You get hurt because ya let your
self get hurt and ya date these complete
morons who never cared about you ever.
Then you cry and cry and drop pills to
feel better and they just use ya again.
It never gets better and you have to see that
these people don't give a damn about you.
All they care about is their next fix and how
much they can take from you.
They take and take and take and you just let
them your best bet would be to wake up and
say hey Fuck You.. I know someone who does
Care and always have. Da ....Mcfly..
If this person really cared they would never
use you and treat you like that.
Ever... They would support ya through everything
Like I Have..
Your hospitals ya pills your bi polar ya
Dad your everything.. Did I ever ask you
for one thing? Nope... Never..
Now if that ain't real love Fuck You..
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