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Untitled - Chapter 2
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Untitled - Chapter 2
[698 words]
[November 2006]
Untitled - Chapter 3 (Novels) - [498 words] [Teenage]
Untitled - Chapter 2

When they arrived, the party was already in full swing.The place was full of celebrities, but Scarlett hardly noticed them. To her, they were just normal people. It was a different story with Carmen! She squealed and flitted around, like a kid in a toy shop. A group of posh-looking people turned their noses up and walked away from her.Scarlett took their handbags to a table, while Carmen got them both a drink.
     When she returned, Scarlett panicked.
"Is that cola mixed with that?" she almost shouted.
"Yes..." Carmen said, carefully, wondering why Scarlett was panicking.
"Is it diet cola?" she asked, in the same tone.
"I - I don't know," Carmen said. She hated it when Scarlett got like this.
"I'm sorry... thank you," Scarlett said, laying the drink down on the table.It wasn't drank.
Carmen blew her fringe upwards. "I am SO pumped! That guy over there just smiled at me! Oh, and i seen the singer you like from No Way Out near the bar."
    Scarlett's eyes lit up. "Wow! Where is he now?"
"Over on the dancefloor, still smiling at me!"
"Not him! Blake. The singer?"
"Ohh, him! Well he's moved, so I dunno now. Anyway, you don't mind watching my bag and drink for a sec do you? I'm gonna check out that guy!!
"Sure, go ahead. But don't leave me for too long," Scarlett laughed.
Carmen made a dash for the dancefloor.
    After all, Scarlett thought. Its not like any guys will like ME here.
    Carmen was a red-head too. She was taller than Scarlett, and slimmer too (or so Scarlett thought), and she had dark blue eyes. She was 4 years older than her best friend.
    She looked around for Blake, but couldn't see him anywhere. She was about to go and catch up with Carmen, when she realised Blake had been sitting on hte table next to hers, alone, since Carmen had gone to dance.
"Hi, you ok?" Blake asked, cheerily, but he was obviously tired.
"Yeah, sure. Are you?" she asked back.
"I guess. So i saw you come in before, when we were doing a set. Were we good?"
"Well what I seen was great, but I missed most of it. My friend took too long getting ready," she explained.
"Bummer... So, what's your name?"
"I'm Scarlett,"
"Blake," he said back.
"I know," Scarlett laughed.
"Your names nice, it really suits you,"
"Thank you, that's so nice!" It would be nice, if it was my real name, she thought.
    Blake hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to sound insulting, but - "Why are you so thin?" he blurted out.
    Scarlett blushed. She hated it when people asked her this.But Blake's eyes were warm and concerned. His eyes were a soft, icy blue/gray, and like Scarlett's, they were outlined with kohl pencil. He had black hair that was spiky, but fluffy at the same time. He was tall, with a body that most women liked.
    She saw the look in his eyes. It wasn't a look of disgust, like most people who asked this, but a look of kindness and concern.
    "Well actually," she began, swallowing hard, "I'm anorexic." She waited for a snide remark or a 'Nice knowing you, but i have to go', but it never came.
    "Wow, um... that must've been really hard to tell me, right?"
"Yeah. Yeah it was. You're the first guy I've told, actually."
    Carmen suddenly flounced over, her little nose in the air. "That guy is such a jerk! He is literally the most-ohmygod!! Scarlett! Look!" she was doing manic pointing in Blake's direction.
"Hi," Blake said, calmly.
Carmen was almost hysterical, while Blake just looked on amused.
"Shut up, Carmen! Its almost 11:30 and the jerk can probably hear you!" Scarlett smiled.
"Hey, Blake's not a jerk!" Carmen insisted.
There was an awkward pause."You didn't mean Blake, did you?" she realised.
Scarlett shook her head.
Carmen nodded, a little embarrassed.
"So can I get you girls a refill?" Blake asked.
They both nodded.
    He returned with 3 drinks, and 2 guys about his age, the other members of his band. The drummer, Taryn, and the bassist Mark. Taryn had light brown hair and small blue/green eyes. He was quite pale, average height and average build. Mark was tall, and athletic, woth dark brown hair and steel colored eyes.


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November 2006

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