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Farewell Mr.Ainley by Randy Johnson Dedicated to Anthony Ainley who died May 3, 2004. [144 words]
Withdrawn by J Shartzer - [47 words]
Just Because We Met by Dri Cook No need of description. The poem itself can tell. If it's real or not?? Ahhhhh...this is no... [116 words]
Simply Woman by Dri Cook To the ones who don't know me. The ones who already know, I want to invite you to stay in my life.... [309 words]
You Don't Care Who You Hurt by Randy Johnson - [76 words]
With You by August Nyghts Dedicated to J.K. you know who you are!!!!!!! [51 words]
Wicked by Lindsay Curtis This is a little weird. [92 words]
Why Do I Go Through With It by Jay Little It's about how my life is at a certain point right now I'm starting to can't handle... [236 words]
When You Walked Away by Kennedy O Obohwemu Trying to live without someone preciuos to you is like longing for air...this love-bird at... [120 words]
Walking Through The Desert To Reach You. by Roberto J Moreno For Rebecca. [154 words]
Unconditional Love by Lindsay Curtis - [87 words]
Two Little Fish by Dri Cook There's an interaction again with my unconscious. The two little fish are my children.It talks ... [161 words]
Twister by Randy Johnson This is a fictional poem about a man and a tornado. [63 words]
Three Little Words by Michael MacLane Poem of a person I grew up with. [102 words]
This Heart by Rae - [60 words]
The Walk by Lindsay Curtis This poem is alittle diffrent than most of mine but in a sense still the same. [65 words]
The Old Red Rubbish Bin by Krystal G Smith - [131 words]
The Model by Harvey Kennett ...incoming transmission... [167 words]
The Forever Fire
The Fire That Burns by David Jarvey This is a poem about finding love after being depressed and wanting to end my life, then be... [226 words]
The Creature Within by Lucy Midnight - [62 words]
The Bus-Stop From Hell, If Not Deeper? by Buxton Ok! so I was waiting for the bus the other day, and Ive never hated so m... [221 words]
Thank You by Francesca Carrillo This is a poem dedicated to my boyfriend Dexter...happy aniversary! [67 words]
Sylvester by Randy Johnson This poem is about my cat. He's two years old. [57 words]
Suicide Temptation by Lindsay Curtis This poem describes the way fell most of the time so those of you who can relate to it your ... [114 words]
Stockcars by Krystal G Smith - [78 words]
Stacy by Randy Johnson Dedicated to the late Stacy Brooks. [109 words]
Soul's Whisper by Keri McGriff - [17 words]
Slit Wrist by Lindsay Curtis The second verse refers to me more. [79 words]
Shattered Dreams by Inchara The name itself suggests... [60 words]
R.S.V.P. by Mungo Faust - [188 words]
Ringing Bells by Vianne-Marie Fortier I don't know where this came from. It's June and I'm writing a Christmas poem. [111 words]
One Step At A Time by Lucy Midnight - [56 words]
Of Dreams And Memories by Ashley Burdett A dialogue between two people who have very different thoughts about their love. Note th... [289 words]
Norman by Randy Johnson This poem is about Norman Greene. He died of lung cancer on June 12, 2001. [44 words]
No-Body Can Change Your Life But You !!! by Louisa Duncan Just mapping out a regular day and having a moan. I really like this o... [289 words]
Night's Call by Yolanda V Perez - [83 words]
My Prince by August Nyghts I guess true love never dies. [109 words]
My Grandpa by Randy Johnson Dedicated to my late Grandpa. May 1, 1910 - February 7, 1998. [108 words]
Morning Star by Dri Cook We all long for a soul mate even though we don''t know who or where he might be. Life is a divine ... [89 words]
Money Love by Roberto J Moreno - [217 words]
Mind by Lucy Midnight - [38 words]
Mama's Pocketbook by Seleta V Johnson A lady thinks back to life with her Mother. Sweet and touching poem. [306 words]
Loveless Marriage by Randy Johnson - [299 words]
Little Dog Walking by Seleta V Johnson Tender poem about stray dogs. [101 words]
Late?... by Susan Rippe For those lost, there is always a way out and those that will help. :) [200 words]
In Memory Of Burley Johnson by Randy Johnson This poem was published in Quill Books and the International library of Poetry. I'v... [132 words]
I'll Love You Forever by Lindsay Curtis - [130 words]
I Wanna by Lindsay Curtis - [67 words]
I Never Thought by Lucy Midnight - [48 words]
Hoping by J Shartzer - [60 words]
Hand-In-Hand by Rae - [53 words]
Halo by Sasu - [72 words]
Goodbye Ronald Reagan by Randy Johnson Dedicated to President Reagan. [91 words]
Fantasy Love by Lindsay Curtis - [90 words]
Fallen1 by Krystal G Smith - [71 words]
Faded Paperdolls by Seleta V Johnson Looking back to days gone by. [176 words]
Eternal Diary by Harvey Kennett Your clock is ticking... [123 words]
Emotion by P J Francis - [39 words]
Dont Want To Sound Like Mr Ed by Stuart Eric Longridge - [494 words]
Daydream by Dri Cook I interact with my unconscious. The SHE part is my unconscious helping me out during the healing proce... [131 words]
Crush Or Love? by Lucy Midnight - [81 words]
Critics Masquerade: The Poem by Brion' O Neil Same as the song, but a little different. [244 words]
Confused Love by Lindsay Curtis - [76 words]
Broke Up by Lindsay Curtis - [84 words]
Angry by Susan Rippe A poem. [95 words]
An Amazing Dream by Jay Little It's about how when you think you wake up and everything seems real and where your at is so gr... [150 words]
Am I A Stranger To You? by Inchara This relates to pain of loneliness when somebody you love snubs you. [138 words]
Airbourne Without Wings by Buxton Stop taking control of your life, you live in a world without rules.. [149 words]
Abused by Lindsay Curtis I wrote this about my friend and a little about me it is kind of about suicide but most of my poems are. [132 words]
A Tribute by Inchara This poem is a tribute to my father who deceased recently. [105 words]
A Fool's Heart by Josh Diodispazio Wrote for my wife. [119 words]

