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Tired Of You by August Nyghts - [157 words]
There… by August Nyghts - [46 words]
Somethings by August Nyghts - [76 words]
Racing by August Nyghts - [185 words]
In Soulitude by August Nyghts - [205 words]
In My Garden by August Nyghts - [183 words]
Random Acts by Peter Rivendell Written by writing lines at random and then organising them into a more "organic" kind of flow - an... [204 words]
Your Gonna Miss Me by Ralph R Martinez - [136 words]
Without Her Pretty Face by Ralph R Martinez - [93 words]
Who Is My Mom? by L A Winterburn A soppy poem I wrote for my mom on her birthday. [65 words]
White Washed Walls, A Collection by Pearl S Acollection of verse: White Washed Walls: Something that came to me while I w... [707 words]
Whispers On The Wind by Judith Goff Something ghostly this way comes... [92 words]
Weep by Kendra Johnson A poem that personifys emotions. [115 words]
Unconciously Wanting by Alberto Pupo Wanting unconciously to reveal.. [108 words]
To My Muse by Alberto Pupo An ode to her. [118 words]
To Enlighten by Alberto Pupo A most noble quest to stroke the ego. [95 words]
Time For Goodnight by David W Ledger A poem I wrote as a lullabye for my children. [122 words]
This Man Of Mine by Judith Goff - [95 words]
The Two Evils by Stuart Eric Longridge There is something wrong with the law,criminals protecting criminals. [119 words]
The Flood by Stuart Eric Longridge A bit wet. [220 words]
Tardy by Flipanmc About being late in high school. Boy, can you tell I was a good student? Actually this is about my friend... [79 words]
Super Bowl High by Judith Goff I've been a Bucs fan from the first inauspicious fumbling in the dark to tonight's awesome Supe... [109 words]
Summer Squeeze by August Nyghts Title says it all. [90 words]
Suicide by M Q Walters Standing on the edge. [137 words]
Standing On The Edge Of Depression by R Bennett Okerstrom Self-worth, self-pity and self-confidence. [137 words]
Spoon by Tessa This poem is for Jonathan- as requested (demanded?! J/K). My promise has been kept. This came out of a co... [45 words]
Speaking Of Which by Alberto Pupo To speak. [96 words]
Sleep Wars by Flipanmc I am and always will be a night owl. This is about (not) getting up for school. I wrote it back in h... [92 words]
Slave by Rae You decide who/what it's about... [58 words]
Scarecrow by David B Doc Byron A poem about a scarecrow. What else can I say? [80 words]
Soon by L A Winterburn A love poem. [61 words]
Primal by Judith Goff - [26 words]
Opening Up by Peter Rivendell Am I no longer enjoying my job...? [198 words]
Mind Trap by Stuart Eric Longridge - [93 words]
Millineums Later by David B Doc Byron A scorned lover reflects on the past. [76 words]
Memories Of Her by Alberto Pupo Only a memory. [102 words]
Makes No Difference by Pearl S Not the Sum 41 song. [120 words]
Love Drug by Stuart Eric Longridge Transforming times. [115 words]
Jailed In Her Heart by Ralph R Martinez A poem about seeing a girl in a room. [81 words]
Iraq Attack Part 2
Imaginary Lover by Judith Goff - [74 words]
He Whispers by Tessa I couldn't get this Devil (a poet, no less!) out of my thoughts any other way but to write him out.... [87 words]
Games by Judith Goff - [103 words]
Frightbaby by David B Doc Byron A young ghoul's nursery rhyme. [94 words]
Emergence Of The Optimist by Alberto Pupo Emerging from the ashes of the Pessimist. [160 words]
Dreamscape: The Thirst by R Bennett Okerstrom It even happens in your dreams. [77 words]
Dream State by Stuart Eric Longridge Reflection. [258 words]
Detroit Begging by Tessa Ok - I was pretty annoyed this morning that I was asked for some change by this panhandler who ... [269 words]
Destiny Of Fools by Alberto Pupo Are we fools destined for something, or is destiny for fools. [90 words]
Deliberate Intentions In The 4th Dimension by Stuart Eric Longridge Create your own reality. [244 words]
Deathchant by David B Doc Byron A goodbye song for the dearly departed. [37 words]
Craving by Tessa I wrote this in about 5 minutes and it probably shows- but I was craving and had to write it out of my ... [34 words]
Cosmic Chemotheraphy by Stuart Eric Longridge A follow up to Astrogenetics. [159 words]
Cheer Up by Stuart Eric Longridge It's happening now. [345 words]
Caress by Rae Took excerpts from In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan and The Knife by Richard Selzer and made the... [76 words]
Best Friend by Peter Rivendell Sometimes you can`t even choose your friends. [62 words]
Astrogenetics by Stuart Eric Longridge Our star signs should really be taken from conception. I think. [50 words]
Ambiguous Art by Alberto Pupo Delve deeper to find meaning perhaps... [83 words]

