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[26 words] From Darkness To Light by Stan A Fowler A quest for the search of inner truths. I wrote this in 30 minutes way back in 1985 but... [702 words] Death To Fascism by Sunny The title and the poems have no connection ;) [128 words] Brave Solder Be You by Mafer Dominguez - [43 words] Blooming Roses by Gina M Mirza Short poem about "stopping to smell the roses." [67 words] Anna Sleeps by Duluoz Wrote while watching an ex-girlfriend sleep... [31 words] Always There by Jannette Jru It's a poem about unconditional love. [102 words] Afternoons by Robert Edward Levin - [211 words] Your Light Shines For Me by L Chapman - [106 words] When by L Chapman - [107 words] Tragic Truth by Alberto Pupo Because the truth stings, reality is harsh. [76 words] Torn Sheaves Encase... by Duluoz Another bash at spontanious poetry... [51 words] That First Touch by Thomasina B Shearer When the right person comes along, your body knows it, long before your mind really does. [93 words] Suddenly Numb by Alberto Pupo The unfortunate nature of relationships.... [46 words] Round Like A Shot by Gary Thompson Have you ever called the police for something and they said there was no one available to at... [201 words] Red, White, And Blue by L Chapman - [106 words] Quagmire In Thought by Alberto Pupo To decide or not to decide to forge ahead or not to, what will she do? [80 words] Quadruplessly by Andrew French - [92 words] Our Roads by L Chapman - [128 words] Oceans Of Deception by Alberto Pupo Sailing through treacherous waters.... [62 words] Mom by Thomasina B Shearer Moms always love their children. [108 words] Malign by Martin Faithless A poem about indulging the worst aspects of myself. [133 words] If Only For A Day by Thomasina B Shearer What one day did for me. That will last a lifetime. [49 words] I Want My Smile Back by Thomasina B Shearer A simple reply could put a smile on anyones face. [103 words] Happy Memories by Thomasina B Shearer - [178 words] Fire And Ice by L Chapman - [67 words] Fail You by Martin Faithless A poem I wrote for my daughter. [115 words] Eden's Temptation by Cylis Lapedimore - [46 words] Durby Day by Thomasina B Shearer Smashing cars. [261 words] Daddy Took Me Fishing Confusion Sets In by A Delusion Of Adequacy Just a poem about feeling inadequate about yourself, ad who you are, to the point that you ha... [34 words] Butterflies And Dreams Of Butterflies by Christianne Charles Poems about the beauty and meaning found in the simplicity of the butte... [99 words] Beware Of Nightmares by L Chapman - [105 words] A Thought Called Yesterday by Christianne Charles I decided to write about heartbreak and a love gone wrong. [135 words] A Ray Of Sunshine by Thomasina B Shearer About a little duckling. [81 words] A Path Now Divided by Alberto Pupo Just when everything seemed certain... [59 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 [147 ] 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Daddy Took Me Fishing
Memories last a life time, even long after you are gone. [273 words]
Thomasina B Shearer
- [February 2002]
A Ray Of Sunshine (Poetry) About a little duckling. [81 words] Durby Day (Poetry) Smashing cars. [261 words] Happy Memories (Poetry) - [178 words] I Want My Smile Back (Poetry) A simple reply could put a smile on anyones face. [103 words] If Only For A Day (Poetry) What one day did for me. That will last a lifetime. [49 words] Mom (Poetry) Moms always love their children. [108 words] That First Touch (Poetry) When the right person comes along, your body knows it, long before your mind really does. [93 words]
Daddy Took Me Fishing Thomasina B Shearer
Daddy showed me how to hook my bate.
He said you put your worm on like this,
you see
Daddy had patience with me.
He said little girls need a little more
practice at some things.
He showed me how to cast my line .
He even let me give it a try
He said if at first you don't get it right ,
try and try , until it flies
It took me some time , but i got it to fly
Daddy's eyes Litt up,
when i got my line to
really fly.
Now daddy said are you ready to catch a fish..
I said yes yes yes.. what do i do next .
Daddy said to watch my bobber.
I ask why.
He said silly girl. When it goes
under you got a bite.
Slowly reel it in
stop now and then.
When it gets a good bite really reel it in.
As i watched my bobber , daddy got a bite.
He did what he told me to do. Then he reeled his fish in
The next thing i knew , my bobber went under. i was holding it tight.
reeling slowly until it got a good bite.
Daddy said you're doing great.
It took sometime, but the fish gave
up his fight.
Daddy said that's the biggest sucker
he had ever seen.
talking about the fish not
little oh me.
when i wrote this i was remembering
when my daddy took me fishing
for the first time.
I have not got a fish since that day
my daddy took me fishing at the lake.
All i seem to do these days
is feed the fish my bate
to all you dads out there.
do things like that with your little
girls , remember to have patience with them to.
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© 2001 Thomasina B Shearer
February 2002