TITLE (EDIT) When Your Best Friends Brother Is Beautiful, Sleepovers Are So Much More Fun Ch 1
This is my first story on here, so let me know if it sucks. Its not really corny or anything, I just had the idea for it :) please read :) [1,272 words]
Im just an average teenage girl. I live with my dad in the crappy town of Lawrence, Kanas, and believe me it sucks. Its one of those lame small towns that should be peaceful, but it isnt but its still boring. [March 2009]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Breathe You (Songs) how you practically breathe the one you love:) But he's never going to know it [106 words] [Romance] Heart Like A Sad Song (Songs) I love this song :) it took a while, I might even have the music to it now :) [132 words] Just Can't Get Enough (Songs) - [200 words] Lost ( Wrote It In Music Class) (Songs) This song just happened itself in music. I was bored and It just happened :) I like it but it could be improved, any suggestions? Comments? come one ppl... [174 words] [Relationships] Only Hope (Mandy Moore) (Songs) Just watched a walk to remember for the millionth time and I just wanna post this song :( [210 words] [Romance] Somebody Out There (Songs) - [170 words] Speechless (My Everything To You) (Songs) - [229 words] [Romance] The Wind And The Broken Girl (Songs) Ok this song sucks but my friends likes it so WTH? tell me what you think... [93 words] When Yor Best Friends Brothers Beautiful... Chp 3 (Novels) Please read :) [1,259 words] [Teenage] Wherever You Will Go (Songs) - [193 words] [Relationships]
When Your Best Friends Brother Is Beautiful, Sleepovers Are So Much More Fun Ch 1 Bee Duere Morris
Chapter one, first impressions
I've always been strong, quick-witted, and confident. I've always known exactly what to say and when to say it. I guess you could say I'm sharp-- that is-- until I met him.
I remember the day perfectly. It was approximately three years, four months, and eighteen days ago. I was fourteen at the time, and I had just moved to the new town. Making friends was never a problem for me, but picking people I actually could stand to be around was more the issue. Luckily, I only had to go through about three fake friends who thought they were awesome because they were popular to find Naomi Scott- an awkwardly cute, curly-haired brunette with braces and thick Italian eyebrows lingering closely above large brown eyes. She was so sweet she could put a cake to shame, which made our easy friendship incredibly surprising. I was a mordantly sarcastic and extremely blunt tomboy who looked anything but awkward. I'd like to stay away from boasting but I was a pretty good-looking fourteen year-old- long dirty blonde hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes with an athletic bod and a naturally beautiful smile (just kidding- I already got my braces off).
The first time she invited me over was technically because we had a school project to do,but I don't like to think of it that way. I like to think of it as the day I saw the most wonderful boy in the world. What he looked like at fifteen compares nothing to what he looks like three years, four months, and eighteen days later, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
“Mom, this is Andy Campbell. She’s the new girl at school I’ve been telling you about.” Naomi was setting down her school bag and heading into the kitchen where her full fledged Irish mother was making dinner.
“Oh, hello Andy. Naomi didn’t tell me you were coming…I’ll have to make more food.” She turned to the side to quietly scold Naomi for not calling her before we left school.
“I’m sorry Mom, but I didn’t think you’d be making dinner so early. It’s only four o’clock in the afternoon.”
“Nathan has a game so I made dinner early so we could all go to the stadium together.”
“Oh I forgot. Well Andy and I have to work on a science project so I don’t think I can go.”
“You have to go, Naomi!”
Trying to get away from the argument I stepped into the living room. The ceilings were surprisingly tall for a one story house. Light poured in through the windows and I looked up to see stained glass twenty feet above the floor. I saw a grand piano in the corner of the white room, and I walked over toward it, brushing my hands over the smooth surface. Running my fingers along the polished keys, I jumped when I heard an unfamiliar voice.
“My parents bought it for me eight years ago when I told them I wanted to be a ladies man.”
I ungracefully turned to see the most beautiful fifteen year-old God ever created standing four feet away from me. He had long, straight, dirty blonde hair and it seemed like he needed a hair cut. His skin was tan and his smile was perfection- even better than my newly braces-less teeth. His eyes were brown like Naomi’s, but they had flecks of gold and green in them. He wasn’t that much taller than me, so it felt like I was staring straight into them.
