Sooz, Pseudonym: Kat Black: Katherine Black: Jane doe: Sue Simpson.
Lizards Leap: Kat Black Keepers of the Quantum: Sue Simpson Better The Devil You Know: Sue Simpson People on the Edge: Sue Simpson Rat-a-tat-tat: Katherine Black Dark Around the Edges: Katherine BlackMy Name is Jane Doe: Jane Doe
All available on Amazonuk and in local bookshops.
Sooz 44, lives in Barrow-in-furness with one dog, ninteen mad reptiles, one man and one of two sons.
[January 2008]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (20) A Time To Live (Short Stories) Challenge piece. It had to be drama and it had to contain an affair at work. This isn't drama and isn't really an affair! Oh well at least I got a story out of it. [1,504 words] [Horror] Enterprise (Short Stories) Flash challenge piece working on the inspiration word of 'Innovation' [343 words] [Psychology] Fag-It Girls (Poetry) Saw these two while I was out getting a butty. [189 words] Famous (Poetry) It's hard being famous! [92 words] [Humor] Figures (Short Stories) Observational [549 words] [Psychology] Friday 11th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) New lizard arriving today. [2,828 words] [Biography] Friday 18th January 2008 Some Sexual Content (Non-Fiction) *Decency warning* contains some sexual reference [2,151 words] [Psychology] It Ws Only A Name (Short Stories) Murder Mystery [2,440 words] [Mystery] Jane Doe Seven 2008 (Non-Fiction) New year, new book, here we go again. [976 words] [Biography] Jane Doe Thursday 10th January 2008 (Non-Fiction) The Ark is full, but what's one more lizard? [714 words] [Biography] Saturday 12th Jan. (Non-Fiction) Muses on writing and ponderings on life... and almost no lizards! [1,296 words] [Biography] Thursday 17th Jan (Non-Fiction) Ructions [1,252 words] [Psychology] Wednesday 16th Jan 2008 (Non-Fiction) - [1,252 words] [Psychology] White Phantom Chapter Five (Novels) Unexpected visitor [2,555 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Four (Novels) Repercussions...After killing a man, Beth decides what to do next .. and meets Phantom [4,663 words] [Thriller] White Phantom Chapter One (Novels) Sometimes we make choices that can ruin lives. [623 words] [Thriller] White Phantom Chapter Seven, The Body (Novels) removal [4,875 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Six (Novels) I know what you did last night [2,328 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Three, Rape (Novels) Decency warning graphic rape scene may be deemed offensive. [8,980 words] [Horror] White Phantom Chapter Two (Novels) Beth and Maggie go through with it. [2,109 words] [Horror]
Wednesday 16th Jan 2008, Bloody Kids Sooz
Wednesday 16th January 2008
I am furious with Marty.
We've had an ongoing battle for some months. He wants a moped when he's sixteen.
I don't want him to have a moped when he's sixteen because with all my love and devotion to him behind this statement he's a cocky little dick-head.
I want him to have a moped when he's ninety.
So let me big him up before I knock him down.
This is a lad of fifteen. He's also six foot five, but that's beside the point, don't get me started on buying pants for him or we'll be here all night.
When he was eight years old I was told that he was a 'gifted' child and unfortunately 'gifted' child and 'problem' child amount to pretty much the same thing, only with a gifted child they have the brains to be more of a problem than a standard problem kid.
Marty has never really got on with other kids and has always walked his path in an adult world... my fault? Probably.
At twelve he lied and blagged and got himself a paper round, though I believe the legal requirement is fourteen. From that day to this the kid's always worked in some paid capacity.
He sat most of his GCSE's a year early last year and his lowest grade was a B despite him rarely attending school because he was 'finished' with it. This year he goes into school two days a week to sit his English and Maths. The other three days he's doing a City and Guilds course in catering and an N.V.Q 2 in catering.
One of his placements is in a busy restauraunt and the other is in a farm shop with attached butchery where alongside catering he is learning to butch (hhmm), both places think the world of him.
He goes straight from school or his placements to work.
He is working in a Turkish pizzeria five to seven nights a week from four until twelve. Where he earns over a hundred and fifty pounds a week. He has done this for the last year or so. I have never known another child do so many paid hours work before. I feel guilty that he's wasted his childhood in this way, that I've let him do it ... but it makes him happy.
