Couldn't think of a good title for it. I think it's pretty good. About realizing what you had after the fact. It sucks to have that happen. [257 words]
Been a while since I've posted anything. Didn't realize that the author description is erased when you do. All of my poems are pretty much sad love poems. I have a couple of lighter ones on here from high school. Another year, another heartbreak, so here's a new poem for you. [January 2011]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) A Poem For The Heartbroken (Poetry) Saying goodbye to someone that I need to, but don't want to. I wish I could've shown you the other side. It's beautiful here. It wasn't the right time. I hope you get to where you're going (I know you... [128 words] Feeling Blue (Poetry) About being all alone with your thoughts and having lost the person that you talk to about them. This is part of a small series of poems I wrote to help write someone out of my system. Its pretty much... [353 words] [Relationships] Make Sure (Poetry) Another poem about "that" relationship. Of course it rhymes. [192 words] [Relationships] Sleep Wars (Poetry) I am and always will be a night owl. This is about (not) getting up for school. I wrote it back in high school. [92 words] [Comedy] Tardy (Poetry) About being late in high school. Boy, can you tell I was a good student? Actually this is about my friend. Yea, that's it. I better start posting my other stuff. [79 words] [Comedy] The Story Of Us (Poetry) Some of the things that made our love so special, unique, and one of a kind. I'm afraid I'll never find this again. I hope you like it. Comments are always welcome. [419 words] To Cw (Poetry) Just another sad relationship poem. Geez, is this all I write about? [200 words] [Relationships]
A Sad Love Poem Flipanmc
I know I dont deserve a chance Time has passed for my last dance Love I longed for, I found too late Was neither Molli, Mandy, Holly or Kate Before my eyes, where I could not see Past the present towards a future that could be Are life's lessons the only way? To lead us to that brighter day? Why must we as humans, learn and grow? When we're born, can't we just know? To save from tears whose flow won't stop To save from dying, when your heart drops To save from sorrrow and sadness for days You try to recover, it feels like a maze You search for the end, but find only the start So this is what it feels like, to break someone's heart You try to forget, don't wanna remember First time you kissed, on that cool November Forget the falling, forget the love Forget the hand that fit yours like a glove Remember the bad times, many there were Forget when you held her, when she said, "Brrrr!" Remember the liar, the nasty, the hate Not that you two were each other's soulmate Forget how her body would warm up your bed 'Cause now it is cold, and stiff like its dead Why won't you come back? 'Cause she came to this state? Or 'cause all the hurt mostly came from your mate? You have to move on You have to be strong You have to stop listening, to all those sad songs You know she's the one, and that you used to be You got what you wanted, you got to be free But now you dont want it, you want only her But she will not be there, next time you say, "Brrrr!"
"Quite a departure from your earlier ones which were so light. this is good, keep writing." -- Just A Guy.
"JAG, thanx for the encouraging review. Hearing things like that inspire and give me the confidence to write more." -- Flipanmc.
"Hey! Long time, no poems! Welcome back! I can tell this came from your heart. Missing her, huh? Awwwww... JAG's right, this is a lot different from your other poems. Keep writing- it'll help you get through your heart break... Good luck, and remember- time helps heal all things, even broken hearts." -- Tessa.
"I thought this was realli good! Keep up the great work, i wish i was able to write as beautifully as u do!" -- Stef, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
"Thank you very much Stef. I appreciate when someone takes the time to write a review, good or bad." -- JR.
"WOW! I had to stop by and take a peek, and I truly am glad that I did. You really are an amazing person, and your poetry speaks of how true that statement is. You made my heart flutter, and I can identify completely. Are you sure you’re going for the right degree? My mom and several friends are writers and you should seriously consider it as a career. You Rock!" -- Raven, Las Cruces, NM.
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