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Iraq Attack Part 2
A better explanation of events.
[346 words]
Stuart Eric Longridge
[October 2004]
2003 (Poetry) Solving a mystery. [204 words] [Adventure]
4d (Poetry) Just something to think about.Hee!Hee! [195 words] [Mystical]
A Human Life Too Short (Songs) A family story. [201 words] [Motivational]
A Prayer To Gaia (Poetry) We have a lot of explaining to do. [107 words] [Nature]
A Sigh Of Relief (Poetry) The flintstones revisited. [100 words] [Animal]
A Test Of Faith (Poetry) Our lost chapter. [187 words] [Adventure]
Again And Again (Songs) For my french friend I hope he doesnt top himself. [87 words] [Relationships]
Agression Obsession (Poetry) There's always a lot more to things. [259 words] [Mind]
Anger Pills To Polish Skills. (Songs) - [472 words] [Mind]
Astralution (Songs) We are living in transforming times [134 words] [Health]
Astrogenetics (Poetry) Our star signs should really be taken from conception. I think. [50 words] [Nature]
Baseless, Information, Before, Leaving, Earth (Poetry) A realization of dangerous mistranslation. [540 words] [Self-Help]
Bible Code... (Poetry) Read the two books by Michael Drosnin. [198 words] [Mind]
Birth Seed Of Death (Poetry) A very real possiblity. [103 words] [Nature]
Birth Trauma (Poetry) Were not in the dark ages any more. [204 words] [Self-Help]
Blind Faith (Poetry) Giving away your mind. [274 words] [Self-Help]
Breathe (Poetry) Vibration. [113 words] [Mind]
Call Me When Your Mind Is Clear (Songs) Call me spaced out call me mad. [169 words] [Mind]
Can You Lend Me A Tenner Son? A What? (Poetry) Its happening now, but for the worst [267 words] [Crime]
Cave Man Monkey Stinker (Poetry) Monkey magic not. [143 words] [History]
Celtic Warriors (Poetry) The mess in N.Ireland. [99 words] [Horror]
Chakras (Poetry) Wheels of light and love. [70 words] [Mind]
Cheer Up (Poetry) It's happening now. [345 words] [Motivational]
Cloaking Device (Poetry) We are very trusting. [202 words] [Self-Help]
Colours For Killing (Poetry) My poor home N. Ireland. [280 words] [Crime]
Come What May (Poetry) Easy life. [239 words] [Mind]
Cosmic Chemotheraphy (Poetry) A follow up to Astrogenetics. [159 words] [Nature]
Cosmic Sluice (Poetry) That great place named space. [163 words] [Adventure]
Creation Copyright (Poetry) Over my head. [40 words] [Mind]
Crop Crap (Poetry) I made one with my face. [95 words] [Mystery]
Deliberate Intentions In The 4th Dimension (Poetry) Create your own reality. [244 words] [Mind]
Designer Illusions (Poetry) Subscribing to man made fantasys... [263 words] [Crime]
Did You Know? (Poetry) Check this it ,and it is provable. [161 words] [Crime]
Dont Want To Sound Like Mr Ed (Poetry) - [494 words] [Comedy]
Drastic Plastic Fantastic (Poetry) Looking out through the matrix. [66 words] [Crime]
Dream State (Poetry) Reflection. [258 words] [Mind]
Earth Bound (Poetry) Again more origins. [220 words] [History]
Electric H2o (Poetry) A revival of a sticking point. [577 words] [Self-Help]
Empowered By My Own Karma (Poetry) Personal road to knowledge [230 words] [Mind]
End Time Rhyme (Poetry) - [81 words] [Suspense]
Father Sun Spots (Songs) A conversation betweeen earth and the sun. [192 words] [Mind]
Filling In The Gaps (Poetry) And they still could`nt get to the moon. [237 words] [Mind]
Forward To The Present Past (Poetry) A never ending cycle. [189 words] [Mind]
Geometrical Re-Birth (Poetry) The fields are a great cosmic canvas. [176 words] [Nature]
Heartache Demolition (Poetry) What do you think of me now? [316 words] [Mind]
History In The Making (Poetry) Do not believe the media. [186 words] [History]
Hologramic Farm (Songs) A wee song for the changing times. [175 words] [Mind]
I Feel Like Ive Missed Someone Ive Never Met (Songs) A song written for Mr Remo s new band. [200 words] [Mind]
I Spy With My Many Eyes (Poetry) I am watching you. [196 words] [Crime]
I Was Dark That Day (Songs) - [248 words] [Relationships]
Iraq Attack (Poetry) Don't believe the hype. [209 words] [Horror]
Iraq Attack Part 3 (Poetry) Just following our great world wide movie. [260 words] [Crime]
Iraq Attack Part4 (Poetry) Another sequel to the great movie. [312 words] [Crime]
Iraq Attack Part 5 (Poetry) The neverending saga of lies and deceit. [308 words] [Mind]
Just A Little Bit Of History Repeating. (Poetry) Time travel must be possible.Or something very mad is happening now ,i think both. [382 words] [History]
Know Your God (Poetry) Materialism / luciferianism. [125 words] [Crime]
Lets All Go To The Lobby To Get Ourselves A Treat. (Songs) - [323 words] [Comedy]
Lets Face The Music En-Trance (Poetry) - [447 words] [History]
Lord Of The Rings (Poetry) Where it ends it has begun. [72 words] [Nature]
Love Drug (Poetry) Transforming times. [115 words] [Mystical]
Mans Dust (Poetry) Under the cosmic carpet. [106 words] [Mind]
Mind Trap (Poetry) - [93 words] [Mind]
Monkey Boy (Poetry) The transforming times we are living in [220 words] [Mind]
My Dear (Poetry) Only time will tell. [122 words] [Motivational]
My Young Friend (Poetry) Listen to your elders. [210 words] [Fable]
Negative Buoyancy (Songs) Im in Egypt at the moment doing lots of scuba diving,so I thought I would include a liitle bit of terminology that ive learnt.Means to sink... [171 words] [Relationships]
