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Zinnia Hates Mornings. by Terry Collett - [151 words]
You'll Never Be Famous by Little Johnny Trying out another writting style [133 words]
You Get Hurt by Matthew Mark Mark Always your bi polar is never going away but someone supported ya always. Da [142 words]
Yardic's Payback. by Terry Collett - [228 words]
Xavier's Take On Life. by Terry Collett - [189 words]
Winnie's Window Eyes. by Terry Collett - [348 words]
What Was That On Mars? by Saranjit Bhambra After reading the recent find on Mars, l decided to make my own ideas of what that that ... [54 words]
Viminter's Hope. by Terry Collett - [155 words]
Ursula Undresses. by Terry Collett - [182 words]
Tomsin Laughs Alone. by Terry Collett - [202 words]
The Rain Wash Away The Pain by Saranjit Bhambra - [110 words]
The Day L Went To Catch As Lion by Saranjit Bhambra l was about 11 when l went to an animal park which housed wild animals and l re... [75 words]
Sound And Silence by Meredith - [13 words]
Sam's Sugar. by Terry Collett - [347 words]
Rigmoss & The Book. by Terry Collett - [219 words]
Quttocks Slept Alone. by Terry Collett - [206 words]
Prestwick Dines. by Terry Collett - [167 words]
Overdose. by Terry Collett - [128 words]
O.K. by D A Ash happy in a mazzy star way [86 words]
Odd Work Of Art. by Terry Collett - [175 words]
Nodmeyer Remembers. by Terry Collett - [93 words]
No Welcome. by Terry Collett - [175 words]
Meaningless Drivel For The Masses by D A Ash lost [100 words]
Marina's Night. by Terry Collett - [160 words]
L Picked Some Flowers For The Woman That L Loved..... by Saranjit Bhambra l remember poems...... [50 words]
Ill Looking by Terry Collett - [118 words]
I Don't Call 911 by Luke Mahossal Private Property Stay Out.. [33 words]
Her Prison Now. by Terry Collett - [149 words]
Gordplatter's Analysis. by Terry Collett - [227 words]
Faded U by Luke Mahossal Your Drivel in a Land of Make Believe Kid [80 words]
Ednoun Brought Flowers. by Terry Collett - [198 words]
Doutwinder Knew. by Terry Collett - [167 words]
Digital Electro Face
Caitlin's New Day. by Terry Collett - [340 words]
Broken In Two... Into Forever. by Saira M Bathory I am ¢Óhe 1 & ¥Õn¨¨y.....SAIRA B.♫♫♫(SINGER, S¢¾NGWRI¢ÓER ,P¥Õ... [70 words]
Bolthold's Book by Terry Collett - [289 words]
Another Face Poem by Little Johnny What we choose to remember will form the person we are in life. Remember the negative and be ... [66 words]
Aldrush Dished The Dirt. by Terry Collett - [279 words]

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Digital Electro Face
[205 words]
Little Johnny
[June 2011]
Another Face Poem (Poetry) What we choose to remember will form the person we are in life. Remember the negative and be miserable or try to enjoy what little time we have and file it under the good times [66 words] [Adventure]
Tales From A Cornpone (Poetry) Boom....shake shake it, shake shake it! [122 words] [Erotic]
You'll Never Be Famous (Poetry) Trying out another writting style [133 words] [History]
Digital Electro Face
Little Johnny

Electro static
Static static static static ic ic ic ic kick kick

Digital timepiece track the sun across the sky
Electric ribbon, feeds my closed robotic eye
My curly wires attached and strait into my brain
Compact digital hard drive mouth open up for the rain
Hey speaking of digital, memories only residual

I'm an electro static.....nomadic
Digital clown face boy
I can feel my gums with my tounge it's fun
Hair trigger circut
Not just a circus of love anymore......
I've found my model robot whore whore whore whore whore
More more more more
Static static static static ic ic ic ic kick kick

She's a tower that sits in a beautiful blonde shell
Motherboard on fire, what an addicting smell
Like pot like pot but it's not I know it's not, I forgot
Her plastic lips, her metal hips a distant gaze
While she livens up my place
Robotic whore my whore, but she's something more
My girl, my world your love is truley adored

Cause I'm electro static.....nomadic
A digital clown face boy
I can feel my gums but not with my tounge
Hair trigger circut
Not just a circus of love anymore......
I've found my model robot whore whore whore whore whore
More more more more
Static static static static ic ic ic ic kick kick


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© 2011 Little Johnny
June 2011

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