To keep from feeling like an idiot, I forced myself to say something. “Oh, and you thought playing the piano would be the best way to become one?” I said sarcastically.
He scrunched his eyebrows a little bit. “Isn’t it?” he asked, smiling confidently and picking me apart with his eyes. “If it’s not, tell me now and I’ll quit immediately.” He smiled again and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
“I actually think it was a smart choice. It would have been more conventional if you had gone with say…baseball or soccer.” I pretended to sound smart and collected, but inside… I was completely scattered.
“I thought of that. But you see, I was smarter than the average eight year-old. I planned ahead, for when girls got pissed at their jock boyfriends and moved on to the strong silent type when they decided they were ready for a serious relationship.” He gave me a smug smile, and then he continued, “Fortunately, I had a plan B, which coincidentally was baseball. In fact, I have a game tonight, but judging from the sounds coming from the kitchen, I think I should blame you for the absence of my dear sister Naomi.”
“Well, since baseball is just your plan B, I don’t feel too bad. I’d feel worse if it was a piano recital- you know, something that was actually important.”
“Ouch, baseball may be a plan B, but I still like it.”
Ignoring him, I continued, “You’d be dressed up in a black suit and the announcer would say your name…”
“Nathan Scott,” he added quickly.
“Nathan? That doesn’t sound like a pianist’s name. What’s your middle name?”
“I wouldn’t tell you that until at least the seventh date. I don’t get personal quickly,” he smiled.
I felt my face grow hot, wishing I could actually go on seven dates with this gorgeous boy. But I couldn’t let him see that. “We’re talking about your future, here. Surely you could sacrifice a bit of your personal information to allow me to illustrate your promising career as a pianist.”
“It’s Parker,” he said, a curious expression coming to his face.
“Parker’s much better than Nathan. Do you mind if I call you Parker?”
“Not at all. You’ll be the only one though.”
“That’s fine-- it’s for artistic purposes. Back to your future. So the announcer says, ‘And the next piece will be played by Parker Scott’. You walk up the steps onto the beautiful stage looking good in your black suit-“
“So you admit you think I’ll look good in a black suit?” His confident (slightly arrogant) smile spread across his face again, but before I could react Naomi walked in.
“Of course you’ll look good in a black suit. A black suit can work wonders for any guy, even one as unappealing as you.” Naomi gave him a fake sweet smile and started to laugh as she dragged me away. I turned around to see him still leaning against the wall by the piano. He smiled at me, put his hands in his jeans and turned around into a hallway to the right of the living room.
After Naomi pulled me away from Parker I couldn’t stop thinking about how cute he was. For the rest of the evening I mostly dealt with the internal conflict of whether or not I should tell Naomi what I thought about her brother. I decided against it, and I still haven’t told her, not even three years, four months, and eighteen days later.
A lot has changed since I was fourteen. Naomi completely grew out of her awkward stage- growing boobs, ditching the braces, and learning how to control her hair. Not much changed with me, I just got taller and a bit prettier (not to mention, smarter and the expected raised maturity level). I corrupted Naomi-- she lost a lot of her sweetness, but she corrupted me as well. I grew away from being a tomboy and became more of a girl.
Parker…he made the best changes of all. He’s about a foot taller than me now. His long blonde hair became short brown hair, his piano skills improved along with his athletic abilities, and my favorite part— more muscles!
"you plagiarized this from complacent (from quizilla)!!! take it off the site and apologize to the author!!!!!!" -- cza.
"I wrote this story. You should take it off. There's nothing more annoying than seeing someone take credit for something they didn't do." -- Kendall.
"OMGG!!i have read this story in quizilla!..please dnt plagiarize ppls stuff!" -- Silma.
"You are so dumb for thinking that noone would understand that you plagiarized this story as well as some others! Take it off of here and if you don't feel just a tab bit guilty then you are a horrible peson ;( ;( :/" -- Yo-Yo.
"OMG U PLAGERIZED THIS U LOSER! FAIL!" -- lucille bennet.
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