No Joke (Poetry) You must have noticed something wasnt right, or maybe not. [238 words] [Crime]
Not Today (Songs) So dont tell me im wasting my life. [196 words] [Mind]
Oh! What A Surprise (Poetry) If you haven't noticed already then your as bad as them. [129 words] [Crime]
Oh! What Lovely Weather We Are Having (Poetry) Nature is God. [447 words] [Adventure]
Our Holographic Farm (Songs) - [150 words] [Mind]
Post World Comas Past (Songs) The second song for my mate mapes new band. [174 words] [Mind]
Propaganda Bait (Poetry) The great media movie, we are all finally famous. Yee-ha. [170 words] [Drama]
Remember The Wee Dog (Poetry) A very real nightmare. [221 words] [Suspense]
Rising Angel (Poetry) Its not a being its a consciousness/materialism. [114 words] [Psychology]
Shadow Play (Poetry) Look beyond official references to discover the truth. [152 words] [Mystical]
Silent Killers (Poetry) If we only knew what goes on. [317 words] [Crime]
Slaughter House Merry Go Round. (Poetry) Story time [669 words] [Adventure]
Soaked In Deja-Vu (Poetry) I was just wondering. [130 words] [Mind]
Some Day (Poetry) A sad situation. [179 words] [Crime]
Soul Mate (Poetry) The search for your higher self. [676 words] [Biography]
Spain Joins The Pain (Poetry) A disgusting distraction of the worst kind. [166 words] [Crime]
Spirit Guide (Poetry) There is something looking after everyone. [84 words] [Mind]
Subliminal Messages (Poetry) Don't talk crap. [114 words] [Fantasy]
Supa Computa (Poetry) A scary realistic tale. [140 words] [Crime]
Super Conscious Pilgrimage (Poetry) The end of the old systems. [135 words] [Mind]
Thats Entertainment (Poetry) - [105 words] [Comedy]
The Ancient Gods Of Religion (Songs) Sing along to this dangerous song. [237 words] [Mind]
The Church Of Decimation. (Songs) I suggest you look into the (real) history of the crusades. [383 words] [Crime]
The Darkest Show On Earth (Poetry) Dark! Dark! [257 words] [Horror]
The Darwin Dilemma (Poetry) We were only hunter gatherers because the globe was so devestated by the passing of a huge piece of an exploded super nova. [165 words] [History]
The Flood (Poetry) A bit wet. [220 words]
The Great Pyramid Decoded A Bit.The Principal Facination Part 2 (Poetry) Just trying to show that the ancients had technology higher than ours ,which we have lost somehow.Or was it hidden? [400 words] [Architecture]
The High Tides Of Hell (Songs) Just another wake up call. [221 words] [Mind]
The Hollow Theory. (Poetry) There many ledgends about this. [104 words] [Mystery]
The Lake Of Life (Poetry) Another spacy little number,a bit wet though. [76 words] [Mystical]
The Lizards Of Cause. (Poetry) If someone made this into a film it wouldnt be believed.As usual. [271 words] [Horror]
The Maya (Poetry) Lost but not forgotten. [221 words] [History]
The Most Powerful The Most Terrible. (Songs) Its all happening now . [355 words] [Horror]
The Netherworld (Poetry) The real world, before the smothering of education. [103 words] [Mystical]
The Ones From In-Between (Poetry) Now you see them now you don't. [97 words] [Mystery]
The Principal Fascination (Poetry) They were not tombs. [227 words] [Architecture]
The Prodical Fathers (Poetry) So how did they know then? [148 words] [History]
The Real World (Poetry) I wrote this for my dad,whose last older relative passed on. [80 words] [Spiritual]
The Second Comings (Poetry) You have only to look outside the illusion. [466 words] [History]
The Slaughterhouse Electric H2o (Short Stories) A walk in my reality. [1,312 words] [Mystical]
The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi.Part 1.Mother Earth (Novels) - [4,170 words] [Mind]
The Symbolic Cycles Of Zep-Tepi-The Introduction. (Novels) This is my finished book which I have put together from all my songs ,poems and rhyming rants that I have posted on story mania.This should make my work a lot more understandable,(or maybe not) and fi... [3,527 words] [Mind]
The Two Evils (Poetry) There is something wrong with the law,criminals protecting criminals. [119 words] [Crime]
The War Of Gods Serpent Princes (Songs) Its wake up time. [246 words]
The Wests Misconception Of Islam (Poetry) They don't want war either. [237 words] [Psychology]
Think For Yourself (Songs) Make what you want of it. [491 words] [Mind]
Vultures (Poetry) Money grabbing bastards. [183 words] [Crime]
Wake Up Sleepy Dead (Poetry) Dont fall asleep at the wheel. [175 words] [Humor]
We Come In Pieces (Poetry) A near miss. [147 words] [Adventure]
What A Surprise (Novels) A cheery little rant. [110 words] [Mind]
What Is It Really? (Poetry) I dont know what it is. [87 words] [Mystery]
What Whales Dream (Poetry) A 500 million year old reincarnated whale day dreaming what it was like when he was a stupid human. [124 words] [History]
Whats On The Box? (Poetry) Our friendly time waster. [178 words]
Who Knows (Poetry) Just thinking too much as usual. [207 words] [Mind]
Why To Kill A Princess (Poetry) Not an accident. [194 words] [Mystery]
Yeah Yeah (Poetry) Symbolic, nothing more. [430 words] [Fantasy]
Yer Mans A Bit Weird, He Has Strange Eyelids. (Poetry) We know fuck all about our biggest ancestors, fuck all. [238 words] [History]
Yin And Yang (Poetry) The secret of peace. [127 words] [Mind]
Your Missing The Piont (Poetry) So much taken out. [140 words] [Fantasy]
Iraq Attack Part 2
Stuart Eric Longridge

