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A Poem For You by Ramkumar Menon A Poem from a Lover to the Beloved [253 words]
A Colombia Hatred-Free by Randall Barfield Of course, it isn't just Colombia, is it? [52 words]
The Long Nothing; Or Sun, Sand & Surf by Jason Roland A Collection: The Long Nothing; or Sun, Sand & Surf, I Got it Made, Bro, ... [1,038 words]
Colombia's On The Map by Randall Barfield How long is forty years, ma? [77 words]
You'll Always Be Mine by Gary Thompson A poem dedicated to all who have lost their partner. [140 words]
Watcher by Alberto Pupo Watching.... [42 words]
Vagabonds by Peggy J Bertrand Sharing the afternoon walk alone with the most unusal thougfht about guest. [99 words]
The Luck Of The Irish by Gary Thompson An unusual story told in poetry about one of the most beautiful countries in the world. P... [335 words]
The Incurable Cynic by Richard Koss A man reflects upon his life of cynicism. [143 words]
The Flower by Ashley Burdett The death of a flower equated with the death of a love. [96 words]
Sweet Embrace by Katie Elizabeth Crismore - [86 words]
Stranded by Alberto Pupo On this lonesome rock floating away.... [81 words]
Scenery by Peggy J Bertrand Poem is about a quiet walk and about observing nature in one of it's moments. [104 words]
Observation by Peggy J Bertrand One thoughts and opinions are offered for share but not required to be accepted. [59 words]
Night Sky by Peggy J Bertrand Seeing the storm up in the sky. [86 words]
More Experimental Poems by Alberto Pupo Yet again another experiment. [263 words]
Mind Of The Betrayer by Alberto Pupo So easily are we all deceived.... [118 words]
Love Questions by Ashley Burdett Just a poem question some of the aspect of love. [23 words]
Logical Step... by Alberto Pupo The next step.... [58 words]
Journey Into Nothing by Alberto Pupo Why the past means nothing yet is a plague to the mind... [80 words]
Hidden Sadness by Katie Elizabeth Crismore This is a poem describing the way I feel a lot of the times. [108 words]
Every Night
Do You . . . Blak Man? by Queen A Munn A Queen's cry for love and affection from the blak man who's strong and faithful and run... [244 words]
Direction by Peggy J Bertrand Life is complicated and everyone from one time or another has wondered what they are all about. [104 words]
Dew From His Hand by Peggy J Bertrand All creation is cared for by it's maker. [55 words]
Danger... by Alberto Pupo Is there something dangerous in passion? [102 words]
Beginning by Bob - [125 words]
Anna by Duluoz An account of love written as a conscious stream of thought. [128 words]
A Question Of Timing by Alberto Pupo To time everything perfectly to time things right, or to forge forward. [74 words]
911 by Jaime Gambit Campos Honoring the victims of the terrorist attacks on America(Sep.11th 2001), aswell as the heroes who sacrifize... [151 words]
With Eyes Open by Dwight Bullock A piece written during a time when I wondered as to why people still consider slavery to be a ti... [150 words]
Vorba by Martin De Leon The title is sampled from a painting constructed by the 20th century Romanian avant-garde artist Victor B... [49 words]
The Song Of A Goddess! by Alberto Pupo To a Goddess which stirs my heart.... [82 words]
The Screaming Upstairs by Clarmila Orpeza Loneliness and dreams shattered dreams. [72 words]
The Poem With No Name by Emma Michele Thomas A poem about Life and how IN MY opinion, God doesn't exist. [101 words]
The House On No Street by Randall Barfield Move over, Stephen King! [53 words]
The Deal by Dusty A Tincher A piece of narrative verse that tells a story! Other titles at Storymania include The Photograph. [1,072 words]
The Ambo's Of Alex by Gary Thompson This is the thid poem I have entered into this section. It tells the story of the brave men ... [240 words]
Tell Me by Ashley Burdett The poem of a girl who is speaking to her friend. She asks her friend how she can tell the man she is w... [122 words]
Stolen Moments by Gary Thompson This poem tells the story of forbidden love. A young lass from Sydney NSW has come down to Melbo... [192 words]
Spectre Of A Distant Past by Alberto Pupo A memory of a girl who has faded.... [64 words]
Requiem For A Bodybuilder by Richard Koss What happens to bodybuilders when they cease pumping iron? [54 words]
Pour Toi by Michelle Worswick - [53 words]
Pleasures! by Alberto Pupo Simply Pleasure.... [50 words]
Once Upon A Midnight Snacking by Christian Obermanns A Parody of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven". [366 words]
Nature Of Man by Dwight Bullock What happens when we loose touch with the human side of life and each other. [97 words]
My Closet by Peggy J Bertrand Poem is a fantasy poem children will enjoy. [65 words]
My Child by Dwight Bullock The first and only piece which I was asked to write. A friend asked me write a piece for a young marr... [142 words]
My Baby by Emma Michele Thomas This poem is about a woman who can't have children. She is very affected by this and starts to imagine ... [168 words]
Mistress Time.... by Alberto Pupo Generous on the surface but deep down so terribly cruel.... [52 words]
Forbidden Love by Gary Thompson I am an Ambulance Officer looking at life through the windscreen. [226 words]
English Class by Ashley Burdett My english teacher told us to look out of the window today. This is what I saw, outside the windo... [74 words]
Emptiness Of Living. by Alberto Pupo A life so hollow.... [56 words]
Dream Flyer by Peggy J Bertrand Fantasy poem about flying and about the fear of trying. [88 words]
Do You Think We're Supposed To Be Here? by Clarmila Orpeza A poem about a relationship -- is it failing because it was meant to? O... [55 words]
Delusions Of Grandeur by Alberto Pupo There is nothing more ridiculous than a self deluded individual.... [70 words]
Again Struckdown! by Alberto Pupo About frustrations from a not so distant past.... [67 words]
A Very Special Friend by Peggy J Bertrand Poem written for a special friend that shows friendship keys to being a special friend. [65 words]
A Soldier's Letter by Randall Barfield Far from the familiar our words are often sweeter, are they not? [109 words]
A Simple Concept.... by Alberto Pupo A quirky little poem with a dash of humor, about.... [61 words]
A Perfected Perpetuation Plan For Today's Young Yahoos by Randall Barfield No one has the right to rob a bank, but each has the rig... [219 words]
A Game Of Lies by Alberto Pupo Play the game to amuse yourself.... [63 words]
002 by Matthew Spanky Experimental/concrete. [7 words]

