The cameras are what Demar thought would be there for him. Until he found out that Alicia waters was the supervisor who would kill him. The recording’s she kept on his life, were so suppressive that even his job as an actor in movies, would not hide the reality, that she seen - exactly what happened and tried to hide the facts.
Then he instigates and promotes the situation as if it doesn’t matter.
More things were being seen than what Allen prefers. Even though he did not commit the actual crimes. His life is at a resolution, but can he realize, that what he need’s to do is, stop trying to be the bad guy; and actually start thinking about - what it is that he’s going too end up having to do?
Demar starts receiving tapes in the mail and, when he see’s the tapes, he realizes that he and some of his people are in deep trouble.
He tries too depicting fiction for reality. However, reality is so much more ecstatic. He finds the dead body in the dumpster and he starts to realize - that he has been replicated.
Now what will he do – when he can’t be his self any more. Then he finds out that the cameras may really be blind too him! [14,600 words]
Harry Devon Johnson is 28 years old, his birth day is 7-9-1983. He was born at Miami Valley Hospital In Dayton Ohio. Harry Devon Johnson, grew up in Trotwood Ohio Suburbs; Summit Square Apartment. Where He went to school @ Olive Hill Elementary : Trotwood Madison School District;Where he first learned his shapes and colors and basic mathematics.
He also Lived in Highview hills where Mayor Rhine McLin, who took office in January of 2002, lived with her family when she was a girl in a McArthur Avenue house at Highview's border. The 53-year-old graduated from Highview Elementary School. According To a Dayton Daily news paper Highview hill's story. [June 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (4) Coherst Coherst Live.Com News Letter (Reference) This Is one of the news letters Posted @ - Repping the coherst community and adding culture to society. [2,677 words] [Business] Extravagant Measures Condemend In Sin. (Short Stories) THIS BOOK IS COPYRIGHTED IT IS ILLEGAL TO USE ANY OF THIS BOOK WITHOUT THE "PERMITION" OF THE AUTHOR OR THE PUBLISHER. THIS BOOK WAS PUBLISHED BY COHERST "LITERTURE" PUBLISING L.L.C. SOME CHARACTERS... [13,160 words] [Gay & Lesbian] Songs By Regardless (Songs) These Are songs from Multiple albums By Regardless Devon Victory. And His alias's Flaawless and HDJ And his Alias's Flaaw. [40,051 words] Wet Now (Songs) The underground distortion Album and or albums or tracks - was made to destruct the community . We never gave a fuck about what was good, according to some sources. This album is a disrespect to soc... [398 words]
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