I think i owe an explanation for the first part of this rhyme,
but certain people need to wake up to deception in this time,
far too many minds oblivious to the media movie slime,
as we switch off with the Super Bowl they perpetrate their crime.

You say Saddam starves his people what of the sanctions they impose?
the help they need is medical bodies left to decompose,
you would love to kill more innocents in more bombings i suppose?
if thats not the case then listen i have true facts here to disclose.

They had Saddam the first time but they need his tyrant face,
they offered not to nuke him if he obeyed and knew his place,
they needed Yugoslavia to set up another base,
Afganistan was the next stop just the Taliban to erase.

Cant you see the jig-saw?The oil just blends into this stink,
they`ve reserves in Alaska yet pursue the Caspian link,
im not defending arab killers im just trying to make you think,
if these war-pigs get their pay off earths destructions on the brink.

The planes that hit the buildings,where was N.O.R.A.D on the day?
Cheyenne mountains linked to Star-wars,did everyone forget to play?
scrambling their jets from 130 miles away,
Andrews base is next to Washington, are you getting what i say?

This is not about the people we`re all just caught up in the action,
our media and TV are propaganda let distraction,
the pyramid on the dollar is their god of devestation,
not long now before they gas us so we beg for vaccination.

Inspectors found the war-heads on the TV just today,
are they compatable for nerve gas?Who can tell from what they say,
they go against the standards of the U.N resume,
America edited Iraqs report,once again were led astray.

Britains letting in the refugees to stir religious hate,
the States gave visas out to Saddams guards,6000 through the gate,
i suggest you check the truth behind important world debate,
if you cant think beyond the averts,i guess your ignorance seals your fate. 