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Every Night
[38 words]
Michelle Worswick
[June 2006]
Absolute Time (Poetry) The spontaneous work. [58 words]
At The Cinema (Poetry) Make your own images. [58 words]
Autre (Poetry) The feeling of being inferior... [59 words]
Down Pour (Poetry) It's impossible to forecast love. [102 words]
Fit Hands (Poetry) Finding a person who fixes our flaws, and allows you to do the same... [69 words]
Flicker (Poetry) - [18 words]
Pour Toi (Poetry) - [53 words]
Silk Sea (Poetry) Check it out. [59 words]
Suppression (Poetry) A lie....doesn't make a good blanket... [78 words]
The Blooming (Poetry) A time of renaissance... [41 words]
The Grass Inbetween (Poetry) The distance between two people can't stop emotions. [81 words]
The Locks (Poetry) Sigh... [30 words]
The Poles (Poetry) The fleece arrives... [65 words]
The Same (Poetry) The naivity of a young girl.... [75 words] [Relationships]
Years (Poetry) Only time can tell. [57 words]
You Must Realize (Poetry) The fleece begins to get those little fabric nubs that my mom hates, it's getting worn, and doesn't feel so soft on your skin anymore... [54 words]
Every Night
Michelle Worswick

breathing heavily
we stomp on the ground
bounding over obstacles
squinting our eyes
and laughing...
would you hear me
scream at the top of my lungs
i am wedded to illusion
for when i lean in for a kiss
your lips are gone
and i embrace my hope



"Wow. Really cool. I'd like to meet you this march." -- Jesse Weinberg.
"Often times the lips that were once there never really were..." -- R. Bennett Okerstrom.


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© 2002 Michelle Worswick
January 2002

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