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The Forever Fire
It's basically saying make the right decisions before it's tell late to change so decided where you wanna go now.
[179 words]
Jay Little
from the mind to the computer
[August 2008]
911:A Poem (Poetry) This was written a little after 911 but I just find it [70 words] [History]
An Amazing Dream (Poetry) It's about how when you think you wake up and everything seems real and where your at is so great but then you wake up [150 words] [Drama]
At A Point In My Life (Poetry) The title should say it all and if you read it it'll hit even harder. [112 words] [Mind]
Changes In The Wind (Poetry) How changes can happen yet how you learn to flow with it. [169 words]
Cornileus Capers:A World Of Darkness-Episode 1...The Light In The Dark,The Beginning (Short Stories) It's about a man surviving in a world of dark-like creatures,with only himself by his side he seeked to change the world to how it was before everyone he knew died.IT'S NOT DONE YET [1,800 words] [Fantasy]
Free-Style (Poetry) it is what it is [139 words] [Mind]
Free-Style2 (Poetry) - [394 words]
Gotta Runaway (Songs) I wrote a poem about this but then I wrote a song to. [212 words] [Drama]
Have Not Met You Yet (Poetry) Just something that has been in my mind and I've decided to write it down. [112 words] [Romance]
Hot Passion (Poetry) It's a peom about passion heated up just a little bit. [206 words] [Romance]
I Miss Her (Poetry) It's about the girl in this girl. [89 words] [Mind]
Living With The Pain (Poetry) How I have learned to leave with sum pains in life and how i've gotten so used to them that i'm started to like the pain and starting to expext it to happen.Sounds crazy...it is [270 words] [Mind]
Lost Love (I Didn't Find Yet) (Songs) You know how it's said that everyone has someone somewhere well I just wanna hurry up and find that person. [143 words] [Relationships]
Love-N-Pain (Poetry) It explans itself. [223 words] [Mind]
Now Or Never (Poetry) Read it and see [229 words] [Mind]
On The Edge Of Life And Hell (Poetry) Before u read it it is free-style,and it goes in like two different directions,and it kind of how things are going right now. [337 words] [Mind]
One Single Rose (Poetry) How one thing can bring joy to many other,but only if you let it. [159 words] [Motivational]
Runaway Life (Poetry) It's based on my life as it going. [335 words] [Drama]
The Impact Of Her (Poetry) The feeling of a girl thats still with me to this day,yet she has been gone for awhile. [656 words] [Relationships]
The World:Now (Poetry) It's a little piece about how I see the world as it is now in the present how this might be the best of times or the worst. [197 words] [Motivational]
This Girl (Poetry) It's about this girl,my first love but the only problem is I didn't know that I loved her until I lost her.And now it's like more I don't see her the more I love. [151 words] [Relationships]
U Blew It (Poetry) Just as I got on the computer I came up with this,straight from the head. [150 words] [Relationships]
Untitled-Freestyle (Poetry) Straight from the flow of feelings to the computer [198 words] [Mind]
Why Do I Go Through With It (Poetry) It's about how my life is at a certain point right now I'm starting to can't handle it. [236 words] [Drama]
The Forever Fire
Jay Little

You never know how life treats you
til death takes your last breathe
what if your good life
turns in to hell at the end
what all the time you spend
tryna be good turns into bad
nobody knows how hot hell is
til it's fire grasp your waist
then it pulls you down to a heated place
where everybody lives as slaves
all because of the decisions that was made
before you met your grave

Now you live a afterlife
full of regrets
now you know you could of done your best
now you live in a fire
all work and no sleep no rest
it's so hot your heart is burnt out your chest

Your dreams and fantasies
are turned into endless nightmares
you see yourself dying over and over
each time the evilness of hell
eats at your soul more and more
your now filled with fire
burnt to the core

Now you lost your soul
in the flames of the forever fire
always hot and tired
what i'm saying is
no one know how hot hell is
til Satan takes your life
remember live it right
you only can do it once not twice
So as long as you can pray to Jesus Christ



"Well, now that you know him, use him. He will never forsake you!" -- Brian O Neil.
"Wow...thats cool, keep it up. " -- anicegirl.


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© 2004 Jay Little
May 2004

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