"Perhaps people who disagree aren't ignorant, could be the things we see are digested in a different light. I won't call you names, say you're stupid. I think you're misguided but you're entitled and perhaps I'm the one seeing the incorrect answer but the biggest flaw i see in your hypothisis is there would have to be simply too many people involved for it to remain under wraps. I guess we'll just have to see." -- Just A Guy.
"I think people are calling your veiw point ignorant for a reason. I dont think anyone using the word ignorant is trying to offend or put down, They are trying desperately to wake you up. If people dont wake up and stop listening to what they are told then we are all going to pay for it in the end. For you it does not matter who is right or if people believe crazy things... but for those who are beginning to understand the truth, life can not continue untill everyone else also begins to do so ... for we are living with out our freedom." -- Bridget, Dunedin, New Zealand.
"Bridget, you're assuming that my thoughts are based solely on stories fed to me by the gov't. Could it be I've looked at this from many angles, just reached a different conclusion than you. It always amuses to have people who have closed minds say it's the others who are closed because they don't agree with them. Isn't it possible, you're wrong." -- Just A Guy.
"Im actually not calling anyone ignorant,the word is supposed to be adverts as in the flood of filth on our Tv sets which keep us all in a state of robotic consumeing (my shight spelling again)and blind obeidience,im not about insulting anyone i could do that a lot harsher but thats not me,im just trying to introduce people to another direction of thinking,because if you think about it,as soon as we start school our complete perception of this world is in the hands of the organisations in control and they can feed us a version of the world best suited to whatever agenda they have in mind,a bit like complete lifetime propaganda,im talking about the people who base their whole idea of how the world is on the fucking souless ,shallow,subliminal,harmfull,gore that reaches us and our families in our homes twenty 4 hours a day,it is deliberatly altering our view of events and we let it we even love it and most dont gave a toss.Prime example the tripe about Bush being a born again Christian,HA DONT START ME ABOUT THEM.You seem like an intelligent bloke just a guy,thanks for your review.let me know if you have some pieces i would like to read some.Check out my other ones above C YA" -- Stuart the writer of this, Belfast, N ,Ireland.
"If any one is wondering how they keep something like this under wraps then do some research into Freemasonry,from an independant source,read something by an ex Mason and your eyes will be opened,be prepared to be shocked at how this world has been run and who by for centuries.Or actually just read something on David Icke.But stop whineing and do some reseach people." -- Texas tom, The land of the free.
"Belfast, N. Ireland. That explains it all. No wonder this guy is such a moron. If anyone should take a look at what they are doing, those in N. Ireland are the forerunners. Jeeze. Go kill some more kids on their way to school you IRA bastard." -- Nikolai Khabibulin.
" khabibulin, americans like you are the type that make the rest of them look bad, Did your mum feed you coca-cola when you were a baby cause it is proven that only in America a Lot of woman actually do that to their babies...In one can 10 spoons of sugar that will fuck you up...I worked in saint thomas for a while and a lot of your "kind" we're asking me clever questions like does the island move a lot throughout the year and I always liked awnsering things like "no it's anchored with strong chains at the bottom of the ocean" And I swear they beleived it. some others wanted to take some "Blue water frome the ocean" back home... Hey did you know that Canada was the Big Fucking country just above yours...Just asking cause 1 out of 3 don't even know or thinks it's the 51st state or something... Do you have a passport..probably not cause only 5 % of all of you will ever get out of that country...it's so fucking trashed, every time I was there I couldn't wait to get out... How can you cope... I was driving from New-Hampshire to Boston and there was so many junk food wrappers on the Highway that I could'nt evne see the grass in the middle... You can't even swim in the ocean without getting a rash... O yeah did you know that there is actually more gun shops then gaz stations in the US... Fucking amazing You guys don't need any terrorists.. your destroying yourselves and you don't even realise it. " -- Matt, Canada.
"I'm not from the USA, eh?" -- Nikolai.
