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Everything. (New Poem) by Terry Collett - [9 words]
Your Way Out. by Terry Collett - [11 words]
Your Sure Not You by Matthew Mark Gill Wheres Our Dream? HMMMM" [73 words]
Your Peak (Warning Nc 21) by Matthew Mark Gill Something No One Has [91 words]
You Are What You Wear. by Terry Collett - [196 words]
Wittgenstein's Example. by Terry Collett - [160 words]
When They Find You by Luke Mahossal Iii Another Wussy Leaves in a Hurry [52 words]
Undoing Of Things. by Terry Collett - [111 words]
Transfixed Again. by Terry Collett - [33 words]
Today. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [44 words]
To Win. by Terry Collett - [68 words]
The Way The Snow Sat. by Terry Collett - [96 words]
The Golden Magnetic Spirals Of Harmonic Mirrored Reality Within The Now (2) by Mr Sel And Dr Lemuria - [24,827 words]
The Fireworks (Nc 18 Warning) by Matthew Mark Gill When Life takes its toll I've always been there and always will be. (As thats Me.... [106 words]
The Darkness Of The Light by Luke Mahossal Finding your Way [48 words]
That's As Good. by Terry Collett - [30 words]
Smalls. by Terry Collett - [42 words]
She Fainted. by Terry Collett - [54 words]
Ronet & Sex. by Terry Collett - [218 words]
Quinn The Large. by Terry Collett - [210 words]
Play To Kill by Be A Owusu - [41 words]
Petinni Loved The Sun. by Terry Collett - [140 words]
Osrid Rode Tramcars. by Terry Collett - [223 words]
Or Maybe by Boonze Thoughts on moving on from a lingering broken heart [152 words]
November Snow. by Terry Collett - [57 words]
Nikos Scanned His Wife. by Terry Collett - [208 words]
Money Talks (Hi Kids) by Matthew Mark Gill As The Companies Fail Again Another one Bites the Dust.. [75 words]
Madrel Loved Dry Weather. by Terry Collett - [202 words]
Lucky Stone by Matthew Mark Gill Summer of Walmart and Target, Kmart for Candy HMM [77 words]
Lost Your Mind by Be A Owusu A student learns from a madman and becomes mad himself [36 words]
Logan Like The Girls. by Terry Collett - [289 words]
Last Minute by Yugi Arashiro Sometimes Life doesn't go the way you want it to be, But don't take your life for your own self. Th... [152 words]
Kelloman's Kinky Games. by Terry Collett - [332 words]
Keep It Under Wraps. by Terry Collett - [128 words]
Jake' Sister. by Terry Collett - [143 words]
In The Small Print. by Terry Collett - [128 words]
In Exchange. by Terry Collett - [66 words]
Illusions by Beau Hefley This is a poem that describes not the life that we see, but the one that we don't. [115 words]
Igor Remembered. by Terry Collett - [145 words]
If I Should Die Before I Wake by Katherine Smith - [219 words]
I Hear A Sickle (Warning Nc18) by Matthew Mark Gill Suffering Souls [51 words]
I Care by Be A Owusu - [52 words]
Her Beauty Sat. by Terry Collett - [48 words]
Hank Will Break That Down. by Terry Collett - [129 words]
Godrink Smelt A Rat. by Terry Collett - [159 words]
Get Out. by Terry Collett - [41 words]
Francesca's Dead Baby. by Terry Collett - [125 words]
Fear Of Water. (Poem) by Terry Collett - [102 words]
Dying In The Snow. by Terry Collett - [112 words]
Digging By Moonlight. by Terry Collett - [193 words]
Derailed Scam Artist by Luke Mahossal After Years Of Scamming people Today is Your Day [35 words]
Boozing With Bukowski by Terry Collett - [92 words]
Blue Blonde Red by Ben Feidt - [150 words]
Because Of What It Is by Luke Mahossal You Try Harder... [46 words]
Are You A Star? by Matthew Mark Gill Girl Hides from Dreams [81 words]
An Idiot by Be A Owusu - [53 words]
Among The Dead by Terry Collett - [15 words]
After You're Gone. by Terry Collett - [39 words]
After The Postcard In Paris. by Terry Collett - [338 words]

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being single, a friend talked me into joining an online dating site. As i browsed through the descriptions, indiscrminately choosing to search further or completely ignore people based upon looks alone, it occured to me how many wonderful friends that I might be missing out on and how we not only do this on these kinds of sites, but i our personal lives too.
[165 words]
Beau Hefley
i am 42, single and live in New Mexico
[July 2011]
Illusions (Poetry) This is a poem that describes not the life that we see, but the one that we don't. [115 words] [Teenage]
In My Dreams (Short Stories) this story hit close to home and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got teary eyed. Please feel free to comment on it or any of my writings, I would really like to get your feedback. you can fill out th... [1,206 words] [Relationships]
Sentiment Of Sorrow (Short Stories) I wrote this after watching a history channel series abour the civil war. It wasn't the blood and bodies i noticed so much as the look of weariness on the soldiers faces. [590 words] [Action]
The Moonlight (Short Stories) I wrote this while sitting on a beach in Alabama. [481 words] [Fantasy]
The Unspoken (Short Stories) A story for anyone who has ever been in love. Please feel free to e-mail me at beau47630@hotmail.com with any comments about any of my stories or poems. [1,046 words] [Romance]
Yesterday's King (Short Stories) How often do we sit back and just thank God for the people and things that we have in our life? Maybe we should. [1,259 words] [Literary Fiction]
Beau Hefley


We roll through the motions, each and every day,

falling apart on the inside, on the out, pretending we’re ok.

Searching for that someone that somehow makes it all worthwhile,

looking for "forever after", in each new smile.

Like a conveyor belt, we run them past never taking time to be sure,

we search through them so quickly that faces become a blur.

“This one’s too fat”, we think, and “this one’s too small,

this one’s not my type, I don’t wish to talk to this one at all”.

We pass everlasting judgment then quickly move on,

but have we ever stopped to wonder, what if we’re wrong?

Each one of us is special, each in our own unique way

and if you took the time to discover this, you wouldn’t be wasting your day.

So remember to be cautious of judgment and try to watch what you say,

for in careless passing, you may miss your best friend along the way.


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© 2011 Beau Hefley
July 2011

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