I was real sad...(nasty break up)...hope you enjoy it..... [220 words] The Rose by Dri Rose, you're a miracle, always so sweet, always so strong. Know that you're born to shine. [51 words] The Memory Of Dreams by Brian C Lebron - [50 words] The Man Who Saved Her by Vanessa Moya -About a man who saves a girl. [308 words] The Lovely Violet by Penkup Family To our lovable younger sister,Philippa. [108 words] The Life Cycle by Melissa A Trahan This may sound deppresing, but the whole Idea of the poem is positive, it's saying that it's ok ... [101 words] The Innocence Of Youth by Brian C Lebron The beginning of this poem has reference to a Native American myth,mixed with a style in... [71 words] The Heavens Rejoice by Penkup Family To our lovely little niece,Onome. [114 words] The Garden Of The Dead by Jeremy Ray Dunlap We pass by them in our lives. Do we stop to think who they were? As the generations pro... [55 words] The First Fruit by Penkup Family To our lovely elder sister,Edirin. [110 words] The Cry Of A Lamb by Penkup Family "It's plane...dedicated to my chidhood..." -Obohwemu O. Kennedy [114 words] The Bright New Penny by Penkup Family To one of our cowboys,Clement. [113 words] The Best Of The Best by Reborn Clayborne The greatest poem ever. [38 words] The Allegory by Katherine Smith - [113 words] The Active Quicksilver by Penkup Family To one of our cowboys,Nelson. [114 words] Sun Sonne by Josh Anderson Also originally written by me in German. If you want me to post the German version, let me know :) [244 words] Still Glory by Katherine E Krahl - [48 words] Speak From Your Heart by David Baker Listen to your heart..... [74 words] So Bold A Man by Rae Inspired by one of the many amazing paintings by Zdislaw Beksinski who just recently passed away.... [72 words] Sing Praises by Penkup Family It's ever plane... [125 words] Silent Stalker by Rae - [59 words] Show Me by Laura Lodemai Feels of doubt for someone. [102 words] Shadow Of Flames by Franklin Rapheal The fury of fire,its beauty,yet with its strengh it has its quiet state. [46 words] Sam (Haiku) by Desi Williams What does Sam mean to me? [7 words] Sacred Magic by Brian C Lebron - [41 words] Ruthie (Haiku) by Desi Williams What does Ruthie mean to me? (I love my little sissy!) [11 words] Rest Assured by Dri - [64 words] Red Faces by Desi Williams Think about it. [57 words] Political by Katherine Smith Read "My recurring Dream" to know all about me. [83 words] Peace Of The Necropolis by Ian Tronco - [26 words] Paper Moon by Brian C Lebron - [42 words] One Day You Will Hurt by Hannah V Clark Its about someone who hurts night and day. [241 words] On Winter's Deathbed by Brian C Lebron - [14 words] On And Offf by Patrick Collins A poem about confusion and distress, and the struggle to overcome it. [180 words] Oh Love! by Inchara Its about love. [66 words] Nine Months In The Stream by Penkup Family Just provide the link...Dedicated to my infancy. [137 words] Nightly Embrace by Josh Anderson Sad, sweet sentiment to my friends. All of you distant, faceless, unreachable, or that I see a... [191 words] New Iraq by E Rocco Caldwell Repost of a poem I did yesterday. [45 words] My Troubled Youth by Ian Tronco - [66 words] My Recurring Dream by Katherine Smith A type of texture that even made me stop and think while I myself, was writing it. [204 words] My Place by Dri Inner peace. [33 words] My Heart In A Hand by Josh Anderson Love. The girl 'o my dreams exists! And this is how I feel :) [79 words] Mute Angel Canvas by Josh Anderson What happened to my dear angel? [452 words] Music Box Beginning by Josh Anderson A music box plays a haunting tune... [521 words] Maybe Someday by Desi Williams I don't think it's very good.... It's about someone... you don't know them... I think ;) [63 words] Lovely Phoenix by Josh Anderson I think love has found me. Maybe. [130 words] Love Shiver by Josh Anderson Romance Poetry I Suppose. [147 words] Look At Me Now by Josh Anderson When I go... [180 words] Little Glass World by Josh Anderson - [70 words] Light And Dark by Patrick Collins A peom about my greatest love: cinema. This poem is a celebration of the world of film. I hope y... [170 words] Letting Love Go by Lisa Cardwell - [339 words] Let's Fall In Love by Dri "fly me to the moon, be my knight throughout the night" [52 words] Journey Into Music by Jeremy Ray Dunlap An journey into music and the emotions, visions, and dreams it brings. [289 words] Josh (Haiku) by Desi Williams What does Josh mean to me? [10 words] Is It Fate Or What? by Dri - [76 words] Is It Enough? by Dri Love is priceless. [79 words] Industrees by Glendora Rider A poem paraphrasing Joyce Kilmer's famous "Trees" as a 2005 environmental protest. With apologies t... [70 words] In Life by Franklin Rapheal Its tyhe thoughts of the maker watching his siblings. [73 words] If You Really Want To Cry by Jaaffar Munasip - [44 words] I Wish I Were... by Dri For a friend of mine, a poet too, who lives in the UK. [179 words] I Will Be There by G N For You. [34 words] I Want by Dri Focus on gladness not simply on euphoria. [55 words] I Want To Die by Emma Barton One of my best poems I have written please review it so I know if it is good. [56 words] I Find Peace In You by Dri - [60 words] Hymn Of Rage by Josh Anderson Poetic Manifestation Of Rage. [245 words] He by Dri - [56 words] Here Comes The Manifestation by Katherine Smith Just a brief recap on where the road of life will take us. [173 words] Heaven In Your Arms by Dri - [77 words] Front Row Seats To My Own Insanity by Josh Anderson Feeling crazy? I am. [157 words] Freak Show by Brian C Lebron - [66 words] Foggy Stream by Josh Anderson Love / Emotion / Mind poetry. [135 words] Fluttering Crush by