I'm very proud of him. We had a terrible year the one before last and since then he's turned his life around and is making good. I hate the fact that he spends every penny he gets on rubbish, but, by God, I defend his right to do that. He's earned the money he can spend it any way he chooses. What's really sickening is that he can have twenty take-aways a week and drink gallons of coke and not put on an ounce, the swine.
At home he is a different boy. He's bone idle and does nothing. I don't mean that he does very little, I literally mean that he does nothing. I feel horribly taken advantage of and to some degree bullied.
Marty turns sixteen in March.
We have talked about this damned moped and he knows my feelings about it. But, as always happens when Marty doesn't get exactly his own way, he gets his big brother on side. Their argument is that having his own means of transport will open up a whole world of opportunities for Marty in terms of real work when he leaves school.
I can't argue with that one.
So the other night we were talking and I agreed to him having one if we could afford it. He was on about buying one for five hundred pounds and I said that I could manage “A hundred pounds, maybe a hundred and fifty.”
I came in from work last night and I was tired. I wanted a milky coffee, a fag and a bath in that order but I had to sort the animals before I could indulge myself with any of them.
His opening line was.
“Oh, mam, I need a hundred and fifty quid off you tonight.”
“What? What for.”
“I've found a moped.”
“Marty, your Birthday isn't until March, you've no chance mate.”
“Well, I'm going to get it on Wednesday, so I need the money tonight so that I know I've got it. Are you going to give me it or not.”
If Marty doesn't get exactly what Marty wants, exactly when Marty wants it we have a major tantrum, and he's learned to be quite a bully too. He knows that if he plays the 'you're a shite mother,' card long enough and hard enough, I'll buckle.
This week I've paid for my new animals. I figured that I had two months before I had to worry about his Birthday, the money just isn't there. I tried explaining this to him.
“You said you'd give me a hundred and fifty pounds.”
“No, Marty, I said that I'd give you a hundred pounds, maybe a hundred and fifty if I could manage it... on your Birthday.”
Well he went on.
“Oh it's different though when you want a snake, isn't it? The money's there for that.”
And I shut off.
And when we went to bed I broached the subject with Russ and asked him if I could borrow a hundred and fifty pounds until pay day. Like Russ said, if we do it now, at least he's got it.
Marty wins again.
The moped will go to Col's house until it's legal. There is no way I'm going to put the temptation of a bike outside the house until he's passed this CBT or whatever the hell it is. That will be the next argument. He will go on and on. I will not give in on this and he will drive me nuts until he gets the bloody thing when he's pased his test and got it legal.
What really pisses me off is that Marty's making at least a hundred and fifty pounds a week, that is his money, I've never touched a penny of it (oh but my my, wait till you're sixteen mate and have to start paying your way)
This Christmas he never bought a single Christmas Present. Nothing for Col and Sandy who are brilliant with him. Nothing for Russ who is fantastic, nothing for me... not a thing.
Oh but when it's his Birthday everybody has to jump through hoops.
Russ went to the hole in the wall at midnight last night to get the money Marty wanted. I promised to pay him back by the end of the month when I get paid. I said to Russ, “I hope you feel as used and taken advantage of as I do.”
He's so good natured though that he said, “Just remember what it's like to be young and want something badly, Jane.”
Yes but the difference is... I had to get it my bloody self.
My new animals are coming on Tuesday. I hope that viv is up and running by then or emergency measures are going to have to be taken. Martin hasn't been able to get the red iguana in yet, but he thinks it's looking good for the next month or so. The other two lizards and my snake are ready and waiting for me. In fact, he was going to deliver them tomorrow. I was sensible, can you imagine that, me sensible for once. I put him off until next Tuesday when hopefully the vivs will be ready and I have a day off.
I can't wait, more crazy wild lizards to tame down.
Roma has settled in beautifully, she's a little pig and eats very well and she's so sweet and gentle that we can handle her any time. She's already started to come out and have free time, but of course she can't join in little lizard playtime yet because she's in quarantine for three months.
Russ continues to give me grief over the snake... but that's another story.
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