Sash Jonhson and Royal Yive must keep their relationship a secret for fear that the headmaster of their school will throw them into the pits of death. [564 words]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (4) Clay Havcon (Novels) Faith Stature flees from her families worst enemy, Clay Havcon, who plans to reveal a very dark secret about Faith's fathers past.... [776 words] Hexes And A Traveling Weylynn (Novels) Amayalyn Mingana, who has spent ten years on the planet Eljin, discovers how to defeat the dark lord during a long war, with her best friends, Eaen, The General,and Gavan, a large, white, talking hawk... [2,801 words] Lest He Gone Part Ii (Novels) same as part I [533 words] The Last Skiier (Novels) Lisa Teglat, James Rokky and Drake mustbrave the winter storm when they are lost during a skiing expedition [371 words]
Lest He Gone Part I A Clarke
Many had come to this ruly school; Flora Demars, Denice Tiyol, Kyle Werd, Boris Relter
even Aisla Friit. None were too popular, to nerdish. They all tested at the level they were
supposed to test at, but by and by, the records of failing students got lower and lower. In the
first years of this school, 0nly royalty was allowed to attend this school. But three hundred
years later, citizens of the law were as well to attend this school.....Under one condition: No
royalty must bond with a lowly scum.
Rules 0f The School
1. Everyone must be in their seats three minutes before class starts.
2.Royalty has higher value than lowland scum
3.No one must ever go near the graveyard with gargoyles guarding the gate.
4. Do not leave the school at night.
Chapter 0ne
Princess Sash Jonhson stared out her window unhappily. The snow fell hard, like
it was trying to prove its point. She had skipped her class that day. She hated Doctor
Gottyies lectures. He was a stuck up, arrogant lowlife scum.
Behind her, the door creaked open. Sash turned to see one of the maids peering
in at her.
"Are you ill, highness?"
"No," Sash replied.
"Are you injured?"
"Then why you be skipping classes?"
"I don't feel like learning today. I'd rather converse with a peasant than take
lessons on how to talk like some lowlife scum that Doctor Gottyies is."
"Highness! Why you speak that of Doctor Gottyies? he is a well learned professor at Chovy."
"I know," Sash said, returning her gaze to the window. "But it feels like he hates
"He seems to want to teach you more than you deserve," The maid said,
hesitating to come in. She looked down the hall quickly, spotting the headmaster Riyu
stalking down the hall toward Sash's door.
"Highness?" The maid asked.
"Yes, you may enter. Shut and lock both hinges of the door behind you," Sash
said, her eyes transfixed on an appearing figure in the falling snow. She leaned forward, trying
to see what it was.
Out of the snow came a man, no doubt one of the lowlife scum they were
forbidden to mingle with. His eyes were a bright blue, a light sky blue color. His hair,
whipped around by the wind, was a shaggy, long, black color. He had on a long black cape
and an old coat. Sash watched him with interest, as he looked around and darted into the nearest building. There was a muffled sound of whistles, and several guards suddenly appeared through the snow, running slowly in the direction the man had gone. Sash held her breath.
"Can't find him!" one yelled, muffled.
Sash heard hurried footsteps go past her door. They suddenly stopped. Then, there was a frantic rapping on the door.
"Maid, open it! Let them in, and lock it again!" Sash hissed, looking away from her window for a fraction of a second. The maid sprang up and unlocked the door. The man who had been in the courtyard minutes earlier burst into the room.
"Excuse me for barging in," he said, his deep voice commanding, "But I am in need of a place to hide."
The maid locked the door again, growing tired of having to walk. Maybe, she thought, I could jump out the window. She smiled at this thought. The ground was a long ways down.
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