"Oh Canada, your pathetic native land. True native love, from all the inbred French. With glowing hearts, we hope and pray, the US doesn't fall. From far and wide, Oh Canada you'll all get blown to Hell. God keep your land, glorious and FREE, Oh Canada the US stands on guard for thee. Oh Canada, the US stands on guard for thee. " -- USMC-01.
"Just a Guy...I didnt think you had a closed mind...i quite liked the way you thought....I was just explaining why people were calling you ignorant, im sorry if i offended you. " -- Bridget.
"P.S i think you boys are ruining this page. What is all that abuse going to achieve?" -- Bridget, N.Z.
"So Nicolai, I woke up Angry this morning and deicided to lash it out at you by the doing the same thing as you... I asumed you were american because of your arrongance...The problem is there is way too much judgement in this world... You don't know Stuart and yet judge him and what he says, for where his comes from.... I am sorry if I offended anyone with my comments about Americans although everything I said is true and by the I don't live in Canada anymore because it is pathetic... Evrything is given to you over there yet everyone complains..." -- Matt, Canada.
"I hate to do this, really I do, but it seems to me every person to have written an opinion on this piece should appologize. We are not here to argue over whether a piece is pollitically correct. We are here to read it, and think. The last line basically is telling, simply, to learn more. We, as Americans, seem to forget some basic things. We are not always the good guys. I am not saying we should sit back and allow injustice without restitution. The attacks were wrong. Period. Nothing will change that, but are we always right? E Pluribus Unum-Out of many, one. Many opinions, many thoughts, one country. Maybe we need to take responsibility for our own personal acts of terrorism. I might not agree with the opinion, but I believe he has the right to express it." -- Sylvia.
"nickolai.. i dont like to be drawn into petty arguments regarding the prose of mr longridge,but being as i am also from belfast i found your remarks to be hurtful,small minded and ill concieved.as sylvia rightly says,stuart has the right to freedom of speech.and with a name like yours i am guessing that you are commie who wears one of those fur hats,eats turnips and gets the cattle prod by the kgb if you dare to question the establishment. one love,rimm " -- rimm, london, england.
"Its strange when you make an effort to try and write something that you really feel for ,something passive,anti war ,anti slaughter,anti genocide,ANTI TERRORIM and peace orientated especially about another people across the world.And then some kind of little brained mammal shuffles along and accuses you of being some sort of Irish killer.Its great how worms are attracted to a certain vibration if directed at them.I was wondering nicolai,when the maker was giving out souls,were you the person at the back with your hand between your butt cheeks,pulling out ass fluff ,wondering how many polar neck jumpers it would knit for your family of fruit flys for the winter that live in the hole in your brain?Dont take that personally,i just cant believe you ,at least you gave many people a laugh.Ill just leave you with a quote from the great Chinese philosopher Confucius WHEN LITTLE TINY MAMMAL LEAVES ITS HOLE AFTER HIBERNATION,BEFORE GATHERING ANY FOOD ,IT MUST FIRST TAKE A GOOD SHIT.Strain your brain hard on this but dont follow through.PS.PUT DOWN YOUR BIBLE ,PICK UP A DICTIONARY AND LOOK UP THE WORD PROTESTANT Nanno Nanno." -- Stuart the writer, Belfast , N Ireland.
"I find what is written here as totally disgusting and degrading to animals.I myself have searched in my ass and can only find enough fluff to knitt one sock for my pet worm,his little smile is enough to last me an eternity,his little yearning gasp of pleasure made my life worth living.Im so happy i think i will start writing.Such an inspiration Stuart,such. " -- Texas Tom, So-called Land of the free.
"Im so glad, ya nutt." -- Stu writer.
"300,000 strong ready to wage war against the evil known as Saddam. Semper Fi. " -- USMC01.
"Well i hope everyone has had fun,it was a nice little party.Some people are so immune to violence through their many wasted hours in front of their great digital electric dictators that theyre dripping spit in exitment at the thought of going in to try out new toys.Well as someone said you are in for a nasty shock when you discover what your born again christian nazi president is really up to.All i hope is that i implanted a little seed of truth.Enjoy the slaughter morons." -- S.E.L, Belfast.


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© 2003 Stuart Eric Longridge
January 2003

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