Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson.
Lizards Leap: Kat Black Keepers of the Quantum: Sue Simpson Better The Devil You Know: Sue Simpson People on the Edge: Sue Simpson Rat-a-tat-tat: Katherine Black Dark Around the Edges: Katherine BlackMy Name is Jane Doe: Jane Doe
All available on Amazonuk and in local bookshops.
Sooz 44, lives in Barrow-in-furness with one dog, ninteen mad reptiles, one man and one of two sons.
[January 2008]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (20) A Time To Live (Short Stories) Challenge piece. It had to be drama and it had to contain an affair at work. This isn't drama and isn't really an affair! Oh well at least I got a story out of it. [1,504 words] [Horror] Enterprise (Short Stories) Flash challenge piece working on the inspiration word of 'Innovation' [343 words] [Psychology] Fag-It Girls (Poetry) Saw these two while I was out getting a butty. [189 words] Famous (Poetry) It's hard being famous! [92 words] [Humor] Figures (Short Stories) Observational [549 words] [Psychology] Friday 11th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) New lizard arriving today. [2,828 words] [Biography] Friday 18th January 2008 Some Sexual Content (Non-Fiction) *Decency warning* contains some sexual reference [2,151 words] [Psychology] It Ws Only A Name (Short Stories) Murder Mystery [2,440 words] [Mystery] Jane Doe Seven 2008 (Non-Fiction) New year, new book, here we go again. [976 words] [Biography] Jane Doe Thursday 10th January 2008 (Non-Fiction) The Ark is full, but what's one more lizard? [714 words] [Biography] Saturday 12th Jan. (Non-Fiction) Muses on writing and ponderings on life... and almost no lizards! [1,296 words] [Biography] Thursday 17th Jan (Non-Fiction) Ructions [1,252 words] [Psychology] Wednesday 16th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) - [1,252 words] [Psychology] Wednesday 16th Jan 2008, Bloody Kids (Non-Fiction) Jane doe .... and domstics [1,350 words] [Psychology] White Phantom Chapter Five (Novels) Unexpected visitor [2,555 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Four (Novels) Repercussions...After killing a man, Beth decides what to do next .. and meets Phantom [4,663 words] [Thriller] White Phantom Chapter Seven, The Body (Novels) removal [4,875 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Six (Novels) I know what you did last night [2,328 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Three, Rape (Novels) Decency warning graphic rape scene may be deemed offensive. [8,980 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Two (Novels) Beth and Maggie go through with it. [2,109 words] [Horror]
White Phantom Chapter One Sooz
White Phantom
Chapter One.
“Aw, go on Beth. It’ll be a laugh.”
She laughed when she said it too, sitting there at the table with the newspaper spread out and a coffee ring stain on the ‘eat as much as you want’ section. Her eyes sparkled like a teenagers. Everything about it felt wrong. My instinct screamed at me to take heed for once in my stupid life. And so, with eyes all a-sparkle, it started. The thing that destroyed us all began.
“You’re joking! No way.”
“Oh,” I protested all right. The words came out of my mouth strong enough but my words sparring with her enthusiasm stood no chance. Wasn’t it Maggie who persuaded me to dye my hair green when we went to London with the school? It would have been great to see Buckingham Palace Had I not been placed in exclusion and disgrace. Maggie went and she said it was overrated but I’d still like to have seen it for myself. That was a lifetime ago. We were young then. It was our right of passage to be foolish …then.
“Look, Beth.” Look at the beginning of a sentence always meant that she was getting irritated with me. “Every Wednesday night we go to the quiz at the Black Bull. Every Saturday we sing, ‘I Will Bloody Survive’ on the karaoke, and Christ knows how, but somehow, we always do. We watch Corrie on the telly and then dissect it over coffee and fags.”
This last sentiment seemed to spark some inner reflex and her right hand reached across the table and her left joined in. Between them, with her eyes never once leaving mine, her hands helped themselves to one of my superkings. She paused, but only long enough to light the cigarette, absently flicking a second one across the table to me.
“For Christ sake, Beth, let’s do something different before we die.”
She blew a plume of hoary smoke into the air and I watched it unravelling as she continued to talk at me. The battle was already won. We both knew it, but we went through the motions because that’s how the game was played. I didn’t hear what she said next. I was stuck on the last words and the statement was just too damned bulky to clamber over.
Before we die.
They seem prophetic now, those words, a portent to take with us on our mad adventure.
“Isn’t it?”
She’d asked a question but didn’t bother to wait for an answer. “And anyway, it’s on The Princess Selandria in Barrow. You know? That new boat that they’ve turned into a nightclub? They probably think that doing something radical like this will bring the punters in don’t they? But, I’ll tell you now, I’m not paying over three quid for a watered down vodka and coke,” she pulled a face, “we’ll take a half bottle out with us and sneak it into our cokes when we go to the loo. So, are we up for it then, or what?”
I loved Maggie. Oh, not in a girl on girl action kind of way. I loved her and, at the same time, often couldn’t be doing with her. It’s that love that you can only have for a life-long friend. It’s nothing like the love I had for Rob, or the way she loves her kids.
I haven’t been to see the kids since it happened. One more thing to feel guilty about, I suppose. But what would I say to Jess and Connor and little Barry? What could I say?
You see, I know where Colin is … And one day, just that one thing, just knowing that, will probably drive me insane.
"by" -- rishigan, kajang, selangor.
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