Desi Williams Description of feelings to a special person in my life, who does not return the gesture :( Loo... [345 words] Flaw by Josh Anderson Im not sure how do describe it, other than a flaw... [123 words] Fences by Brian C Lebron This poem is about the day I escaped out the front yard when I was three. [70 words] Farewell,Gentle Stream! by Penkup Family Can you link infancy? [135 words] Falling In Faith Is A Wall by Buxton A light in the darkest hour. [92 words] Faceless Friend by Dri Dedication - to each one of you. [98 words] Eins Exorcise by Josh Anderson Originaly I wrote this in german. If you believe I should post the German version also, please te... [818 words] Don't Stand There ! by Sasu - [49 words] Disjointed Hatred by Josh Anderson I Think It Has Something To Do With Hatred... [96 words] Dice by Josh Anderson Experiment; I would like you, personally, to fill every second line with the word that Comes to mind, whet... [56 words] Daybreak by Rae - [75 words] Crimson Butterfly (The Wounded) by Josh Anderson This is like usual my mind on a page, *but* this poem was inspired by an avatar... [143 words] Crazy Children by Josh Anderson Pyro children, roam your street. [69 words] Chest Of Pain by D G Williford What happened to me but not this bad to make me quit smoking... it stinks, but so did I then. [69 words] Cheers To Love! by Kennedy O Obohwemu Happy cheers to the greatest of all... [105 words] Caress 2 by Josh Anderson Yeah... that. [167 words] Can I Ever Know You? by Dri "In a happy marriage there is a continuous dense magnetic sense of communication". [142 words] Born Again by Brian C Lebron This was inspired by a poem on this website.This actually has 35 words not 13 [13 words] Beloved by Ian Tronco - [41 words] Battle Of Fear by Dri When enemies are members of our own family. [124 words] Another Chance by Dri - [184 words] Angels Of God by Dri Divine creatures always there for us.(ed). [207 words] All I See Is You by Josh Anderson Pretty self explanitory, love poetry. [111 words] All Alone by Vanessa Moya - [49 words] Affinity by Josh Anderson I think I have an affinity for certain people and things. It's cool... I think. [89 words] A Thorn In My Heart by Dri - [31 words] A Sunday Drive by Brian C Lebron - [85 words] A Sigh by Franklin Rapheal The thoughts of man while watching those around him in a bar. [93 words] A Memory Not So Distant by Katherine Smith Honestly no description is needed, for how can one truly define emotion? [59 words] A Little Girl's Fascination With Mermaids by Ian Tronco - [108 words] A Lamb Amongst Wolves by Penkup Family 'Another sad my childhood' -Obohwemu O. Kennedy [122 words] A Collection Of Seven Poems by Marigold - [579 words] A Bright New Star by Penkup Family To our little nephew,Philemon. [98 words] A Boy Named Ziggy by Amber Wilson The best haiku ever! hehehehehe. [27 words] A Bit Mixed Up by Curious - [85 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 [116 ] 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Falling In
A story about a poem. " through patience, persaverance, luck and that sort of thing (I can only wish you luck) you may arrive at an actual poem...You will look at your creation and see that it is good. In this you will be mistaken: You are not, after all, God." --- John Heath-Stubb [335 words]
Charles Walitzki
I live on a farm in Primrose Township Wisconsin, with two sons, Clark and Sowelu and partner Jodi. I bake cookies for a living. I am originally from Oklahoma. I read Sherman Alexie's fiction, the poetry of Simon Ortiz-Billy Collins and listen to Greg Brown-Michael Franti. [February 2005]
Falling In Charles Walitzki
"A poem should be equal to:
Not true."
--- Archibald MacLeish
You tried to bare a truth somehow
Showing up
On our feral farm doorstep
A complete stranger
Asking if you could dance naked
In my tipi
Before I trusted looking past your sweet smile
Into actual eyes and sinew
Recognizing that you were older
Than the fieldstones
Circling the fire pit
I didn’t believe that your fragile body
Could handle the frosty night
The reality is
I was not as finely tuned to the charm
Of slowly undressing visitor
The way I was to dreariness
I didn’t really go
To your little benefit party
To feed you cash for your lame
Mission to help the poor natives
But out of obligation
And to try to thank you
One more time
For your recital
Because I was afraid
You never understood
I believed in you.
I shouldn’t have been surprised
Your gathering
Was occupied utterly by
The dirty old man
Contingent of Madison’s literati
Attracted by your leopard leotard
Cat ears and whiskers
These drunk old poets
Remind that even poets
Especially poets
Are usually inelegant
More likely
To try to feel you up
To slur the mumbled
End of a pickup line
Than make it rhyme
That feeling of lightness and freedom
Like the first inkling of illness
When you chose me
Not to protect you from
A room of sad old men
You surprised even Tuschen
With your strength but
To kiss you in a way
That the entire room emptied
Defeated but
Not before we showed them how
You wanted to be held
Touched firmly but gently on your belly
Breathing tenderly into your ruffled hair
Before brushing my lips
Down the back
Of your salty neck
Your head tilted to the left
Showing me your ear
Moving muscles telling me
You’re smiling and
Your eyes are still closed
That once again
I am hopelessly falling
In due course
In your image
Combined with my sperm
Bone forms
and breathes
"love your wording...good job!!" -- km.
"Pain and pathos. Love and joy. A few cliches, but not too many. Tasty diary entry. A letter, perhaps. Let's see more, if you dare. " -- dee.
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© 2005 Charles Walitzki
February 2005