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Lest He Gone Part Ii A Clarke
The man scanned the room, his eyes falling on the wardrobe. He ran over to it, and flew open the doors. It was empty. The maid noticed this.
“You are leaving, highness?”
“Yes,” Sash said, her eyes cloudy. “I feel it is my time to leave.”
The man slowly and quietly shut the wardrobe doors behind him, listening for the footsteps that would probably lead to him being thrown into the pits of death. He sucked in a breath of air, and was quiet.
There were hurried clumps as guard after guard climbed up the stairs. They rapped on each door, once, twice, three times, and then opened the door.
When they came to Sash’s door, the maid almost jumped when the first knock came.
“Is anyone in there? Anyone at all? If ye be, then open up or we’ll throw ye into the pits of death for not listening and disobedience.”
“Open the door,” Sash whispered, white as a ghost. She was sure they would send her back to Doctor Gottyies. Either that or the man would be found and they’d both be thrown into the pit-for assumed mingle. He was lowlife scum. She felt it.
The maid slowly walked to the door. Snick, went the lock. The maid opened the door.
“Hello, maid. Be there anyone there?”
“Yes,” the maid said. “The highness is not feeling well. She is sneezing and has a terrible cough. I fear it is contagious.”
Sash stifled a laugh. The maid was lying to the guards. Lying! She decided that she should get into her bed, to complete the act. She quietly snuck over to her bed and pulled the covers over her feet. She faked a sneeze.
“Bless the highness,” the guard said lowly, “We wish her to get better soon. Classes missed cannot be made up.”
The maid nodded and shut the door again. As soon as the footsteps faded, the man burst out of the wardrobe. “Thank you,” He said. Sash nodded. “You are welcome,” She replied. It was better to just go with it. If she had told them he was there, they would have thrown her into the pit for skipping classes. She hated Doctor Gottyies lectures. He always droned on.
“Might I ask if you not say anything about if I was here?” The man asked.
“Yes,” Sash said, “But what exactly is your name?”
“Royal Yive,” The man replied. “Yours be?”
“Sash Jonhson.”
“I have a feeling we will meet again, Sasha,” Royal said. He walked out of the door.
Sash didn’t even notice that he had called her by her full first name; Sasha.
Chapter Two
The next day, Sash was on her way to class when she bumped into Doctor Gottyies. He looked her up and down, and sniffed, “I suppose you think it all right to skip my lessons?”
“No,” Sash said, startled. “I think it not all right. I had a terrible flu for the past week, and I have just recovered.”
“Well, isn’t it convenient that you be well as soon a s my lessons are over?” Doctor Gottyies said. He walked away, leaving Sash fuming. She hated him.
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