"...So do you want them or should I give them to Jamie and a date?"
Maria DiMarco was trying her hardest to get through to her long-term foster daughter, Scarlett. Jamie was Maria's real son had been trying to impress a girl for weeks and the tickets that Scarlett had just been offered was the perfect opportunity to - "Scarlett!" Maria barked sharply. scarlett snapped out of her trance-like state,"What?" she replied. Maria found it infuriating when this happened, which it often did.
"For the past ten minutes, I've been trying to ask you if you would like some tickets for a New Year's party tonight," Maria sighed, "If you don't want them, then I'll just..." "No - wait," Scarlett said, suddenly interested now that the word 'party' had been mentioned. "How many tickets are we talking?" "Two tickets. See, Pablo won the employee of the year award at his surgery again, but we'd already planned to attend a party across the road with the neighbours. So do you want them?" "The neighbours?" "No, dear - the tickets!" "Uh, yeah, thanks Mom!"
"Yeah, thanks Mom," Jamie remarked, sarcastically. Maria shook her head and sighed. She was a tall Mexican woman in her mid-forties. She had very dark, almost round eyes, olive-coloured skin and dark hair which was always tied back from her face. She was a little plump and often dressed in floral or Mexican print dresses. "Jamie, if Scarlett wants the tickets, she's got them. Perhaps if you're nice to her, she'll let you go tonight - or you could go to the party we're going to," Maria suggested. "That's great, Mom, but I don't think Saskia will be impressed by the Robertsons' collection of coat-hangers very appealing," Jamie replied, sounded quite bored. "And I'd planned on taking Carmen anyway. Sorry..." "Sure," Jamie yawned, taking the tickets from Maria and slapping them into Scarlett's outstretched palm. As he left the room, he said to Scarlett "You owe me, BIG time."
Jamie was very tall like his father, Pablo. He had the same type of facial features as his mother. He was muscular and had long, dark, sweeping hair down to his waist.
Scarlett read the tickets for details and gasped. "Oh my God! This party is, like the biggest New Year party EVER! It's filmed for TV and every thing! But that means i'll have to get ready almost right away! I better call Carmen - see if she can go."
She rushed to the family phone, her dyed red hair flowing out behind her. Scarlett had pale skin and huge green eyes which were always outlined in thick, black kohl pencil. her full, long hair fell down her back. She was average height, but her weight was much less than average, as she'd been anorexic since not long after her boyfriend died two years ago. That was just the start of her crazy, mixed up life. After her boyfriend's parents didn't allow her to go to his funeral she sank into a deep depression, even trying to take her own life once. She confessed to her parents that she was being bullied at her school and they decided she'd be better off somewhere else. and so, under a different identity so the bullies could never find her, she was moved into the DiMarco's foster home as one of their family.They told everyone that she was Maria and Pablo's child, back from travelling. Not a day went by when she didn't miss her old life and her old family and boyfriend. She didn't dislike her new life with Maria and Pablo and their real children, 17 year-old unidentical twins Jamie and Danny, and the occasional foster child, but she hadn't had any contact with her parents apart from Christmas and birthday cards and presents. As for anyone else, Scarlett's parents had told them she was dead to avoid suspiscion. But she longed to tell them the truth. She wasn't dead she was perfectly alive and well... but it was too risky.
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